Tell me about it. I cant even get through to my roommate, and he used to work in anti-illicit trade in S Africa! He's not a leftie but has a bad case of TDS. Been trying for months now. He “debunks” everything I share by sending me links to MSM. Hell learn the truth soon enough. But its to the point where an “I told you!” wont even be fun.
He thinks he has superior news sources: NPR and the like. I'm like - how do you figure they are superiors when they come to the same retarded conclusions as CNN?
I find my friend is too emotionally invested in his hatred for Trump. I imagine Trump-hate is so socially accepted and praised in his circle of work-based friends, that he actually thinks he must be right - because feelz I guess.
Oh my God tell me about it. Its so frustrating when my lefty liberal friends on Facebook so arrogantly believe they are genuinely fact checking me by sources that are just mainstream media articles.
I just facepalm and try and get them to even entertain different ideas and trt sticking to logical proofs.
But the cognitive dissonance is SO strong. I tried explaining recently that "right wing propaganda" does not exist since the viewer is actively seeking information that's strictly outside the bubble of legacy media sources.
Whereas "left wing propaganda" DOES exist because it permeates through the television sets, newspapers, laptop screens and phone screens of every single person regardless of what their beliefs are.
So the mainstream media propaganda makes its way to the observer without any energy on their part, whereas the things I believe from non-mainstream media sources require me to actively search and filter through and expend energy to find.
You would think I would at least receive acknowledgement of my argument being sound. Instead I get scoffed at and told that its astonishing that I refuse to come back to reality...
This is why they need a bucket of cold water to the face. Obama giving his confession on live TV and being hung should do it. It really upsets me to have friends who STILL know so little about Obama's true character that they praise him and call him "perfect" or the "most loved President".
Yup. Gonna be a rude awakening for a whole lotta people.
I figure this is my test from God. To be patient with the willfully ignorant. To forgive those who would call me a domestic terrorist. To have mercy on those who are stuck in the lower frequencies of fear and hatred.
I think I would disagree: there definitely is "right-wing propaganda".
But I think you're making a different point - one that "normies" definitely don't understand - that propaganda is most dangerous for the passive consumer.
If you take a passive posture in an information war - your own biases can be exploited from the Right or the Left.
Fair point. What would be some examples of right wing propaganda then? I just refuse to think I'm being brainwashed since I've already had my "oh fuck that I was being manipulated into believing and feeling a certain way this whole time" moment. Back when the first impeachment trial unraveled, fell apart and the Russia hoax was exposed.
My remark was meant to help you when you get into a debate with a friend who hasn't been red-pilled. If you say something like 'right wing propaganda doesn't exist' - you're not going to get through to someone who thinks that the entire MAGA movement is only the result of right-wing propaganda. They are wrong of course. But they won't hear anything you have to say - if you take that position. Like black people claiming it's impossible for black people to be racist. Would you be interested in any of that person's views about racism? Nope.
But if you recognize that propaganda as a concept that does not favor any particular ideology. It is just a tool for mass manipulation. And bad people use propaganda from both extreme political sides. Then you can engage in a deeper debate with your friends.
Take weed for example - most people are pretty misinformed about marijuana due to right-wing propaganda from back in the '50s. Does that mean conservatives are wrong and libs are right? Nope.
The truth is somewhere in the middle - weed was legal before it was illegal. Like alcohol. Nobody takes the position that drinking alcohol is a net positive for your health or even for the society. But we favor liberty before government regulation, bans and control. So it is logical for conservatives to be pro-legalized weed.
Yes. To get it down to 4 to 6% something really big and obvious would have to be released to break thru the deception to many people are caught in. At this point all I can do is shake my head and hope it happens sooner rather than later.
I agree, but honestly think it won't take much of a counter-argument to keep many more of them lost. The first lie they stumble over will send them back into the pit forever.
I used to think that flat earthers were a part of a giant, comical LARP/shitpost on the internet. I actually wanted to be apart of it a while ago! :-) ... then you learn that they really believe it and, well, it isn't as funny :-).
