My brainwashed mother is currently on a waitlist for a COVID vaccine. She used to be conservative but was brainwashed by her AWFUL manipulative friends. I am freaking out. I have tried to explain the dangers of gene therapy and how it increases her risk for oncogenesis which results in cancer. She also has medication allergies and I told her the vaccine could literally kill her because of it. I am a physiologist and I am going to be a medical doctor and she just thinks I am full of BS. I have also reminded her how Pfizer killed our 5-year-old yellow lab because they said a certain medication is safe for labs but it's toxic for them and Pfizer knows that. Unfortunately, we found that out after he died. But now all of a sudden she trusts them. If anyone has had success talking a brainwashed loved one out of getting the vaccine please share your advice
Comments (160)
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Look up Dr Simone Gold and America Front Line Doctors. There are others, but those can give you a start. If I can find a couple of the others, I'll pass on the link.
thank you so much!
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Thank God for that. It's not FDA approved and hasn't even been tested on animals
I am so relieved. it wasn't pretty convincing her
This, exactly. ☝️
Mention the fact that there will be NO grounds to sue the manufacturer, NO liability from her employer and NO legal recourse against anybody when it comes to this vaccine. These big pharma companies are not confident in the product they are selling.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
I'm so happy for you!
Thanks! I feel such a major sense of relief. this was not pretty but I did it. I feel like when a bunch of people are getting weird cancers from the gene therapy in a few years she will thank me
I will try that thanks!
Show her this:
Thank you!
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
All you can do is express you view point, but ultimately it’s up to her.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
yes I agree. it is hard and scary. she has had anaphylaxis to vaccines before and she isn't in the best health so I am not sure if she will even survive getting the vaccine. it is selfish. my father is handicapped and if she dies from the vaccine he will no longer have her to take care of him
I am doing nothing to stop my family. Just pray it will work out.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
thanks, I am so relieved!
Yea i was called pretty much crazy & laughed/yelled at by my brothers for arguing for our parents not to get it. Hopefully ive put enough doubt but they arent receptive so i stopped
I wish I was in that situation but I am trying to convince my mom not to. my mother has had anaphylaxis to vaccines in the past as well as medications and her doctor thinks she very likely has a PEG allergy so she could easily die from it
Have her read this, if anyone want the shot after reading through this, they are beyond brainwashed.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Score 1 for the goodguys!! Niceeeee.
This is the goldmine. I keep telling people to stay tf away from this gene manipulation shot, but they don't wanna hear it. I'm going to send them this from now on
Yeah this one is pretty good, I wish I could give credit to the dude who posted originally but I forgot who it was.
thank you so much!
You're welcome, good luck.
thank you! I need it
Ask her why we need a vaccine if there is a 99% survival rate. When we get a polio vaccine, we don't have to worry about polio. When we get a measles vaccine, we don't have to worry about measles. But if you get a covid vaccine, you will probably still get covid, and you still have to wear a mask, and you still have to social distance. Does not make one bit of sense. Also, send her articles of people who have died getting the covid vaccine or had severe adverse reactions. Bottom line: do you hate yourself so much that you are willing to risk taking a brand new vaccine that has no long term studies of long term effects???
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
I assume you have shared Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Carrie Madej's websites with them? Beyond that, I would suggest that you take the other's suggestion(s) and accept it and be at peace with it, knowing you have done everything you can.
thank you so much! yes I have. I got some good additional stuff on here. everyone has been very helpful
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
I know right!
I feel for you, I've been in the same boat and thought I was making some headway with my mom, but turns out they (her and my dad) got the first vax last Monday and did not tell me til now I will try to talk them out of the 2nd one but don't have high hopes. There is only so much you can do. Just try and then be at peace with yourself.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Thank GOD, so happy for you!
I am so sorry they did that. Fortunately, my dad is super based so he won't be getting it. My dad is pissed and he said he might just try to remove her from the waitlist without her knowing. yeah there is only so much we can do. I am going to send her the notes from our PCP (who is based af) saying that anyone who has previously had anaphylaxis to a vaccine (like my mom, dad and I have) should not get the vaccine. I am not sure if it will help but I will try.
