I don't think that this country has 40+ days left. If the military isn't already in control and simply letting Biden play house or if they don't have a proverbial gun to his head, our country will be gone.
Don't mind me, I'm new here and am VERY hesitant to put a lot of faith in all this Q stuff, but I'm making an effort to understand. I'm going to wait another couple weeks and see what happens
Personally for my own sanity I can't wait on the edge of my seat much longer. The prolonged stress from 2020 and now 2021 is so much that I really need an extended break from politics unless Trump is in office.
I’m not saying that it isn’t important I am just saying it’s posted at the same time as lent which to me makes it less of a message then anything if lent was not going on then yes it would be a lot more eyebrow raising to me but the fact that it talks about 40 days and coincides with lent sort of takes away the comm aspect for me.
This is the only part of it all to so much as make me budge my eyebrow. Does the NSA tweet about General Conference, the Day of Atonement, or Ramadan? Has it tweeted about Lent or Easter in the past?
I don't think that this country has 40+ days left. If the military isn't already in control and simply letting Biden play house or if they don't have a proverbial gun to his head, our country will be gone.
One datefagging word of caution here:
If you're going by the 40 days of Lent...
"Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday."
Therefore, it would be longer than 40 calendar days, as Sundays don't figure into the equation.
It could mean a literal 40 calendar days.
Who knows?
40 days from Feb. 17 (non Sundays) would be Apr. 3 (AKA Holy Saturday, the end of Lent).
If Trump were to pick Easter as the day to come back (from political death) it would certainly be "biblical."
Thank you for the word of caution!
So have the goalposts been moved past march 4th?
I'm not moving the goalposts again personally. It's March 4th or I am moving on with my life haha.
Don't mind me, I'm new here and am VERY hesitant to put a lot of faith in all this Q stuff, but I'm making an effort to understand. I'm going to wait another couple weeks and see what happens
The march 4th weirdos never could cite a single Q post to justify their prediction.
The original inauguration day or whatever.
Personally for my own sanity I can't wait on the edge of my seat much longer. The prolonged stress from 2020 and now 2021 is so much that I really need an extended break from politics unless Trump is in office.
Today is day 30 of 30 re: Mike Flynn's George Washington "give me one more month" statement
So on day 30 we get the revelation to wait another 40 days?
No, that came on day 27
Not saying that is isn’t important but I figured it wa s just lent related or something.
Does the NSA have a habit about posting about Lent?!?
It couldn’t possibly be more curious.
I’m not saying that it isn’t important I am just saying it’s posted at the same time as lent which to me makes it less of a message then anything if lent was not going on then yes it would be a lot more eyebrow raising to me but the fact that it talks about 40 days and coincides with lent sort of takes away the comm aspect for me.
And then nothing will happen.
I’ve always been a faggot when it comes to dates
Three days closer at any rate.
Wow. The tweet got deleted.
Also, they recently posted the number 17
Stop being a date fag! You're only going to be disappointed.
I’m just curious how “challenging” might be defined here?
Is it:
What a dumb post. They're talking about lent lol
This country has till March 5th. Then we start playing Cowboys and Indians.
This is the only part of it all to so much as make me budge my eyebrow. Does the NSA tweet about General Conference, the Day of Atonement, or Ramadan? Has it tweeted about Lent or Easter in the past?
Good questions.
Maybe the Catholics but the Jews don’t give a shite at all.