You know this plan has been in effect since Kennedy died back in the 60s. It was only in 2015 when the good guys finally got control of the NSA that they got the shot to move forward with it. Thats why Trump came in. After all these years all the people involved waiting for the chance to do this from 60 years ago and you are talking about losing hope after a short time. Wake the fuck up keep redpilling people more and more wake up every day. Stop talking like a loser.
Can someone please explain exactly what they expect or hope to happen today? It just seems way to fantastical to think that the military will swoop in today and reveal everything in order to restore Trump to his rightful position as POTUS. There's no way it can happen like that. Whatever happens, it will be executed with perfect timing and precision. I want it right now like everyone else but I also want it to stick with as little fallout as possible. I read this post this morning from a fellow Anon. It resonated with me and makes good sense.
I will keep the faith and continue to redpill everyone I can, but I have to stop waiting around for whatever shoe is going to drop, to drop. My President wouldn't want me sitting on my sofa waiting all day while life passes by. I hate what has happened with the election, MSM, our country just as much as the next patriot. But there's still lots of things to be grateful for and to rejoice in. I say make January 31st a day you won't forget because you did something you enjoy with someone you love. God bless.
Some are expecting the news to show a movie-like action scene where big names are arrested and/or shot by spec-ops and the world is saved in just one move. Most still don't comprehend the complete depth of everything.
It's not about just the players, but the networks, the financing, the communications, the enforcers, the logistics, and all the other specialized means in which the cabal carries out their plans and ALL of their minions and their own little networks. It's much more complex than what could possibly fit in a two-hour movie like they're used to.
So glad most people have stopped date-fagging for the most part. It was getting so annoying because every single week(end) was gonna be "the one." I fell for the inauguration one though and had a day's hangover before coming back with even more faith/trust than before.
Should stop date-fagging because it can only be bad through the damage of hope. It won't ever be a "good" thing to do because even if it is right, then we'll find out and see for ourselves on that very day and it will be just as (if not more so because surprise) glorious as if we knew beforehand.
It's spot on. You aren't really sure it will happen so you NEED to see something happening asap. And when it doesn't it fuels that fear that it's not going to happen. Be stronger than that.
Nobody is moving the goalposts. Certain people are CREATING goalposts, then when they're not hit they say "see, it's not real," then they go about CREATING new goalposts in different a position.
None of this comes from Q, just datefags and shills.
The same people datefagging are the ones that fall off or move the goalpost. Us that know, know. We just watch the markers. It is a lot like poeple claiming to know the date in which Jesus will return. No one knows, only the father, all we can do is watch for the markers in revelations.
Imagine my surprise you asked me instead of simply searching. First ten things a search brings up all point right to the quote being referenced, even misquoted as I did.
Summer soldier and sunshine patriot is the actually reference, as I was reminded after a simple search.
Those unwilling to seek their own answers are not in any position do make datefagging demands on what day is the day to give up all hope.
Coming from a point of ignorance hardly qualifies you to call bullshit on anything.
Are you aware of Thomas Paine? Check Q 1776 for a refresher, he was kinda a big deal.
The 30 days thing could of started on the 20th of January...also no arrests until 30 days after the people received their indictments and that time can be any day.
I agree.... I believe, but I am NOT a brainwashed fool like the Liberals and the Left are! I see what all are saying here & other places... Time to actually see what they say really play out!
I am NOT a Doomer! So Fuck You to anyone that reply's with that!
Facts are Facts... "Big things to happen this weekend" is what they keep saying... "30 Days hence".... Well it's time to show it.... Produce it Very Publicly!
Who is "they"? You're going to lose hope because the plan isn't aligning with people on the internet and you can't possibly fathom how the military is making their decisions if they're not listening to rando's online?
Understand that all these people saying these things are just people trying to make connections to different drops trying to guess and/or make sense of when/how things will happen. They're not Q, it's not Q telling us these things that put us off course. You shouldn't just mindlessly believe whatever some Q followers might say or spread around in their videos. Take everything with a grain of salt. Q's never given hard dates, nor would he. Stay the course, hold the line!
No one will take anything into their hands. They didn't through shutdowns other than "I won't wear my mask to the store!" (Probably BS or starvation is imminent).
Jan 6 had all sorrs of patriots, many calling others cucks for not being armed and posting gun pics from hotels on TDW with a bunch of tough talk rhetoric.
People didn't think anyone would show up to the Capitol either "lol these larpers been saying they are going to do something for years, watch nohing happen", then when they did show up "oh my gawd the humanity, this is worse than 9/11" or "I saw Timothy McVeigh in every protester" -OKC Mayor Holt
and the capitol protest was a peaceful protest to show that we do have numbers and are willing to make our voices heard.
Last time something notablelike that happened was 11/2016 so understand some are antsy and your vague references are your own truth not objective fact.
Yep. Short tempered people datefagging and expecting things to happen on their schedule.
Oh my God. Enough with this BS! ??
When will people learn to stop datefagging?? Innaug should've taught us all a big lesson, but here we are, still putting our hopes on a certain date.
Can people just relax about this please? NCSWIC. That's either true or it isn't. Either way, we're watching a movie, not acting in it.
This movie sucks.
Every time it starts getting good, The writers stab us in the back.
You know this plan has been in effect since Kennedy died back in the 60s. It was only in 2015 when the good guys finally got control of the NSA that they got the shot to move forward with it. Thats why Trump came in. After all these years all the people involved waiting for the chance to do this from 60 years ago and you are talking about losing hope after a short time. Wake the fuck up keep redpilling people more and more wake up every day. Stop talking like a loser.
Why today? Does it really matter when? It will all go down soon enough.
The longer this goes on.... The more the damage to the USA by the Leftist and Dems!
