Perfect description. (I'm just stunned to see him not wearing his cuckmuzzle here).
It's like the military rule is seeking to humiliate him before disposing of him.
No, I don't quite get how it will all wrap up, or quite what's going on here... but none of this, is remotely normal.
Why not use the big honking desk in the oval office? I don't understand why President Trump used that desk, and I still don't understand it now either. It looks ridiculous no matter who uses it...
I thought Trump used the smaller desk because the WH was being decorated for Christmas. The tree behind him wasn't even decorated, yet ... if I remember correctly. But now I'm thinking it was a heads up for coming attractions from our Q+.
I didn’t know about the colors. I looked it up. At, they have Illuminati info about alters and colors. Purple/ violet could be child alters. I couldn’t figure out how to link it. It’s very disturbing.
I feel sad just looking at that. That is the face of a man who has been completely neutered. Imagine spending most of your life pursuing a political career, winding up in the office of the most powerful man in the world, and then having to sit at the children's desk with a Chinese man's hand up your ass moving your mouth for you while another one makes you sign treasonous order after treasonous order, knowing full well you are selling out your homeland, all the while being a prisoner inside your own mind and being just cognizant enough to realize that your soul is slowly leaking out of your body and to be able to feel it go day by day. What a horrible fate.
Yeah, I thought it was hilarious too because Trump is a big guy and he was so nonchalant. Why do they use that little table, for certain camera angles?
That’s Trumps “little desk” the MSM made fun of him for.
? Looks like a tv tray ?
Perfect description. (I'm just stunned to see him not wearing his cuckmuzzle here). It's like the military rule is seeking to humiliate him before disposing of him. No, I don't quite get how it will all wrap up, or quite what's going on here... but none of this, is remotely normal.
I know its too weird... something is about to happen
it's like the little kids table at thanksgiving
Why not use the big honking desk in the oval office? I don't understand why President Trump used that desk, and I still don't understand it now either. It looks ridiculous no matter who uses it...
I thought Trump used the smaller desk because the WH was being decorated for Christmas. The tree behind him wasn't even decorated, yet ... if I remember correctly. But now I'm thinking it was a heads up for coming attractions from our Q+.
The Resolute desk is a big part of history, so look up its history.. please.. ;)
OMFG he's back in grade school!
We get it, we get it.
Purple Revolution.
Now, knock it off, please.
I like that color and I want to wear it again.
I didn’t know about the colors. I looked it up. At, they have Illuminati info about alters and colors. Purple/ violet could be child alters. I couldn’t figure out how to link it. It’s very disturbing.
Amen. And can we get non-LBGT rainbows and the word "gay" back too.
I feel sad just looking at that. That is the face of a man who has been completely neutered. Imagine spending most of your life pursuing a political career, winding up in the office of the most powerful man in the world, and then having to sit at the children's desk with a Chinese man's hand up your ass moving your mouth for you while another one makes you sign treasonous order after treasonous order, knowing full well you are selling out your homeland, all the while being a prisoner inside your own mind and being just cognizant enough to realize that your soul is slowly leaking out of your body and to be able to feel it go day by day. What a horrible fate.
I.E., falling into the hells alive... :(
Go sit at the kid's table Joe.
Even the sign language lady is like “Da fuck!?!?!”?
Like the Kids Table at Thanksgiving ;)
Kids table, lol. He never did get to the Adult Table.
The pic need a pudding cup
Surprised they haven't just given him a rubber stamp.
That's his kiddie table... Not pictured: kids to sniff
Where is this supposed to be in the White House?
Sitting at the kiddy table, eh Joe?
Is he sitting on a potty chair?
Trump used it too...
Yeah, I thought it was hilarious too because Trump is a big guy and he was so nonchalant. Why do they use that little table, for certain camera angles?
When you're not allowed to sit at the grown-ups' table...
seriously ...really ??? and know one on this putz's team recognized the blowback that would ensue from this photo op .../!
I feel ya, sign language lady... I feel ya.
Trump probably brought the resolute desk to Florida
Trump signed at that table also. But unlike with Biden, the MSM made fun of him about it.
That's like the kids table. He looks like he is thinking..all they have me do is sit here and sign blank papers to Corn Pop all day!
It’s like the kiddie table at thanksgiving dinner. We all know how much Joe loves the kiddie table.
Trump also had a tiny desk but Biden is a beta male so he will always look like a funny idiot.
There's my chopping block!
The one in my Barbie Dream house was bigger