hold Up. The lights in the photo are literally on the wall. You would not see their reflection in the window behind them from this angle. The relections in the window are from lights behind the person taking the photo. Chill.
That looks like halation from the lights behind them. Something happens with how the bright lights are reflected inside the camera. You see this happen often in movies when a car with the headlights on is driving in the dark towards the camera.
It looks like it could be a reflection off the woman's bracelets, the way they are grouped in 3's reminds me of some jewelry my Mom has & would explain the almost heart shape of the trios
That’s the lens flare from the lights over his right shoulder. They are inverted and on the opposite dice because of the refraction off of the curved camera lens. I do paranormal research. We see this kind of thing all the time and have to tell people “no, you didn’t catch a ghost”. LoL. This is a typical anomaly in a dark room or pic with some source of bright light in the background.
I work in a field where I go into commercial businesses after hours. I have the keys, let myself in, and do my job then lock back up. I’ve had more then a few unexplainable experiences
What you are seeing reflected in the mirror on the left is the reflection of the light fixtures on either side of the window.
The lights around Trump's hand "Appear" to be in the form of a smiley face
Two dots for eyes, one for a nose and a V shaped mouth
Seems like a sort of reflection off the goblet and back over Trump's left hand, maybe back onto the camera lens, although it also could have been a mysterious divine sign making a down arrow for our edification--I lean toward low held flash effect through a good quality glass, though.
It's lens flare. I'm an enthusiast photographer and this happens all the time with a really bright subject in frame, such as light bulbs or the sun. It also can have the effect of lowering contrast in a photo, as you can see what is almost the appearance of a haze on their suit jackets.
Camera lenses consist of multiple lens groups, not just one lens. As such, light passes through multiple lenses before reaching the camera sensor. Curved lenses suffer from refraction as light passes through their curved surfaces.
look at the lights on either side of the window, its the same pattern but upside down,it must be a reflection inside the camera lens or something
Yes, this is what it is. I've had this happen before.
It's exceedingly well placed halation! Perfectly staged photos.
It’s still pretty awesome that the reflection goes perfectly around his hand?
hold Up. The lights in the photo are literally on the wall. You would not see their reflection in the window behind them from this angle. The relections in the window are from lights behind the person taking the photo. Chill.
You sound like an expert.
Vector analysis.
And there’s the yellow tie again, which in the nautical flag alphabet means...? You guessed it!
no we havent guessed it - what are you talking about
Yellow nautical flag is used for the letter Q.
What does it mean?
Yellow nautical flag=Q. ?
He's trying to match the gold decor? Lol
it looks like a heart with four dots in it! 14 dots in total.
Cortez 16 yo daughter.
Lol busted
no, the mum is much fitter
That looks like halation from the lights behind them. Something happens with how the bright lights are reflected inside the camera. You see this happen often in movies when a car with the headlights on is driving in the dark towards the camera.
It looks like it could be a reflection off the woman's bracelets, the way they are grouped in 3's reminds me of some jewelry my Mom has & would explain the almost heart shape of the trios
14 in the heard and three fingers within to make 17 for a major stretch
Pulled my hamstring on that stretch.
Yeah it’s fun to play the game sometimes even if ya don’t warm up. Haha
There are no coincidences.
Doesn't President Trump look a bit like a cut out figure, with all due respect
Lol yes both of them do
That’s the lens flare from the lights over his right shoulder. They are inverted and on the opposite dice because of the refraction off of the curved camera lens. I do paranormal research. We see this kind of thing all the time and have to tell people “no, you didn’t catch a ghost”. LoL. This is a typical anomaly in a dark room or pic with some source of bright light in the background.
Have you ever caught a ghost?
We’ve caught some interesting footage and had some crazy experiences that couldn’t be explained.
I work in a field where I go into commercial businesses after hours. I have the keys, let myself in, and do my job then lock back up. I’ve had more then a few unexplainable experiences
I’m sure. That’s a lot of chances to have something happen lol. I bet you have some good stories.
Q3234 - reflections are important, find the reflection https://qanon.pub/?q=find%20the%20reflection#3234
It’s a reflection of the sconce behind them. How it’s reflected there I have no idea.
Thats called magic boys
At first I thought it may be a reflection from all the jewelry but I don’t think so.
What you are seeing reflected in the mirror on the left is the reflection of the light fixtures on either side of the window. The lights around Trump's hand "Appear" to be in the form of a smiley face Two dots for eyes, one for a nose and a V shaped mouth
Isn't anyone going to notice how handsome, young, and stunning he looks? He's holding my heart!
It's a SPADE. It means TRUMP CARD.
He seems to have an ace up his sleeve!
Love it! Damn I miss my President!
Looks like a spade to me
Maybe it's a hologram..poses look like separate from each other...
Charging that mafucker up for a backhand!
Most exceptional president EVER!!!
We NEED him back A-SAP!
It’s a sign from the Galactic Federation ???
If the lighted dots are split right down the middle beginning at the president's finger tip, it looks like a mirror image of 2 capital Qs
the magic wand.......lol
Right hand thumb’s up, left hand thumb’s up, right hand thumb’s up, left hand colorful points of light. The women have no hand gestures.
No clue what it all could mean.
Yes its a lens reflection of one of the candelabras , inverted cause thats what a lens does. Flip over and align.
That is certainly odd. Also, Steve Cortes has a beautiful family!
It's steve cortes or did you mean it as a joke?
I actually fixed it right after I posted it, but I guess it didn't "take". Fixed now. I actually get those two confused a lot. I like them both.
I wasn't being snarky. I am actually happy it was Cortes. Would prefer to see people from his admin than congresspeople.
Seems like a sort of reflection off the goblet and back over Trump's left hand, maybe back onto the camera lens, although it also could have been a mysterious divine sign making a down arrow for our edification--I lean toward low held flash effect through a good quality glass, though.
It's lens flare. I'm an enthusiast photographer and this happens all the time with a really bright subject in frame, such as light bulbs or the sun. It also can have the effect of lowering contrast in a photo, as you can see what is almost the appearance of a haze on their suit jackets.
Camera lenses consist of multiple lens groups, not just one lens. As such, light passes through multiple lenses before reaching the camera sensor. Curved lenses suffer from refraction as light passes through their curved surfaces.