If the elite in the US (republican and democrat) were simply trying to get ahead even if it meant trampling on our rights from time to time, that would be tolerable. See, they can make a lot more money off of rich peasants than poor ones. Even the medieval lords and kings understood this.
Instead, the elite in the US are actively trying to destroy us, grind our faces in the dirt, and turn us into slaves with no value to them. You must ask yourself, why? What could possibly motivate them to do something like that?
When you find the answer, you will understand better what is happening and why.
Ghislane Maxwell supposedly said that the girls she acquired for Epstein were nothing. That's what the NWO 1%ers think of the deplorables..a whole lot of nothings. When viewed as worthless slaves they feel totally free to use and discard us at will.
Technology is the point where they do not need most of us anymore is my first thought.
Middle Class THREATENS the upper crust's security is my second.
Not so. There are no automated factories, they all take massive amounts of technical expertise to build, operate and maintain. By eliminating all the sheep, including doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, technicians who have been too busy to wake up, you eliminate western civilisation. Only those who are awake and open minded enough to see the depopulation injections for what they really are, will survive. Leaving nobody to make the factories that make the iPhones, or the robots that the factories use. This broad untargetted depopulation is going to backfire on the elite.
This is not first about money - it is about control and power. With power comes wealth
This has been the question that is puzzling me. It makes no sense to me, and I honestly haven't been able to piece it together.
You don't understand cause you aren't evil. One of the most accurate Bible versus out there that pertains today is when Jesus said, "Those who hate me love death." Or "Love of money is the root of all evil"
You can't thing logically and understand.
My fren I hear you. Best advice this lowly anon has is to not try to figure it out. You will save vast amounts of energy. This is a spiritual battle playing out in the 3D matrix. Nothing more. Wheat and chaff. Rest knowing that God has given us the power of discernment. I don’t know how He chooses who will see and who will be blinded but I don’t try to figure that out either.
Have you researched The Great Reset?
Yes.... I just don't understand why they want that. My brain can't comprehend the desire to control other people like that. I just don't get it.
They don't want to control you. They want to eliminate you and 90% of humanity. A global playground for the 500mm remaining elite.
They are God-less. Which means they are worldly.
Power over people is a virtue in such a worldly, secular religion. They falsely believe what they are doing is good.
If you're filthy rich and already have everything you could ever want, whenever you want it, you will get bored. It's the same thing with drug addicts; they tend to move on to ever harder drugs, and more and more of them, because they are chasing a high.
You've got these rich families who have been running shit for hundreds or thousands of years and they want nothing less than complete control. They want to be able to single out any person they choose and destroy them. They want to be able to take your kids and do whatever they want with them. They think they are gods.
Bingo! 9/11 should have shown how they are willing to kill anyone to get more power and money!
I get what you're saying as a whole they have done worse, but in one single incident in modern times i cant think of one worse then 911
Short answer, killing people is a helluva high for children of the Devil.
Think: What would cause you to try and utterly humiliate, subjugate, and harm another person? What would you cite as justification for doing so?
Hint: Do you enslave your enemies, or defeat them?
My brain doesn't think like that. I don't want to enslave them. I want justice for their crimes. Legally.
I think I still have a lot of cognitive dissonance about all of this evil. My brain can't seem to wrap around the fact that human beings can be like this and want these things. They are so far from what I want and the life I live that it is like an alternate reality. I just don't get it.
God vs. Satan, good vs. evil.
Do you want to rape women and molest children? Do you want to murder random people? No? Yet you know there are those that do. It's as simple as God vs. Satan.
You're right. Learning about all of this is still new for me, so I'm still struggling to accept it all.
I'm realizing how naive I've truly been to the evils of this world. I've never been to closer to God in my life after learning about all of this. It made me run straight to Jesus.
