82 () Q Drop posted 4 years ago by burrito 4 years ago by burrito +106 / -24 48 comments share 48 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Downvotes incoming. Some people don’t have a sense of humor. SMH.
This faggot just rickroll us?
lmao, updoot mate.
Nice rickroll.
LOL ass
I bet no other rickrole in all of history enraged so many people so badly. Well done.
Holy crap that’s hilarious. Qudos
most creative rick roll ever
Not gonna lie.... you got me in the first half lol
Gives new meaning to [RR]
Rick Rollz
RiQ Astley in the house!
You are a genius, the comments section is gold, very nice. Perfectly timed.
I was just watching tje Rick roll video before I clicked this...
I was about to go all indignant and shout "FAKE AND GAY"....
But I just had to laugh!?
Plot Twist! Rick Astley is Q! The Pinnacle Patriot!
Now I can say I've been rickrolled by the best.
ngl I laughed
Don't give up your day job...
The last "Q" Post WAS December 8th, 2020 had a video link. The video link has since been taking down.
Fake yes, gay no.
Troll makes a good point. Newbies need to learn how to verify.
Fake Post
Lmfao, really!!, what gave it away lol
No drop.
https://qposts.online/ https://qalerts.app/ https://joyinliberty.com/q/drops/ https://qanon.pub/ https://qalerts.pub/?q=
I'm Deporting you for that lame rickroll
This also glow though. Because another handshake posted a Rick roll video at the exact same time.
Check the date numb nuts...BULLSHIT
This is not a Q drop...fake and gay
Such great discernment you have! You should apply for the CIA. IQ: >9000
fake gay and deport