That's a good approach. If this or any of the other approaches don't work, maybe you can at least talk her into getting the Moderna one instead? Fewer reactions anyway and it might stall her a little.
yeah maybe. she is sold on getting the Pfizer one for some reason. I am going to try everything I can though.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Oh yikes I am sorry! hoping for the best for her!
The vaccine doesn't keep you from getting COVID. This is public information.
So, she's going to incur risks from the vaccine AND COVID. And the risks of COVID are less than 1% for people under 70. 99.99% survival for people 50 and younger.
It's likely a lot less than this too due to the inflation in the data.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Excellent news, fren!!! Good job!!!
Thanks! I feel such a major sense of relief. this was not pretty but I did it. in a few years, she will be thanking me when people are dying from the gene therapy
thank you so much! very true! not a good idea! yeah the data has been blown out of proportion!
Most vaccines take 8-10 years before they can be approved as safe.
The covi vaccines were rushed through, with no rigiorous safety studies.
The reason they had to vilify HCQ is because it was WORKING, and if there was any other viable treatment, Big Pharma couldn't get liability protection against lawsuits from people who suffer adverse effects.
These new vax have already killed hundreds of people, leaving others with bell's palsy or seizures, all for a virus with a 99.97 survival rate? This was NEVER a real pandemic. A virus? Yes. But not much worse than a bad flu. (See for a list of deaths and bad reactions, including vids of people now suffering seizures.)
Consider that the CDC has now admitted that:
A) the case numbers were massively exaggerated due to PCD tests run at amplification cycles above 40, when anything over 33 will give a false positive, and
B) the death count numbers have also been massively exaggerated by including pretty much ALL deaths as covi deaths.
Fauxi himself wrote a paper about how the majority of deaths during the Spanish Flu epidemic were actually due to bacterial pneumonia, not the flu. And he went on to report that bacterial pneumonia is caused by wearing masks for extended periods.
This is ALL A PLANNED AGENDA to insert nano tech to control us, implement transhumanism, and reduce the population.
"Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body"
The nasal swabs are so long because they are trying to damage or insert who knows what through the thin membrane between the nasal cavity and the brain.
Look up HCQ and Ivermectin, which are now being widely used safely, no side effects. No reason to take a dangerous, untested vax.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Congrats. That must be a huge relief.
Agreed. It has not been isolated. But that point is a tough pill to sell. Easier to just say that there is no dangerous virus.
I gave you plenty of info. You gotta do your own reserch to figure out what would be effective in your situation.
But maybe give her other, safer options? From what I have read in numerous reports from docs/scientists all over the world, HCQ and IVERMECTIN are both extremely effective at treating the alleged Cov virus with virtually zero risk, whereas the vaccines have caused over thee hundred deaths so far, and many horrid side effects like Bell's Palsy or seizures.
Go to for more info and vids.
I originally followed him for a lot of great free info on gardening, sustainable living tips, clean foods, etc. As far as his take on whats going on now, he got way too doomer for me. Not sure if there is an agenda there or not. But he has a page of collected stats about coof numbers with vids.
Why do you distrust him?
I am a 55 year old mother and grandmother. I have been an essential worker from the beginning and have not gotten the virus. I just take care and am cautious. I REFUSE to get that vaccine.
I am glad you are so cautious and refuse to get it! I find it amazing how many essential workers haven't gotten it
Give her info from real doctors and try to get her to understand that just because they have a white coat and a plaque on their wall, doesn't mean they can't be a criminal, wrong, or not have her best interest in mind.
A doctor is no different than other trade.
U have your
liars and scammers
ones that just are legit misinformed, but not intentionally malicious
and if ur lucky, the few honest and skilled good ones who genuinely want to help CURE people, not treat symptoms.
Stats and Stories that u can easily find.
thank you! I agree. I am going to be a physician and there are a lot of awful physicians out there.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
My buddy teched a conferance/show once for pfizer and he denounced their practices etc. But he wants to get the vax and says its the greatest thing In the world. We arent friends anymore unfortunately.
that is literally insane. Pfizer is awful. I am sure most pharm companies are but I hate them after they killed my beautiful 5-year-old yellow lab. amazing how people can know how evil pfizer is and openly take the vaccine 2?
thank you so much!
