As the stickied Joe M video says, it's crucial for Trump to play by the rules or else the whole thing will be delegitimized. I don't see how you can pull the rug and put Trump back in at this point without the media painting it as a coup.
So is it possible the military is keeping Biden in check.. But they intend to do it until 2024? Their only job is to make sure things don't cross a line that can't get undone, like getting into a nuclear war, packing the court, getting rid of the electoral college, etc. Biden's four years has a bad impact on employment, but the military has decided it's worth it to redpill people. Then Trump returns 2024.
That is retarded.
straight up retarded
retarded for them because then you just have an underground war
retarded for you because believing the military or any other org being in true control is basically supporting a deep state (even if they are on a side you personally support).
How about we just fucking get back to an actual constitutional republic?
super retarded
Take that shit to
Then we have the worst Military in the history of mankind.
What's the point if the fraudulent voting machines remain.
I don't buy that for a second.
How long max can they fake it for?
I had thought of that. Look how long it took to get through Russiagate. Then Ukrainegate and impeachment. It takes either a mighty shock or a long evolution to deal with every event. If the military came out tomorrow and said "We've seen enough, we're taking over because we know about fraud and treason and can show the receipts all day long," what do you think would happen? Definitely "Trump is pulling strings." First I think the media is going to have to be taken out or turned around.
no - the mil is waiting until international situations are all favorable to his project. Also, I think Trump wants to let people get a good look at Joey in action
State will secede and civil war will break out in a matter of months now.
How long does it take for a state to secede? Can they do it unilaterally?
Soon after Abraham Lincoln was elected to the presidency in November 1860, seven southern states seceded from the Union. In March 1861, after he was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States, four more followed.
So not long...
People that need to be red pilled are already red pilled they need to pull the plug to red pill the rest of the sheep like ripping a band aid off.
So send Trump a memo. I'm sure he and the mil will now to your wishes because they know you know more than they do
I agree, one way to expose MSM.
No. No man. Hell no, man.
C'mon, man, no
I've wondered how Trump would be returned to his rightful place in the White House before the 4 years is up myself. I am hopeful that the plan does not call for letting this play out for 4 years. There is way too much at stake...
The secrecy of a this whole situation is the most annoying part imo.
Nuclear war - could come at any time, needs probably a call from HRC & company to start seeing red alerts popping
Packing the court - justice system is already gone Getting rid of the electoral college - they won't really need it as everyone is on their boats
so no, that wouldn't make sense at all
Fuck that I’m out!
Your brain on drugs. Just say no.
Not the way those EOs are going
NO FUCKING WAY - with all due respect
we won't be here to be able to vote in 2024- have you NOT read the book Agenda 21????
The flaw in this plan is simple and the military understand this... we won't make it 4 months much less 4 years. Hell, we might not make it 4 WEEKS. Seriously with all the crazy stupid crap Biden and his communist buddies are doing how long do you think it will be before 2-3 crazy ass right wingers try to shoot his dumb ass? Hell at this point maybe left wingers...?
I'm not calling for it. I'm not planning it. I don't even want it to happen. I'm saying if they continue antagonizing people, killing their relatives, stealing the very food off their families tables... how long before someone takes a shot?
Then they will start BS stuff like gun confiscation laws. Next thing you know 300 FBI/ATF are pinned down and slaughtered in no where Idaho by 5,000 3% members. Then the NG is called in. Half of them won't go. They ask the regular military and get a hardy fuck you. Generals start resigning. Pretty soon camps start forming. NG armories are raided for gear. On and on... it would be like someone opened Pandora's box and pissed in it just to see what comes out.
Once that shit starts even the military can't stop it. They can't allow this to go on for too much longer. If they do they are the most incompetent morons on earth.
IMHO this was the whole point of Q. It was to give people just enough hope so they would hold back. Without Q tons of insane shit would already have happened. That wave or rage grows larger every day. The dam Q has built isn't big enough. It WILL break eventually. Just imagine if they cheat again in the midterm elections. Its over at that point. The rage bubble will explode like a super nova... screw nukes.
4 years was never on the table.
China puppet is no good for USA. China puppet go bye bye with help of US Military.
We would not let a puppet for another dictator take off would we? Why would we let Chinese dictator do it?
Even Trump realizes there’s an expiration date on Patriot patience.
They're doing a terrible job keeping him in check in that theory, and we are inching closer to all out civil war which will be far worse than the media -- of which many would be implicated in all this to begin with, so they'd be gone -- painting him as illegitimate.
Eventually IF Pedo Joe is THE pres then at some point all of his EO's will go into effect. Once they go into effect they will obviously start dismantling the country.
WHY would the military allow that if Pedo Joe really doesn't have power???
This post almost made me faint.
I think what is going on in the world is impacted by and is imacting what is going on now and the timing of when this faux douchebag will go down. This election is just part of a bigger global picture.
I don't think anyone would have the stomach for that ?
Not sure if he has 4 years of life left in him..
It has been 10 days. I would give them a little time. We all want this period of hell to be over. NESARA is such an incredible potential, that it is worth waiting for. None of China Joe's edicts have gone into effect yet so just give some time. I would think a lot will happen before the bullshit impeachment
Destroy them all and no worries about what they might say lol
As vomitous as this sounds, this strategy that could be useful. This loathsome potato appears to be compromised and controlled by something other than the globalist deep state commie transhumanist apparatus that was supporting it during it's campaign. 'They' could be making him do just enough commie crap to keep up appearances and expose the absurdity of the vermin left policies. It would be an advantage to have this sack of garbage take the responsibility for any messy engagements, like taking out ISIS leaders or other vermin. 1384 days (Pompeo) sounds like a prison sentence. But Trump's last speech at Andrews AFB, he said, " You’re going to see incredible numbers start coming in if everything is sort of left alone. Be careful, very complex, be careful." A way of letting us know that the military is running the show and will sort of 'freeze' things for a while. The left needs to be handed their ass. Maybe this zombie corpse will be utilized for that purpose.
Are you retarded?