Greg Gutfeld is getting his own DAILY show at 10 or 11 eastern. He has been a Staunch supporter of Trump and skews Juan Williams on The 5 at 4 show.
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updoot for best comment of the day.
"Reverse Uno Card from Hell"
You sir, win the internet for one whole day!
Yep, we were once big Fox news fans, but I won't watch them anymore. When we do decide to watch news, we have OANN. My sister still watches Fox in the evening, but I won't.
I avoid Faux News and NewsMarx... propaganda of the Left designed to manipulate the Right without us realizing it
Gutfeld and Dobbs are the only ones I was ok with. The rest.... leftist scum. Don't even get me started on Perino the Bushie Leftist NWO Ho.
Dobbs has already been cancelled
Yes, thx, I heard. Hope he makes it to OAN or Real Americas Voice.
Would Make my KlowdTV app that much better
Perino lost me when she spent 8.5 minutes crying over George Floyd. Never watched her after that.
Bush flunkie RINO
I have NEVER like her. She always came across as a phony.
Gutfeld needs to leave, otherwise he's just like the rest over there: CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
Agreed, but don’t forget he has a contract
Fuck Fox
fuck fox, never again.
Fox has lost its luster because 20 years ago they had a different angle. Their current angle is CNN lite which is boring and brain dead.
sort of like twitter now
Man! I miss Red Eye. I hope it's something like that.
he is funny
Greg, Jesse, and Tucker all need to leave FOX News, especially now after what they did to Lou Dobbs. The writing is on the wall, and they will need to make the decision if they want to continue propping up and supporting what is left of this traitorous, failing network.
Gutfeld came around after the 2016 election.
And I still won’t watch!
10 or 11 AM? Who will watch that? They must be just filling the slots.
I have DirecTV and in Mid December I basically put the parental control on FoxNews, FoxBusiness, Newsmax, MSNBC, CNN, and Headline News. I then wrote down the 4 digit code to access them. Then I took the code and flushed it down the toilet. I think I remember it but not 100% sure? These channels will simply not come up on my TV anymore without the code and I have yet to even try it because I will never watch any of them, especially fox and newsmax, ever again.
TV is a weapon. If u don't use your mind, it will be used against u. Television = TELL - A - VISION. " Think Mirror "
Greg Gutfeld was in the Samantha B video on November 4 where she was like, “It’s over!” And she went around clinking glasses ?with people. Greg Gutfeld was one of those people so I’m never watching him or Fox again.
I’ll watch Lou, Judge Jeanine, and Maria on another platform.
You can't pay me to watch anything on the Faux news channel Hannity, Tucker, Laura, Greg . . . they can fend for themselves like everybody else in America
Too little, too late. The only way they can salvage their reputation is to do an expose on all the evidence of voter fraud and mount a transparent investigation into why their decision desk called AZ so early and exhibited other suspicious (to say the least) behavior in their calls on election night.
Maybe when Gutfeld's contract expires he won't renew it. Right now he's stating because he's contractually bound. Now, if they fire him that's a different story.
Fox is the right arm of the propaganda machine. Nothing on TV is worth your time. Time to walk away from the boob tube.
If someone gave me tons of money, I would pretend to be a dem and let them make fun of me. It's all theater.
Greg is a cuck sorry. Never watching again.