I’ve never been one to believe much in God although, I felt there was something beyond us. It wasn’t until a few years ago I started to be drawn to my belief in God. I pray on my own and don’t join any organization or religion. I’ve also enjoyed history and understanding our past...our real past. About a year ago I met a Mason, expressed my interest and received and invite to a Lodge. I haven’t gone. The stronger my faith in God becomes, the more I feel compelled to move away from the invite I received. I’m curious. Any Masons here that want to chime in?
Comments (81)
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Stay away. They’re a very satanic organization at the top.
Any adult that feels that they need to be in a “secret”society, has some fucking issues
Thank you.
So if you work in hollywood and want to keep your job, say as an actress on a disney production, you have no need to keep your personal beliefs private? You should be able to call out the cancel culture without any concern for your personal or professional safety?
Association with groups like Q and ProudBoys have no consequence, so why would anyone ever have a need for socializing 'privately' or in secret.
You’re clueless
Found the luciferian ^
Amazing insight and refutation.
Care to enlighten?
I got an invite a while back, I decided to leave it alone. I'm pretty sure everything going on with human trafficking and the pedo shit will involve them. I'd leave it alone if I were you.
That thought has crossed my mind. I see 33 everywhere I look. On TV, on kids toys, in ads, on the news...
The more you hear God calling you, pulling you closer to Him and you answer, you have the ability to sense truth, to see it clearer and clearer. Been there-praying for you.
I appreciate that. I don’t know how I got to this point, even when I look back. It feels like it has always been this way.
When you open your heart to God, Satan will try to pull you away. This invite is an example.
“You have more than you know”.
The masonic lodges were originally the builders of the churches and they had certain knowledge and skills to align the churches with ley lines and give them a harmonic. They also had rites and white practices for the consciousness and true spiritual symbols and knowledge etc. that goes beyond your basic religious tenet.
The holy Roman empire collapsed as the British left, the Protestants sprang up and the Spanish, Italians and Portuguese were relegated into a second place behind British, Dutch, and the only Catholic country left with any real power was France that fell into a revolution.
Then the industrial revolution started, you have Galileo and many challenges to church orthodoxy and incredible new machines coming into being - steam trains and factories run on steam and steam ships etc, Newton, Science !!!
A middle class grew up and they wanted more than just read the bible and pray. Religion slipped backwards - in large part also because no one truly practiced anything and it was just a social control mechanism that people grew out of.
The idea that you can just goto church on Sunday and be saved seems a bit simplistic when you think into it logically.... of course there is probably some spiritual work behind it you can do - look at Tibet and Hindu for example. People became more interested in it. Explorers had been out to Egypt and discovered all their stuff out there.
You have all the Greek mythology that tries to tell the same kinda stories and the bhagavita and bible - it's all the same stuff at it's core....
But all of it was corrupted - books are missing from the Bible, Gospel of Mary for example - even then church and the Vatican itself and all the knowledge and symbols inverted in dark symbols.
Rosicrucian Dogma sprang up - it's a kind of mish mash of all symbology and religions with an actual spiritual goal behind it to awaken consciousness - Tibetan meets Egyptian meets Christian with a hint of hindu and muslim thrown in....
It's actually very good information and if you know how to interpret the symbols and knowledge I think there's actually something to it.
But someone took it and chopped it about and made the symbols inverted and knowledge inverted.
Lucifer is meant to be the divine trainer - to test and tempt the initate - he is the bringer of light in the sense that the sergeant major trains the GI - but he's not the end all and be all of anything.....
So the whole Rosicrucian Dogma was rolled into these groups - it was kind of the New Age Spirituality of it's day- and especially in the masons it was inverted into dark practices for Lucifer - to awaken in evil for evil.
I was a part of one of the 'white' groups - and that became quite fanatical and bent as well, but they were not into evil dark practices, materialistic power, sexual perversions etc. it was quite nice until people started getting bent out of shape over it - think Scientology meets Egyptian and Tibetan mysticism and you get the picture.....