If it's Truly Real it needs to happen as they say.... NOT by moving the goal posts back again!
Q never said something was going to happen by today.
Stop falling for dated predictions.
Sky daddy isn't a genie and neither is Q, Trump, Military or anyone for that matter.
You don't lose hope if you believe in what you're fighting for.
Can someone please explain exactly what they expect or hope to happen today? It just seems way to fantastical to think that the military will swoop in today and reveal everything in order to restore Trump to his rightful position as POTUS. There's no way it can happen like that. Whatever happens, it will be executed with perfect timing and precision. I want it right now like everyone else but I also want it to stick with as little fallout as possible. I read this post this morning from a fellow Anon. It resonated with me and makes good sense. I will keep the faith and continue to redpill everyone I can, but I have to stop waiting around for whatever shoe is going to drop, to drop. My President wouldn't want me sitting on my sofa waiting all day while life passes by. I hate what has happened with the election, MSM, our country just as much as the next patriot. But there's still lots of things to be grateful for and to rejoice in. I say make January 31st a day you won't forget because you did something you enjoy with someone you love. God bless.
Some are expecting the news to show a movie-like action scene where big names are arrested and/or shot by spec-ops and the world is saved in just one move. Most still don't comprehend the complete depth of everything.
It's not about just the players, but the networks, the financing, the communications, the enforcers, the logistics, and all the other specialized means in which the cabal carries out their plans and ALL of their minions and their own little networks. It's much more complex than what could possibly fit in a two-hour movie like they're used to.
So glad most people have stopped date-fagging for the most part. It was getting so annoying because every single week(end) was gonna be "the one." I fell for the inauguration one though and had a day's hangover before coming back with even more faith/trust than before.
Should stop date-fagging because it can only be bad through the damage of hope. It won't ever be a "good" thing to do because even if it is right, then we'll find out and see for ourselves on that very day and it will be just as (if not more so because surprise) glorious as if we knew beforehand.
Anyone losing hope today, was hopeless this entire time.
It's spot on. You aren't really sure it will happen so you NEED to see something happening asap. And when it doesn't it fuels that fear that it's not going to happen. Be stronger than that.
The never ending Goal Post moving has the STOP!
This was all supposed to go down in early December! The Goal Posts have been moving ever since!
Nobody is moving the goalposts. Certain people are CREATING goalposts, then when they're not hit they say "see, it's not real," then they go about CREATING new goalposts in different a position.
None of this comes from Q, just datefags and shills.
If you want assurance something is happening, try praying. God never fails to cheer me up when I start losing hope.
The same people datefagging are the ones that fall off or move the goalpost. Us that know, know. We just watch the markers. It is a lot like poeple claiming to know the date in which Jesus will return. No one knows, only the father, all we can do is watch for the markers in revelations.
Summer patriot.
Imagine my surprise you asked me instead of simply searching. First ten things a search brings up all point right to the quote being referenced, even misquoted as I did.
Summer soldier and sunshine patriot is the actually reference, as I was reminded after a simple search.
Those unwilling to seek their own answers are not in any position do make datefagging demands on what day is the day to give up all hope.
Coming from a point of ignorance hardly qualifies you to call bullshit on anything.
Are you aware of Thomas Paine? Check Q 1776 for a refresher, he was kinda a big deal.
Thank you.
The 30 days thing could of started on the 20th of January...also no arrests until 30 days after the people received their indictments and that time can be any day.
If nothing happens today, what are you going to do?
Like trump said to African Americans , i say to you “what do you have to lose “ trust the plan and have patients. It’s complicated shit they’re doing.
Until it’s a problem, it’s not a problem.
I agree.... I believe, but I am NOT a brainwashed fool like the Liberals and the Left are! I see what all are saying here & other places... Time to actually see what they say really play out!
I am NOT a Doomer! So Fuck You to anyone that reply's with that!
Facts are Facts... "Big things to happen this weekend" is what they keep saying... "30 Days hence".... Well it's time to show it.... Produce it Very Publicly!
OR.... well I will keep that to myself for now!
"They" never "said" "this" weekend.
Bull Shit!
Who is "they"? You're going to lose hope because the plan isn't aligning with people on the internet and you can't possibly fathom how the military is making their decisions if they're not listening to rando's online?
Understand that all these people saying these things are just people trying to make connections to different drops trying to guess and/or make sense of when/how things will happen. They're not Q, it's not Q telling us these things that put us off course. You shouldn't just mindlessly believe whatever some Q followers might say or spread around in their videos. Take everything with a grain of salt. Q's never given hard dates, nor would he. Stay the course, hold the line!
No one will take anything into their hands. They didn't through shutdowns other than "I won't wear my mask to the store!" (Probably BS or starvation is imminent).
Jan 6 had all sorrs of patriots, many calling others cucks for not being armed and posting gun pics from hotels on TDW with a bunch of tough talk rhetoric.
And yet nothing happened in the moment of truth.
People didn't think anyone would show up to the Capitol either "lol these larpers been saying they are going to do something for years, watch nohing happen", then when they did show up "oh my gawd the humanity, this is worse than 9/11" or "I saw Timothy McVeigh in every protester" -OKC Mayor Holt
and the capitol protest was a peaceful protest to show that we do have numbers and are willing to make our voices heard.
Only at the precipice will people fnd the will to change. Or as this pedo put it:
So was the capitol storming patriots or Antifa? It was clearly a false flag as key actors were known antifa like Sullivan and podium guy.
So what's your point? Flag waving, selfie taking people will save our republic?
my point is that people doubt anything will happen up until it happens, then they are dumbfounded that it happened at all
Last time something notablelike that happened was 11/2016 so understand some are antsy and your vague references are your own truth not objective fact.