Somebody had to shut off comments on the White House Youtube channel on a Saturday evening yesterday. You know calls were being made to people who were at home.
Also since their shit is so subversive they have to keep lackeys to a need to know basis to limit liability so the effectiveness is only as good as thier ability to get orders to the minions.
Why are you downvoting him? He's right! Posobiec was a nobody until he tried to debunk Q.
real OGs remember "Microchip is Qanon" and that poorly put together, Smartphowned .com level fake text log complete with battery at 100%, Apple default time/date used in phone commercials, and to top it all off, the dude's fake text had a link to a news article that wouldn't be written and published for two more days (I guess Q really is a time traveller if Microchip was Q) and his totally legitimate friend's responses were basically "wow good job dude, nobody trolls like you"
How did Posobiec defend this? Delete the old one, pretend there never was an old one, and publish a new one with the date corrected saying, "Dude its a glitch bro, there fixed it, see? That proves it was a glitch somehow." and my favorite "Good morning everyone except for chatlog deniers."
Q 2123, he deleted his tweets but it was about the whole "Microchip reveals himself as Q to Posobiec" incident. Posobiec acted like a little bitch about it too
2124 is Q proving that Jack Posobiec is lying about fabricating a conversation with "microchip", a person Jack tried to promote as the "real Q".
Q proved Jack was lying by showing that Jack's doctored conversations with microchip included a chat conversation with microchip that linked to a future breitbart article that hadn't been published yet at the time.
Not to mention Posobiec's efforts to convince everyone that child trafficking absolutely didn't happen on the Cemex property in Arizona that had restraints on trees at a height that suggested was used for children.
2124 is Q proving that Jack Posobiec is lying about fabricating a conversation with "microchip", a person Jack tried to promote as the "real Q".
Q proved Jack was lying by showing that Jack's doctored conversations with microchip included a chat conversation with microchip that linked to a future breitbart article that hadn't been published yet at the time.
Not to mention Posobiec's efforts to convince everyone that child trafficking absolutely didn't happen on the Cemex property in Arizona that had restraints on trees at a height that suggested was used for children.
While we delight in what he said and in imagining how it panics the deep state, neither are his intended audience. Think about why an anti-Q guy would say that. He is playing the part of drumming up fear over QAnons and what we might be capable of. If they lay this foundation thick enough when the inevitable 'something' happens to Biden no matter what it turns out to be, then it had to be those Q guys infiltrating the WH. Sick. We all know the intent from day one of Biden's candidacy was that he would be taken out when he had served his purpose, now they want to make us their patsy for the plan they had all along.
Id love to be a fly on the wall seeing the absolute panic going on
I’d be more comfortable if I were a fly on the wall. That’s for sure.
Until someone walks in with a swatter.
I will stay high up and not fly around obnoxiously. :)
That is good advice for humans too....
Also as a fly, make sure you land on all swamp creatures
You know this got brought up at a meeting ?
Somebody had to shut off comments on the White House Youtube channel on a Saturday evening yesterday. You know calls were being made to people who were at home.
to be fair Obama left a stay behind network too. that being said, ours includes the vast majority of Military.
Also since their shit is so subversive they have to keep lackeys to a need to know basis to limit liability so the effectiveness is only as good as thier ability to get orders to the minions.
Imagine thinking Jack Posobiec isn't a Mossad agent, even after Q warned us of him over and over again.
Posobiec is either an idiot, or a useful idiot. He was pretty adamant that he was outing Cue not that long ago.
Why are you downvoting him? He's right! Posobiec was a nobody until he tried to debunk Q.
real OGs remember "Microchip is Qanon" and that poorly put together, Smartphowned .com level fake text log complete with battery at 100%, Apple default time/date used in phone commercials, and to top it all off, the dude's fake text had a link to a news article that wouldn't be written and published for two more days (I guess Q really is a time traveller if Microchip was Q) and his totally legitimate friend's responses were basically "wow good job dude, nobody trolls like you"
How did Posobiec defend this? Delete the old one, pretend there never was an old one, and publish a new one with the date corrected saying, "Dude its a glitch bro, there fixed it, see? That proves it was a glitch somehow." and my favorite "Good morning everyone except for chatlog deniers."
Any particular drop numbers to source this?
Q 2123, he deleted his tweets but it was about the whole "Microchip reveals himself as Q to Posobiec" incident. Posobiec acted like a little bitch about it too
2124 is Q proving that Jack Posobiec is lying about fabricating a conversation with "microchip", a person Jack tried to promote as the "real Q".
Q proved Jack was lying by showing that Jack's doctored conversations with microchip included a chat conversation with microchip that linked to a future breitbart article that hadn't been published yet at the time.
Not to mention Posobiec's efforts to convince everyone that child trafficking absolutely didn't happen on the Cemex property in Arizona that had restraints on trees at a height that suggested was used for children.
He's controlled opposition Mossad agent.
what drops warn of him??
2124 is Q proving that Jack Posobiec is lying about fabricating a conversation with "microchip", a person Jack tried to promote as the "real Q".
Q proved Jack was lying by showing that Jack's doctored conversations with microchip included a chat conversation with microchip that linked to a future breitbart article that hadn't been published yet at the time.
Not to mention Posobiec's efforts to convince everyone that child trafficking absolutely didn't happen on the Cemex property in Arizona that had restraints on trees at a height that suggested was used for children.
He's controlled opposition Mossad agent.
oh wow, goddamn so much disinformation, its a minefield!!
Said the guy who has repeatedly disavowed Q and anons.
Yeah, fuck this guy. Zero cred.
in that case the above tweet was probably him being sarcastic
Hypothetical: maybe Biden thinks the WH is bugged because that’s what he did to trump in ‘16... so it’s getting, “refurbished.”
WH is closed perma due to bankruptcy.
He’s taking out the bugs they installed for Trump and adding some new ones for the CCP.
So Posobiec still on Twiiter? Guy who said Q was fake. I wouldn't really consider this one a deep thought.
Posobiec trying to deboonk Q was his big break. How he handled himself with it should be brought up everytime someone mentions his name
I think you're right about that!
I’m not sure there’s anyone at all in the WH. The place has been dark for days.
Newbies please understand that we are not shilling when we say that Posobiec is a glowie
Imagine thinking the Biden Presidency is remotely legitimate.
There aren’t anons in the White House, because there is no one in the White House
guy... post a link to tweets if you’re gonna post a screenshot.
and try not to chop the date and time off.
Jack Ass should NEVER be trusted.
He actively promoted the idea that Q was a larp, never forget that. He's a Deep State cunt.
While we delight in what he said and in imagining how it panics the deep state, neither are his intended audience. Think about why an anti-Q guy would say that. He is playing the part of drumming up fear over QAnons and what we might be capable of. If they lay this foundation thick enough when the inevitable 'something' happens to Biden no matter what it turns out to be, then it had to be those Q guys infiltrating the WH. Sick. We all know the intent from day one of Biden's candidacy was that he would be taken out when he had served his purpose, now they want to make us their patsy for the plan they had all along.
A tweet campaign with “sources on the inside said” would stir the pot nicely...
Everyone keeps hating on ole Jackie for his attempts to debunk Q and always seem to forget that disinformation is necessary.
It's like we're stuck in some retarded fucking loop.
Publicity is publicity is publicity.
But wait, we fired the butler, didn’t we honey?