May not work for you but this is what I told my family:
God made you you. Man made vaccines with rna.
If you want to destroy his creation and become an abomination then you do you.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Tell your Mum it's not even a vaccine.
thank you so much!
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Thanks! I feel such a major sense of relief. this was not pretty but I did it
oh that is a good idea! she doesn't even know about the boosters.... trying to compile everything together.
Same boat with mother in-law, my husband tries to talk her out of getting it. No matter what he tells her she insists she wants to get it, brother-in-law already got his. In PR they are brainwashed by their government & msm. They hate Trump, why do you think they want to make PR a state? We just lost my father in-law last summer and husband couldn’t even go for his funeral because of restrictions. My husband & I are worried for her, but she has to make her own choices. She wants to come visit us in the spring, but I won’t take her to get another vaccine, and hope she knows that I won’t be wearing a flipping mask in my own damn house because she’s so worried, she can stay right at home if she thinks that. I don’t wear them out in public or outside either.
they are so brainwashed it is out of control! I am sorry about your father in law. I would be worried for her too. my mom could very likely die if she gets this vaccine. she has had anaphylaxis to multiple vaccines in the past and she likely has a PEG allergy. she would be leaving behind my handicap father. very sad
Thank you, he didn't die from the virus, he had alzheimers. I wish there was a way to convince them not to take the vaccine. I have a son in the NG and I'm hoping they don't make them take it (like make it mandatory) because they make him get the flu shot every year, and he ends up sick everytime! I told him to refuse it if he can. He's a healthy fit young man, but if the flu shot makes him sick what will this vaccine do to him, especially if he ever comes in contact with the virus?
Sometimes the best way to red-pill someone is to use reverse psychology.
Urge them to get the vaccination as soon as possible. We can't wait... you need to get in there right away!!!!
When they ask why... tell them that the current batches of vaccines have caused health problems and even deaths... so they need to get their vaccine before they are pulled from the market due to being unsafe. :>)
Uhhhhh.... no! We'll wait.
that is a great idea thank you!
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
You might consider throwing a "Going Away". You may (very well) not see her again.
If it were my mom, I very much treat her as if it were the last time I would see her. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks to do its dirty-work.
Lover her hard, nonetheless.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
PTL. Thanks for "circling back" on that.
HAHAHA. You're welcome! I finally did it tonight!
Fortunately, she is still on the waitlist. but that it is a very good idea. yeah I am so scared. she likely has a PEG and has had anaphylaxis to multiple vaccines in the past. she could very well die from this vaccine.
I am so sorry you are in the same predicament! it is the absolute worst.
I have actually had a few things make it through. my mom was pro-gun and then her friends brainwashed her to think guns are bad. then it took me a while but I was able to remind her why we are pro-gun. now she has no problem with all the guns my dad has. sometimes if you find the right thing it can go along way
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
thank you so much! these are all good things to ask. yeah I am working on a very long paper on how it is a highly experimental gene therapy for her. that is very provable and I might be able to find a source she trusts. I have a medical condition where gene therapy is an option and I remember my doctor mentioned that she was like hell no.. I am also going to tell her that I am going to go forward with that now (though I am not) and she will freak out because she knows the negative side effects of gene therapy and then it will be a good time to remind her the COVID vaccine is also gene therapy.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
thanks me too! I will definitely remind her of it!
You can order the cure, ivermectin, online from equestrian supply store $5 Here is a short video on research and approval
thank you so much!
Hey Mom, Can I ask you to do something to make me less concerned about possible side affects from the vaccine? Could you please wait like 4 to 6 months and see if there are any side effects that are showing up? You can always get the vaccine then but if you take it and there are problems you can't get unvaccinated. All I'm asking for is a little time and caution. You are the only mom I have and I love you. Plus Dr Simone
thank you! that is a good way to put it. I tend to escalate quickly when talking about these things. I never know how to phrase things calmly.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
That is fantastic! I have been telling folks this is still an experimental vaccine. What is it going to hurt to see if there are any side affects? If you get it and there are problems you can't get unvaccinated.
thank you so much!