I agree, at some point the fighting will start. Conservatives have proved to be the most patient group of people, for one I’m getting more and more angry. I will trust the plan until I can’t anymore and that time is quickly approaching.
I believe they are Simps for the US Government, they seem to love the government telling them what to do, there is word for people that love government...
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
ironic, that satan with capital S would trend, but they refuse to have much to do with God or stop lying, on a platform for lefitists (who they say are the good guys and trump/conservatives are the "immoral guys")
i think what's really going on is, it looks like their doing some form/kind of incantation witchcraft invoking Satan's name to hex those they name, and they're making it trend so other participants do the same, like how once twitter banned Trump, that was a signal to trend other companies to purge Trump and conservative voices
I think the 4-6% that can't be saved may have been a conservative estimate.
Tell me about it. I cant even get through to my roommate, and he used to work in anti-illicit trade in S Africa! He's not a leftie but has a bad case of TDS. Been trying for months now. He “debunks” everything I share by sending me links to MSM. Hell learn the truth soon enough. But its to the point where an “I told you!” wont even be fun.
sounds like my friend (for 25 years now).
He thinks he has superior news sources: NPR and the like. I'm like - how do you figure they are superiors when they come to the same retarded conclusions as CNN?
I find my friend is too emotionally invested in his hatred for Trump. I imagine Trump-hate is so socially accepted and praised in his circle of work-based friends, that he actually thinks he must be right - because feelz I guess.
I know some smart people who just can't see the obvious. I wonder if their pride will allow them to ever admit they were wrong about Trump.
Pride Cometh Before The Fall
Oh my God tell me about it. Its so frustrating when my lefty liberal friends on Facebook so arrogantly believe they are genuinely fact checking me by sources that are just mainstream media articles.
I just facepalm and try and get them to even entertain different ideas and trt sticking to logical proofs.
But the cognitive dissonance is SO strong. I tried explaining recently that "right wing propaganda" does not exist since the viewer is actively seeking information that's strictly outside the bubble of legacy media sources.
Whereas "left wing propaganda" DOES exist because it permeates through the television sets, newspapers, laptop screens and phone screens of every single person regardless of what their beliefs are.
So the mainstream media propaganda makes its way to the observer without any energy on their part, whereas the things I believe from non-mainstream media sources require me to actively search and filter through and expend energy to find.
You would think I would at least receive acknowledgement of my argument being sound. Instead I get scoffed at and told that its astonishing that I refuse to come back to reality...
This is why they need a bucket of cold water to the face. Obama giving his confession on live TV and being hung should do it. It really upsets me to have friends who STILL know so little about Obama's true character that they praise him and call him "perfect" or the "most loved President".
Yup. Gonna be a rude awakening for a whole lotta people.
I figure this is my test from God. To be patient with the willfully ignorant. To forgive those who would call me a domestic terrorist. To have mercy on those who are stuck in the lower frequencies of fear and hatred.
And to keep trying to wake them up.
I think I would disagree: there definitely is "right-wing propaganda".
But I think you're making a different point - one that "normies" definitely don't understand - that propaganda is most dangerous for the passive consumer.
If you take a passive posture in an information war - your own biases can be exploited from the Right or the Left.
Fair point. What would be some examples of right wing propaganda then? I just refuse to think I'm being brainwashed since I've already had my "oh fuck that I was being manipulated into believing and feeling a certain way this whole time" moment. Back when the first impeachment trial unraveled, fell apart and the Russia hoax was exposed.
That was the first redpill for me.
First off - we all celebrate your liberation.
My remark was meant to help you when you get into a debate with a friend who hasn't been red-pilled. If you say something like 'right wing propaganda doesn't exist' - you're not going to get through to someone who thinks that the entire MAGA movement is only the result of right-wing propaganda. They are wrong of course. But they won't hear anything you have to say - if you take that position. Like black people claiming it's impossible for black people to be racist. Would you be interested in any of that person's views about racism? Nope.
But if you recognize that propaganda as a concept that does not favor any particular ideology. It is just a tool for mass manipulation. And bad people use propaganda from both extreme political sides. Then you can engage in a deeper debate with your friends.
