As other poster said, "Fema Camp" Add comment- ''Sleepy Sloppy Joe, you can play president here, so nobody gets hurt. J. Roberts is with you to swear you in, Kamala can back you up, all good. Meanwhile, the rest of us on the outside need to carry on the business of USA."
I laughed so hard I cried when I saw that. And the swamp creatures and their media lapdogs Actually Believe it's been put up to "Protect Them" from us-What a bunch of Maroons!
I saw that and wondered why. I don't see Jerry Nadler running much less scaling a fence. Criminals shouldn't run, it's undignified. Acknowledge you've been caught, not that it will go any easier.
The white is at the top of the fence. Just how tall do you think pedestrians are? 9 feet tall?
Just how dumb do you think pedestrians are? That people will just walk into razor wire?
No, I was thinking that since a sidewalk is what's called a 'pedestrian thoroughfare', the public (normally) has the full right of use of that space, whether its length, width or its vertical space.
All of that belongs to we the people, and so no city ordinarily has any right to trespass into 'our' space. i.e. a person next door can't just build an upstairs room extension that extends out over your yard.
Also not sure about the Capitol grounds, but if it's like the White House grounds - you can't just go in there and walk around, as you're entitled to do with a public commons.
Plus regular citizens using a sidewalk are not usually criminals. However there are dangerous criminals known to be in the halls and grounds of Congress.
So putting wire on the inside respects the public's rights more, and at the very least sends a message as to who the targeted criminal threats are.
Bruh, they have 20,000 military people, high fences and barbed wire because of armed "insurrection"... they dont give a flying _____ about sidewalk easements or pedestrian rights....
Which is why the barb witness facing inwards, to keep the treasonous politicians in... ita not facing that way because of "pedestrian right of way"... come on now.
Actually that's exactly what I just affirmed. This seeming difference in perspectives is because it's not intended to be an 'either/or' observation, but a 'both/and'.
In addition to what you are saying, the secondary point is that the military is supposed to uphold and serve civil society, to the extent possible. They are here to dominate enemy combatants, not us.
So while being effective, they should also fully respect the role and rights of citizens (to the extent possible) while accomplishing their mission/s.
[add] i.e. they had a CHOICE as to where to put it, and all the above (citizen's rights, Congress' guilt) + optics may have been partly why they chose inside the fence. Just a speculation in response to your op.
Think mirror? They had to get the Trump is insurrection narrative out quick.
I did wonder about that when I saw the video of the NG putting it up?
I dont think that's true
Shitty website and amp too /facepalm.
As other poster said, "Fema Camp" Add comment- ''Sleepy Sloppy Joe, you can play president here, so nobody gets hurt. J. Roberts is with you to swear you in, Kamala can back you up, all good. Meanwhile, the rest of us on the outside need to carry on the business of USA."
I laughed so hard I cried when I saw that. And the swamp creatures and their media lapdogs Actually Believe it's been put up to "Protect Them" from us-What a bunch of Maroons!
Hm, I wasn't able to tell if that was inside or outside before.
I saw that and wondered why. I don't see Jerry Nadler running much less scaling a fence. Criminals shouldn't run, it's undignified. Acknowledge you've been caught, not that it will go any easier.
I mentioned earlier i desire to see this.
Please let it happen. Please let Fatler shit his pants while running. Please let the NG rofl.
Lower third: "ASSAULT ON THE CAPITOL!!1!1!!one!11!"
I mean look at that logo, all fancy with a capital background and whatnot.
(Probably takes half an hour at most to make, and they likely have templates for them just in case things happen)
They don't want to expose people simply walking down the sidewalk to razor wire?
Come on....
You know the thing...
The white is at the top of the fence. Just how tall do you think pedestrians are? 9 feet tall? Just how dumb do you think pedestrians are? That people will just walk into razor wire?
No, I was thinking that since a sidewalk is what's called a 'pedestrian thoroughfare', the public (normally) has the full right of use of that space, whether its length, width or its vertical space.
All of that belongs to we the people, and so no city ordinarily has any right to trespass into 'our' space. i.e. a person next door can't just build an upstairs room extension that extends out over your yard.
Also not sure about the Capitol grounds, but if it's like the White House grounds - you can't just go in there and walk around, as you're entitled to do with a public commons.
Plus regular citizens using a sidewalk are not usually criminals. However there are dangerous criminals known to be in the halls and grounds of Congress.
So putting wire on the inside respects the public's rights more, and at the very least sends a message as to who the targeted criminal threats are.
Bruh, they have 20,000 military people, high fences and barbed wire because of armed "insurrection"... they dont give a flying _____ about sidewalk easements or pedestrian rights....
They work for us.
Which is why the barb witness facing inwards, to keep the treasonous politicians in... ita not facing that way because of "pedestrian right of way"... come on now.
Actually that's exactly what I just affirmed. This seeming difference in perspectives is because it's not intended to be an 'either/or' observation, but a 'both/and'. In addition to what you are saying, the secondary point is that the military is supposed to uphold and serve civil society, to the extent possible. They are here to dominate enemy combatants, not us. So while being effective, they should also fully respect the role and rights of citizens (to the extent possible) while accomplishing their mission/s.
[add] i.e. they had a CHOICE as to where to put it, and all the above (citizen's rights, Congress' guilt) + optics may have been partly why they chose inside the fence. Just a speculation in response to your op.
I saw this too and was like WTF but then remembered these structures are not to keep people out but to keep them in. It's going to be wild.
If it's on the outside pretty sure they can clip it
If it’s on the inside it’s easy to throw carpet over and breach. With it on the outside it still poses an obstacle.
They won't get that far with all the NG there.
Depends on what direction you are running
Good point.
It’s not to keep us out! It’s to keep them in!
Good eye!
thats to keep em in and out lol, ball snaggers
still works from the outside in this config, prevents removal + still effective (potentially)
Angle might be off, is that really the inside?
As Cat_Anon said, take a look at his link.
about 20 seconds in