Absolutely. I have never seen so many people who considered themselves atheists either fully turn to Christ, or at least open themselves up to the idea and even defend Christianity. It's an amazing time we live in. God is working His wonders on people's hearts and minds. I also used to be somewhat naive to evil. It think in part it's a way for us to protect ourselves (our psyches) and I also think it's God's blessing in our lives to keep us less troubled and less aware of the bad stuff so we can live a relatively peaceful life. But now He is working to open eyes and reveal the evil that is and has been all around us. And while it stinks that it's there, I thank God He is with us to help us deal with the reality.
Justification... Some sort of threat?
Godless people who follow satan enjoy, love, and relish death and destruction, just like he does. If we are created in the image of God, as the Bible says, and if God loves us and sacrificed Himself for us, then it would give them pleasure to destroy us. I think this is why they have such a hellish war on against children also.
the people and the voting systems they put into place must be eradicated before we are able to have a fair election again . . .
Agenda 21 - and it is what the plan is, there is an Agenda and a timeline - and TRUMP was holding that up . . .that' is why they are moving so fast . . .before we realize what is going on
that shit deep. thank you for opening my mind.
This is a spiritual battle and satan is behind it. He hates the human race and will even use these useful idiots to rid the world of those who were made in the image and likeness of God (Mankind).
I'm wondering how many of those resets we have had in the past? If one thing is a blatant lie, it's our official historic records.
As I understand it, the elite/globalist/socialist/haters of our constitution want a two-class society: the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. No middle-class allowed. Their intention is replacement of our society and of our demographic with those who are willing to subsist on violence and drug dealing.
PRAY as if it's all up to our Lord Jesus and WORK to support patriotic candidates as if it's all up to us. ELIMINATE electronic voting machines and RAISE HELL for accountability through EVERY step of EVERY election. DO NOT ask our beloved President and our AMAZING Military professionals to do it all for us. We need to have a SERIOUS case of the 'want to's' when it comes to reclaiming our great nation.
Lucifer, that's why. This isn't about our human, fleshly bodies. It's about our souls.
Depopulation. They want most of us gone and those that remain to be an underclass so far below them that any resistance becomes impossible.
This is where we go from a normal worldview into a spiritual one full of demons or aliens, your choice. This is where things get weird..but also where everything finally starts making sense.
Possibly. Also very possible that prophecy is a false flag event t designed to keep us complacent as they take control.
If they could manipulate an election with media, business, judges, politicians, and churches, then they could also manipulate the Bible. And they have, many times. At least the English translations.
I'll let prophecy play itself out however it does.
Zbigniew Brzezinski said that “in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people” while “today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
I don't think anyone in this thread has stated it correctly.
This is their death throws. They know their back is against the wall.
Everyone says some shit about them being evil and God and whatnot. But none of that is new.
The only thing that's changed, is that this is their last chance for next 100+ years to take total control.
For them it's do or die. The lie so big has been exposed and there is no turning back from this. Either they win and suppress any dissent, or it was all for naught.
A cornered rat fights.
At this point I’m so fucking pissed off im ready to explode.
These Elites believe that they are better than us (bloodlines blah blah). My analysis is that they are deeply insecure people whose ancesters have dedicated their lives to becoming rich and powerful but they dont find any fulfilment. So the only way to make themselves feel better is with such a huge superiority complex, that requires them to squash everyone of us under their heels, just to feel a little better.
In the end, its all mental disorders
"In the end, its all mental disorders"
Inbreeding will do that to you.
Inbreeding, but also abuse is a generational thing. If you dont break the cycle it keeps going from parent to children to grand children and so on. A lot of the pedos we see in Dems probably all originated from the same abuse-line leading to some Rockefeller.
Yeah, when you figure it out, your sphincter climbs right into your throat.
They want the world population down to 500 million. I figure that the reproductive rate of 500 million will provide enough adrenochrome to take care of the elite indefinitely. Maybe 10 million overseers managing 490 million reproductive sheep. The sheep just need to do enough farming to feed all; the elite will primarily feed on the sheep. Just my 2 cents worth.
Honestly, we are all slaves created by an ancient group of transient gold-miners through genetic manipulation of the chimpanzees that existed in their time of occupation. "Created in His image".