Take weed for example - most people are pretty misinformed about marijuana due to right-wing propaganda from back in the '50s. Does that mean conservatives are wrong and libs are right? Nope.
The truth is somewhere in the middle - weed was legal before it was illegal. Like alcohol. Nobody takes the position that drinking alcohol is a net positive for your health or even for the society. But we favor liberty before government regulation, bans and control. So it is logical for conservatives to be pro-legalized weed.
Enjoy your journey into the great world of truth.
That's very helpful and well stated. Thanks buddy
Yes. To get it down to 4 to 6% something really big and obvious would have to be released to break thru the deception to many people are caught in. At this point all I can do is shake my head and hope it happens sooner rather than later.
I agree, but honestly think it won't take much of a counter-argument to keep many more of them lost. The first lie they stumble over will send them back into the pit forever.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's more like 12%-15%. With another 5%-10% that would "relapse" at the drop of a hat.
I just look at all the people who buy into the flat earth argument, and think that if it's that easy for that many people to believe a lie....
I used to think that flat earthers were a part of a giant, comical LARP/shitpost on the internet. I actually wanted to be apart of it a while ago! :-) ... then you learn that they really believe it and, well, it isn't as funny :-).
I agree, at some point the fighting will start. Conservatives have proved to be the most patient group of people, for one I’m getting more and more angry. I will trust the plan until I can’t anymore and that time is quickly approaching.
poor twatter....its now just an echo chamber of hate from the emotionally unstable and intellectually challenged.
And its All going as the Liberals and Communists have planned - divide the country even more ;)
"Band of red hat covid klan members!" I thought the people wearing double masks was the 'covid klan'?
They are the covidiots.
I believe they are Simps for the US Government, they seem to love the government telling them what to do, there is word for people that love government...
Can’t say it enough- THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK
Imagine having such TDS that you pretend to be part of a religion you vehemently hate to excuse your actions of other vehement hatred.
They're a joyfully hateful kinda bunch.
Almost like South Park's Christmas Critters, only less cute.
There's no joy.
There's no joy there.
It's all hate.
They can be pretty celebratory over their hate though. It doesn't look like "joy" to us because we don't enjoy what they enjoy.
Edit: I am in no way calling what they have "happiness" by any means, some of them are just sadistic and enjoy these things.
You're not wrong.
Vile, hateful people. Their lives have to suck to be wrought with that level of hate in their hearts.
Where’s all that unity they’ve been going on about? There aren’t enough therapists in the world to tackle the left’s deep-seated issues.
The Left can’t meme
James 4: 11-12
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
I don't wish anything bad on anyone but these people are truly disgusting.
Thankfully these idiots are the probably the same ones lining up for the vaccine.
We can only hope.
It'd be awesome to generate so much joy from lefties when I die. That's a testimony to how effective Rush was.
Their day will of happiness will come to end soon and the salt mines will be overflowing.
The utter hatred in their hearts sends shivers down my spine.
These people are...
Jesus these people are so cringe and fucked in the head.
Twatter is bleeding...
And its all coming from them.
You can NOT red pill brain dead!
Ironic this POS name is Serenity.
They do love their Satan.
Gee. Won't they be shocked to find out they are actually on Satan's team.
Unity... Peace... These words they use to virtue signal. Cut off all government aid. No more taxes, no more assistance. Let's play a game of survivor.
ironic, that satan with capital S would trend, but they refuse to have much to do with God or stop lying, on a platform for lefitists (who they say are the good guys and trump/conservatives are the "immoral guys")
i think what's really going on is, it looks like their doing some form/kind of incantation witchcraft invoking Satan's name to hex those they name, and they're making it trend so other participants do the same, like how once twitter banned Trump, that was a signal to trend other companies to purge Trump and conservative voices
You know what they say about karma - these assholes need to be prepared for a bitchslap
says the people who support pedos and abortion. seems like only like The Messiah when someone they hate dies then they bail on their master satan.