Also this post. Just in case you need a smidge more fuel for the bonfire of enlightenment.
thank you so much!
You are most welcome. Best of luck bringing your mom back to the light.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Congratulations! I'm so glad you saved your mom from that fate. Glad we were able to provide assistance.
thank you! so grateful for everyone's input!
Im having the same problem. My mom thinks her dumbshit friends have something valuable to add to that coversation
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
I am so sorry. I know how frustrating the dumbshit friends can be. we have gotten to a point where all my mom cares about is her friends opinion. we weren't allowed to go out to dinner on Christmas eve because she didn't want her friends to find out. our dog died 6 days before Christmas which was so depressing and she canceled the only festive thing because of her friends. then having her friends input on what she puts in her body is bullshit
You can't convince anyone of anything they do not want to hear. The best I can do for you is maybe try and convince her the alternative vaccines will be better than Pfizer. The Viral Vector vaccines still in development for example would be closer to what a Boomer or Gen X, understands to be a vaccine. It's something like injecting dead or active harmless viruses to trigger the immune response and trigger the memory part of the immune system. That is the best I can do and as a bonus while she waits maybe news will "break" that Covid 19 isn't a big deal who knows.
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Wonderful!!! That is huge win for everyone here it's all so frustrating all the time but I am happy we got someone to listen!
oh that is a good idea! I think all think most of these vaccines are dangerous but that does sound safer than these gene therapies. she also has had anaphylaxis to many vaccines in the past and she likely has a PEG allergy. so if she gets off the waitlist she better bring the epi pen. the cases are "declining" so hopefully sooner rather than later it wont be a big deal
Yeah so my idea is to stall her. Like I say maybe once they do come out the cases have "disappeared" as many here predicted they will. If not I've heard keep your eye on the Russia Vax. In the interim she also could get it and recover as 4 people in my family have, once you get it you are immune for a while I hear.
yeah I definitely think it could stall her. oh they will disappear asap. yeah I think you would be immune forever. other people say otherwise but they are lying.
( Try this.
thank you!
You don’t. You allow her to make her own choices and love her no matter what. It’s not your job t to on convince her of anything. She’sa a grown woman living out HER own destiny. It’s not your place. Trying to “convince” will only deteriorate your relationship.
my mother has had anaphylaxis to multiple vaccines and medications. she could easily die if she gets this. I am just trying to save her life. I am sure anyone whos family member who has a polyethylene glycol allergy would try to make them as informed as possible so she is well aware she could die going in.
None of that info was in your post it just asked how to help convince someone to your way of thinking.
I didn't state anaphylaxis directly. I did mention that she has many medication allergies and that I told her the vaccine could kill her. As a scientist and future physician, I understand that often people find out about medication allergies through allergic reactions. Medication allergies is a precaution for the vaccine, so I figured that would be enough. I also explained how I would think it would be dangerous for her because gene therapy increases oncogenesis which is another reason I am concerned about her getting it. She is nearing the age of when my grandmother and every other woman in my family gets breast cancer so I don't want her to accelerate that process. I was asking for information to share with my mother about the vaccine because she has not done the research for herself and has no idea what the vaccine could do to her. Maybe I could have worded it better, but writing is not my strong suit.
I just had to try and convince my nephew. I asked him to get the antibody test first and see if he’s had covid yet. Chances are most have and that will hopefully sway her to not feel she needs it? Worked with my nephew.
that is a good idea! glad it worked with your nephew!
I did it! She is canceling her appointment. after bashing into her head the dangers of gene therapy she decided not to do it.
Congrats! I’m sure in a few weeks tops her decision will be justified for all.
yes definitely! I know right! Pfizer already isn't given to people over 55 in some countries in the EU
Ask her to make sure she has lots of life insurance first, to pay for the funeral as soon as she runs into a wild strain.
this one is super scary:
it addresses the depopulation time bomb aspect of the "vaccine" and how they will blame the deaths on a more virulent strain of covid.......