It doesn’t prove it. But people yelling baby rape is a myth so stop discussing it and never ever brings it up again got us to this point.
The Vatican was down in 2017.
But I agree with you. I think 80% of humanity won’t believe anything. Unless they see Biden getting shot back in 2019 and see Hillary ripping off a face from a living 6 year old they’ll continue living in a simulation like we have for that past 100 years.
Gonna be a lot of upcoming suicides on both sides because the reality will be too much for many to handle. They will lose their shit. There is no other way.
Make sure to leave them comments and let them know exactly why you’re dropping them, too! It helps third parties who might be scrolling through comments see that something might not be right.
The cat came out of that bag damn near on election night. And it was already turning foul then, if not way before. I think they were set up to keep us sidelined with distractions before/during the elections. Only, it didn't work. Hence, the seemingly "sudden" turn from them. And once news came out about their CEO and creator being heavy Clintonites, it sealed their fate. It's only a matter of time before they go away.
It was on the same show that they keep cutting off other important people too that speaks truth.
Need more proof that their like FOX? Sean Spicer had the nerve to condemn the NON-VIOLENT protesters on 1/6/2021 on his show the night it happened. Greg Kelly is friends with Megyn Kelly (anti-Trumper FOX news anchor turned middle of the road idiot) and the CEO of NEWSMAX donated millions of money to the Clinton Foundation in 2015.
I deleted their app months ago!
I just did reinstall it, then left a 1-star review, and then I deleted it.
Boy that felt good.
I don't know why this made me laugh so damn hard. I'm glad I had just set my hot tea down before reading this comment :)
That's adding insult to injury!
Time stamp 12:50 for people like me
Same, back in December.
Lin Wood confirmed the 'pope' arrest that woke my catholic grandma up.
She believes in transubstantiation but not that an obvious nonce got arrested? Come on lol.
That a wafer turns into the actual flesh of Christ in her mouth.
lol hope it isnt his man sausage then!!
To me anyone who tries to prove it didn’t happen would have a much more difficult time than vice versa. I’m just saying not spraying.
It doesn’t prove it. But people yelling baby rape is a myth so stop discussing it and never ever brings it up again got us to this point.
The Vatican was down in 2017. But I agree with you. I think 80% of humanity won’t believe anything. Unless they see Biden getting shot back in 2019 and see Hillary ripping off a face from a living 6 year old they’ll continue living in a simulation like we have for that past 100 years.
Gonna be a lot of upcoming suicides on both sides because the reality will be too much for many to handle. They will lose their shit. There is no other way.
I knew they were trash after watching them cover the election.
It's apparent any cable news network is compromised.
yep. they bow to the cable companies
Thats ashame. They were really good and rising forna second.
Argentina and Chile after Myanmar....tick tock tick tock
oooh, that is eh SPICY ehmeatuhball!
Hate to say this, but his is old news. Newsmax is owned by a Clinton bundler.
I got rid of Newsmax when I learned the owner donated a million dollars or more to Hildabeast.
How old is this? Doesn't sound recent.
from November. these people have sucked from the beginning XD
Looks like it was posted Nov 16th.
YT says nov 16, 2020
Make sure to leave them comments and let them know exactly why you’re dropping them, too! It helps third parties who might be scrolling through comments see that something might not be right.
The cat came out of that bag damn near on election night. And it was already turning foul then, if not way before. I think they were set up to keep us sidelined with distractions before/during the elections. Only, it didn't work. Hence, the seemingly "sudden" turn from them. And once news came out about their CEO and creator being heavy Clintonites, it sealed their fate. It's only a matter of time before they go away.
NTD news seems to report honestly from what I can tell.
If they’re going to do this what’s the point in newsmax?
there is none. I think they realized what was happening to fox with Trump and tried to repackage it
Newsmax has always been trash, but I'm always surprised how quickly the Soros name must be removed from TV.
Easiest unfollow ever bye Newsmax
Haven’t trusted them in months but after seeing what they did to Mike Lindell, I was only more convinced I was right.
News Max is the Walmart version of Fox. Shit production values but the same script. Fuck them.
How can anyone not see through this lot is beyond me. Internet and maybe OAN the rest need to be left to whither and die
trust no one and nothing but your own common sense
It was on the same show that they keep cutting off other important people too that speaks truth.
Need more proof that their like FOX? Sean Spicer had the nerve to condemn the NON-VIOLENT protesters on 1/6/2021 on his show the night it happened. Greg Kelly is friends with Megyn Kelly (anti-Trumper FOX news anchor turned middle of the road idiot) and the CEO of NEWSMAX donated millions of money to the Clinton Foundation in 2015.
It was all a scheme from the very beginning.
Balls !
I was told a long time ago. They named their company wrong. It should have been called JewsMax.
Looks like the folks saying that were right on the money.
These people never learn...
Screw over the people, the people walk away.
I seem to remember Harris Faulkner on fox reacting the same way when she was interviewing someone who mentioned George Soros name...
Chris ruddy is an old Clinton buddy.
Sent an email today, and deleted the phone app. I'm disgusted with them.
They must fear being sued, 1 minute audio clip from the NoAgenda podcast.
Richard Jewel is the unabomber ? Free Uncle Ted!
They also abandoned an interview mid-way with Lindel, when he mentioned Dominion Voting machines. They literally walked off the set.