The programming upon the masses is so fierce and diabiolical and intelligent from the left. The hearings today were hard to stomach. Absolute lies. If Trump was going to call for an Insurrection it would have gone down much differently than the 6th breach. Do you feel like our country still has a chance to pull out of this downward spiral of moral depravity and Godlessness? It seems like things are just drifting away and we are out on our own now.
Comments (27)
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Agreed. It's because we've been bent over our whole lives and people have grown accustomed to it. It's like that abusive relationship someone here mentioned a couple of months back.
Whether or not there is/was crime is not the question for most. It's will anything be done about it ?
" Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished ? "
" People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished? "
You are right. Most people will take the guaranteed income and be happy forever.
100% This!! People I fear don't care. They just actually don't give a shit about anything except their own little bubble they live in. If the power is on, food in the fridge, dancing with the stars is on TV, and there's gas for the car they don't care about anything else and this is part of the programming. Keep them feed, fat, and entertained and they won't question anything. All I hear that they care about is "going back to normal". No masks or social distancing and everything is open that's all they care about. That to them is "normal".
Just remember. We know the truth. The rest of the world is awakening day by day. Give them time. They'll all join us as they see more and more truths in the open. This Impeachment sham is a perfect example of getting truth before the people.
Humans are pretty good at sniffing out BS when confronted with both sides of things if they use an open mind. The boos at the Super Bowl said it all.
Would rather not know the truth than to to be cont to live like this.
That’s the devil’s easiest sale!
If you truly believe that, he will take you up on it.
And even if you only halfway believe that, he will take you up on it.
Screw that noise!
Are you fucking kidding? How much more truth do you need? You think the cabal is happy we all know they are satanic pedovores?? If they were in control, we'd all be asleep still. Think logically. And chill out and take a break. We're almost there. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!
We are all just hoping. I’m done after March 4th. I still have hope until then.
I have faith until the Military leaves and biden is waving them goodbye and wonder how Our country with the greatest military on earth gets showed up by Myanmar military. But I have faith that we helped Myanmar and gave them the proof.
Is March 4th the new date-fag date?
Is that what you think I do?
Was just going to write this
It’ll be done in God’s timing, every time. Believe, trust, and pray fren. ?
What other option does one have other than to keep the faith? Those who say they will keep the faith until March but if nothing happens by then they are out, what then? Unless you plan to stop living altogether, your only option as I see it is to keep the faith.
I feel you! We just got to keep praying and have faith in God! His will, will be done!
Comrads: huge demand for 紅鷹 tractor mechanics. Throw down those cotton picking gloves and move up to a one bedroom apartment. BECOME a tractor mechanic! No more bunk house living.
I don't think many others really watched it besides Trump supporters but that is just me. I think the majority of Biden voters are not even listening any more. After all, if they were truly informed they wouldn't have even voted for Biden. They are not watching this because most of them don't have the attention span to do so.
My thoughts are the real fireworks that gets their attention will start when Trump's Team begins their defense or something else big happens.
Maybe so but l think Trump's Lawyers are gonna sandbag it and just let just enough info out to appease -- Republicans have gotten soft for (4) years , no reason to stir the pot now - even states NOW coming out with undeniable proof of voter fraud gets YAWNED at , nobody cares , it's sad
Not me. Not even close.
Well...look on the bright side, the silver lining to this is they just approved that impeaching a former president "is" constitutional, and with that you can also impeach other former presidents like: Obama, Bush, and Clinton.
However, I think the left will try to convict Trump to bait the right into rioting/protesting which would be a legislative trap for gun control and to have the MSM push the narrative and be able to set the agenda first.