It's definitely LARPy, but as Q says "These people are stupid".
I contacted an old friend Monday and asked if he was in on the GME action? No response. Thursday he calls up in a huff. Apparently he had been assigned an asshole customer at a consulting company. Customer bragged about his college, upbringing, etc. Generally talked about how great he was and proceeded to berate their work. Really frustrating meeting. None of that is important though..
The reason my friend called? At the end of the meeting the brat had stated, out of the blue, "Whatever you do, don't buy Gamestop!"
These people sincerely think that we think they're as great as they imagine themselves to be.
They're planning on destroying our entire economy with lockdowns and the great reset so why the fuck should anyone care? At least this way people will have something with real intrinsic value instead of worthless paper. Maybe this is what they get for rubbing our god damn faces in their communist great reset fucking bullshit.
So, this means they want their version only. Managed care. Touch the source of their power, and suddenly, Armageddon is around the corner.
It may indeed be that a lot of shit may be caused. It would be nice if that primarily would fall on their heads. If so, do not be surprised to be accused of being antisemitic for holding silver.
Sounds legit to me. It is widely known that silver is suppressed and it is even known who holds the bag. I have some silver but not enough to want the dollar to implode with no obvious replacement. He is wrong though the BANKERS are the fools to think this could go on forever.
America will not be destroyed. America will be freed from the grip of the globalist banks and other corrupted institutions. This would be a win for America.
It seems to be a tiny but important issue is not taken into account in such a wetdream scenario.
We have tried before, but it did not take off.
The agreement is, to force settlement in fiat currency if settling in physical is not possible.
This particular item is very important, and functions as not only a stop-gap but is actually what keeps the paper market afloat.
Physical is harder to come by, then a couple of years ago. IF this trend continues, a shortage in physical will emerge, logically. I would then expect the Premium for Physical to skyrocket, whilst local availability would approach zero.
In the papermarket, it would not translate, as one would only have to throw contracts at it, increasing the size of the papermarket, based on a bigger cash allocation to make the increase in paper feasible.
We still have a plunge protection team. And trading can be paused or prohibited.
That said, it would probably show the way in which the system is rigged against us, just like fingerprinting a browser, or a network.
All I see is a LARPer.
But okay; we are waging a new form of civil war against the deep state. Suck it.
It's definitely LARPy, but as Q says "These people are stupid".
I contacted an old friend Monday and asked if he was in on the GME action? No response. Thursday he calls up in a huff. Apparently he had been assigned an asshole customer at a consulting company. Customer bragged about his college, upbringing, etc. Generally talked about how great he was and proceeded to berate their work. Really frustrating meeting. None of that is important though..
The reason my friend called? At the end of the meeting the brat had stated, out of the blue, "Whatever you do, don't buy Gamestop!"
These people sincerely think that we think they're as great as they imagine themselves to be.
I get trusting the plan.
But if the system can't be fixed, I'd rather see it burn.
Why would I give a fuck about this country's institutions if everything is rigged.
"Is this what you want to happen when we're in the middle of a pandemic?"
this person have the nerve to say "un-American" lol
It’s funny to see the people who start sucking banker dick.
So.... Buy silver and hold is what I'm getting from this larp.
Don't you fucking DARE open your eyes or anyone else's!!!
That's an awful lot of words for HOLD THE LINE...
Sounds like we're about to find out there isn't as much silver as claimed to be...
But this dude is right it will be biblical.
Me: Buys more silver!
Can't read, bought more Silver.
They're planning on destroying our entire economy with lockdowns and the great reset so why the fuck should anyone care? At least this way people will have something with real intrinsic value instead of worthless paper. Maybe this is what they get for rubbing our god damn faces in their communist great reset fucking bullshit.
Indeed. Totally agree.
So, this means they want their version only. Managed care. Touch the source of their power, and suddenly, Armageddon is around the corner.
It may indeed be that a lot of shit may be caused. It would be nice if that primarily would fall on their heads. If so, do not be surprised to be accused of being antisemitic for holding silver.
Sounds legit to me. It is widely known that silver is suppressed and it is even known who holds the bag. I have some silver but not enough to want the dollar to implode with no obvious replacement. He is wrong though the BANKERS are the fools to think this could go on forever.
Yeah right, come take my silver lol.
Reading that made my day. The panic and fear is palpable.
Haha... Silver go brrrrr.
PSLV and AG to the moon!! ???
So should we buy physical silver or the silver stonks ?
Higher price physical, but you have it/Lower price stonks!
Pence was paid in Silver --- bring it down
I'm holding crypto so whatevz
small correction:
America will not be destroyed. America will be freed from the grip of the globalist banks and other corrupted institutions. This would be a win for America.
So what I'm hearing is that I should buy more silver.
It seems to be a tiny but important issue is not taken into account in such a wetdream scenario.
This particular item is very important, and functions as not only a stop-gap but is actually what keeps the paper market afloat.
Physical is harder to come by, then a couple of years ago. IF this trend continues, a shortage in physical will emerge, logically. I would then expect the Premium for Physical to skyrocket, whilst local availability would approach zero.
In the papermarket, it would not translate, as one would only have to throw contracts at it, increasing the size of the papermarket, based on a bigger cash allocation to make the increase in paper feasible.
We still have a plunge protection team. And trading can be paused or prohibited.
That said, it would probably show the way in which the system is rigged against us, just like fingerprinting a browser, or a network.
The free market is a place where people act in their own self-interest. In fact, asset charts simply map this.
Is this free? That dirty talk is so hot. I feel like I should be paying for this.
“I work for a bank”, “Don’t think that we won’t take away your silver”, “You’ve been warned.”
I shaved the fat off. That’s basically what was said. Lol