The Masons are the one that was totally inverted and turned into evil practices. Witch craft was very common in middle ages times.... they have rolled that in there.... they have built a nice sounding trick and you find out at the 33rd degree that the light you are looking for is the light of lucifier - do what thou wilt - which is BS - just Satanism and an excuse to be an evil psychopath.
I think there is actually something to it all to be honest, I had enough experiences to see there was something to it all - (on the white side) - things worked - I have seen things for myself lets say - but in the masonic lot - no one has any real black magic powers, they are just sucked into a cult group and a social club and you don't get invited up the ladder unless you show certain traits of being pliable and obedient and useful.
Many of the groups are probably quite inert and useless, but the symbols are all black magic inverted symbols. So you are under the umbrella of something dark. These days we start to understand a little bit of quantum mechanics and certainly science made a big mistake in trying to completely over rule the concept of GOD, but it kind of had to because the church was so aggressive against it to try to maintain its wealth and power.
I suppose if you have the connections or the skills the masons want, or somehow get invited, by family or friends - a bit like the NFL or the NBA of evil - you can progress and you find yourself naked at the initiation altar in some initiation ceremony to enter the next level - with a sacrifice or some perversion going on and you are on camera. Everyone else in robes and masks - now you are FkD.
Then they throw money and power and wealth and respect and you move rapidly up their organization - mayor, senator, CEO, President etc..... and at the same time you have to toe the line in their organization attend a few meetings, more ceremonies and so forth.
And one day you'll find yourself in a position where they have done you all these favors and bumped you up in the world whilst at the same time putting you in very awkward situations with ceremonies, sex with minors, just guilty by association is enough alot of the time.....
and now they want you to lets say roll out a vaccine - or pass a new law, or fund the military with billions and start a war or release a product GMO corn let's say in your supermarket chain - you gotta do it - OR YOU ARE FINISHED !
and you have by now family and children and respect and some wealth - and you're FkD.
you are tricked into thinking you sold your soul to the devil - when really you made choices that you could always go back on and recant - but you just kinda don't you move forwards -
that's why all these politicans come across as total fkg liars - because they have so many dark secrets and they've been themselves so manipulated by the cult and put in so many awkward situations and forced to make decisions and push an agenda they know is wrong - but they defend it very hard - because their life depends on it.
Think Scientology meets new age Mysticism from and this group really got going 200-300 yrs ago. That's all it is.... Scientology - more popular - more wealthily + 200 yrs.
Those at the very top - just laugh at it - it's the strings they use to control all their minions and puppets.
There are loads of them AMORC, Theosophical Society, Masons, Eastern Star, Gnostic Movement (many different ones), there's writings from Gurdjieff who was very fashionable in his day- Crowley fooled about with it, there's just loads and loads of it - some more white and some more black.
It's just basically 1700s New Age cult group.
I really was thinking their just drunks that like to play mysticism. But huh. They are true believers, aren't they?
Freemasons are a secret society drenched in evil. My stepfather was a lower ranked member, until he began paying attention to all of the shit that Q was bringing to light, and hasn't been to his lodge since. I suppose the lower members have no idea what is going on, but the higher members of the order are 100% corrupt and evil. They have powerful politicians, judges and CEOs as members. Stay away.
Interesting, thanks.
Consult the Bible my friend.
If you are subscribing to the religion of Moses/Jesus, then you will have to also subscribe to the existence of a counter force, potent and opposite. The devil/hell is ever-present and will approach with many masks and disguises.
You'd be contributing to an organization that has been corrupted for quite some time now. A lot of these societies may have actually started out with less/non-sinister intent, but the elite infiltrate them and corrupt them in order to use them to groom their upcoming servants for positions of "power." And the lower ranks are just rubes they use as the disguise of it just being a club, as the public can just be referred to "actual members" and they're all clean and say it's a wholesome group, so nothing to see here, no need to look into their leadership.
I'd stay away. Nothing good will come of it.
Masons teach a 'technology' for ordering people in organizations.
