Regardless, Trump is certainly doing this on purpose to mess with the DS it seems.
Kids always get it until adults fuck them up
Heisenberg effect is very strong evidence for the existence of a Creator.
So like this is a job for Jesus basically :)
The post is good. It’s the retarded level of excitement over it that isn’t. Perhaps even keel instead of rollercoaster is a better path.
Well there was the usual crew shitting on him for expressing facts.
How dare you xir!
Not whining that nothing is happening but maybe pointing out how retarded people post Habbenings that amount to very little every fucking day. Maybe if they stop acting like a bunch of overly emotional children happy that it’s cake day every time someone posts another Habbening or Kraken …. and were a little bit more serious… Like not posting every fucking mouse fart as a happening… then people would take things a bit more seriously as well and not make jokes about two weeks.
TLDR? Things are happening but Stop celebrating like spazes every time there’s a minor win on our side
People who make fun of “two week” people are fucking ostriches
This 💯
The ONLY way normies give a shit is when it get so terrible there’s no escape
That happens at least 3 times a day just on my block!
If we were more judicious with what gets a sticky here it would be better when the PDW crowd curious folks visit though. There’s like 15 stickies all the time. Kind of defeats the point.
Fractal would be breaking us into smaller identical units to the whole. So yes. Not the best word.
There shouldn't be a federal law enforcement agency though.
All true what they say about him
And that’s just in reference to Pete buttplug!
We had to mask at work. Sucked. I’ll never get the shot though.
I’m going back to leeches!
Comrades Marathon?
Can’t make this shit up