Think of the organizational structures needed to build a large structure like a church. Now think there are no banks to process payroll, there may not even be any money in circulation, there are no corporations, there are no stores for hammers and nails and 2x4's let alone the food and personal items needed by a large workforce.
How do you organize all these people and get them all pulling in the same direction? Well, you have a masonic lodge. The lodge has officers that each have specific responsibilities and they have ritualized systems for accomplishing tasks. Their meetings are highly ritualized, in the way that they are conducted. Why? Because there were no universities and most people were illiterate, so people would repeat the same things each time they met so they would learn it.
Part of the teachings is how to keep the organizations actions secret. They have a guy sitting on the inside of the door with a sword. They have a guy sitting on the outside of the door with a sword and those two guys are two of the officers of the lodge. Why? Well, because, operational security is a thing. Do you let everyone have access to your email password? No. Why? Because operational security is a thing. How do you teach operational security both in principle and in practice to illiterates? You make it a ritual.
Once you have the 'technology' of organizing people into a cohesive group that knows how to keep secrets and knows how to get stuff done, what do you do with that knowledge? These is were the age old maxim of technology being a double edged blade comes into play. You can use a gun for good (hunt and feed your family) or bad (armed robbery). It is not the gun that is at fault. It is the person that is holding the gun.
Some lodges are evil, and some are not. Really depends on the people in them. Also consider that the church has been perverted for ... ages (think how long pedophile catholic priests have been protected, and if we go back 100 years to when we didn't hear about it, is that because it wasn't there or just we dodn't hear from the victims?).
So if evil people were in the masonic system, some would rise. There was a recent study on psychopathic children in school yards. The psychopaths will recognize each other and team up to make abusing the other kids easier. So the psychos would team up. The psychos would then form their own lodges and not invite normal people.
All this to say, there are evil masons. There are good masons. The masonic teachings are not evil in and of themselves. The teachings are more about establishing and maintaining human organizations in spite of poor education and during periods of adverse social conditions. It's a great technology for evil psychopaths to use and organize themselves.
Calling it a technology for organization .... do you know how to take 15 people and organize them into an organization so that they will each do a part of the work and keep that organization going, even after you are long gone?
Once you have risen through the ranks and become a master of a lodge, you do know how to do that because you have performed each of the roles required to make it happen.
If you want to join, go for it. A condition for membership is a belief in a higher being. Do nothing that goes against your faith in God. Keep your faith. The evil ones will see that you are not interested in their corruption and will stay away, meaning the opportunities to be 'promoted' into those evil lodges simply will never materialize.
Very good point
Interesting perspective.
Thank you, I will.
I wish I could find it for you but I recall seeing a vid of a truther who was given a copy of a Masonic Bible. This was years ago. Anyway, they use the King James Bible but it is intentionally misinterpreted in some ways, which includes worship of other gods. The only one I can actually bring to mind right now is that they interpret Amen (it is so) to be a praise for the Egyptian good Amen Ra. They could say Amen after a prayer in public and everyone would think they were saying Amen as the Bible intends but secretly when they say it they are giving homage to an Egyptian God!
Masonry is a cult, very similar (in both setup and practices/rituals) to Mormonism. Do not fall for the trap. There is one true God, and one true path to salvation as documented by the Bible. Anything else is Statan's work.
Tbh, I never thought much about this organization. There's a lodge in my town where practically everyone has events, especially grad parties. I know amfew strong Trump supporters who do, lime you said, just like to go and drink and play cards. We scheduled our daughter's grad party for this summer. They have sent a.refund stating that they are cancelling all 2021 events on the schedule. Knowing what I now do I will gladly move the party elsewhere. I'll bet most people have no idea.
You can basically learn everything you need from the internet, you don't need to join.
Actual Masons don't even know what they're talking about anymore anyway.
I recommend Mark Passio's What On Earth Is Happening podcast which has a bunch of episodes on Masonry.
There are plenty of philanthropic, public groups you can join like rotary or lions. If you really want to join something and help your community without the satanic stuff...
I'm personally joining mine because all the old guys will be leaving soon and I want to take over and run it as a local organization were patriots can meet and organize under a established group. I'm well aware of what goes on at the top and want to use my local branch as a ship to take back as many lodges as possible
(Colossians 2:8) See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
(James 5:2) But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.
(John 18:12) Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret.
I've know some really good masons. I wanted to and almost joined them myself, but I always returned to what the Word of God says about rituals, oaths, and swearing.
Thank you for this.
I think originally it was not a corrupt organization. But like all powerful groups, the one secret society to rule them all crept in and hijacked it.
All the talk of the masons being evil is retarded. People at the top sure, but not the whole organization and not the majority of the members (rank and file).
I joined the blue lodge years ago and never went up the line or into the scottish/york rites. I don't go to lodge anymore but here in the midwest it's mostly grandfathers in a kind of fraternal charity group.
Over time the higher ranks definitely diverted off onto a side path that's dark and corrupt, but the core of masonry has always been "To make good men better."
It's about community involvement, making yourself a better man in the service of God, and developinga deeper understanding of the mysteries. The founding fathers were almost all Masons and their belief in a unifying God principle and the sovereignty of the free individual man was the impetus for the founding of the Republic.
But just like many other American institutions it became a feeder stream of candidates for OTHER clubs and orders that feed into the cabal.
Feel free to swear off masonry, but don't make the mistake of thinking every good ole boy mason is a cultist. That's far from the truth.
I recommend reading Born in Blood about how the masons descend from the Templars, good history.
Masonry is Satanic. You only find out when you get above 32nd degree. Don't do it!! And, don't go it alone spiritually. You need to have people who can help you understand the enormity of the decision to follow God and not Satan.
They use blackmail to rank up members. Filmed fuckin goats n shit.
NOT a Mason but I wouldn't join this organization. An organization that exists with protected secrets.
As others have mentioned the lower levels use it as a social club but it is an org with evil intent.
Right. As they say “A society with secrets, not a secret society”. JFK warned against those and we see how that went.
Masons are a fraternity nothing evil about them. Many are Christians.
Thank you
u/LurkerWill is right on the money. I suck at religion in general. I am a bad example, and struggle with lots of bad stuff, but I have been to small groups and it is true. I feel like that is what churches used to be before Constantine, just people hiding in houses talking about the bible and encouraging each other to be Godly people.
audiobook on youtube of "Mere Christianity", as recommended by u/BoatingAccident (and myself)
Lots of cops and military are masons. I think the reason for this is that people that are into traditions are drawn to those professions and to organizations like the masons.
People that have no interest in history or the maintenance of tradition are normally not drawn to those professions or to organizations like the masons.
Does this include bowling
I think that's a great idea-- we could call it Q&A for Q and anons. What do you think?
Yes yes! Please let's be a real cult! I miss my previous cult every day...
Ha! thanks! I think you've got a great idea I think there has to be some vetting or else each chapter will end up with a "Pence" or two screwing everything up.
-- I'm seeing ball caps with Q&A on them and t-shirts and bumper stickers.
Come to the yoop eh?
THIS! I’ve visited the lodge my friends are a part of and was amazed at their comradely and the feeing that it was a true brotherhood and that they had each other’s backs. Now I know it’s all gnostic luciferian garbage but I was saddened how the men’s ministry in my local church did not feel the same way.
Did your dad quit after he found out what it was really all about? I recently found out my grandfather and great-grandfather were masons like a level zem-zem or something. I felt like Ray from Star Wars when she found out her grandpa was Palpatine.
I'm a bit confused. My grandfather was a WW2 vet and a Mason, but he was also an avid churchgoer. Do Masons normally divide their time between Lodge and church? I have a feeling my grandparents withheld a bunch of secrets.
Please see my post elsewhere. They have a secret interpretation of the Bible which would be indistinguishable to the layman from earnest Christian prayer and worship
Exactly. See Riddles in Stone documentary or book for more details