poor grammar by the third line (and continual poor grammar subsequently) makes the OP of this letter look ridiculous and subverts any intent it could attempt to gain traction.
The biggest mistake is that the military takes the oath to support and defend the Constitution, NOT the people. The police protect the people, the military protects and supports the Constitution.
My point is that the military does NOT protect people; it protects the Constitution. "I, (name), so solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."
No wonder why people don’t want open up sometimes. Critiqued by people think they’re so damn smart. I don’t even care anymore I suck at writing ✍️ with punctuation, grammar. But I’m still going to share even with degrading comments “like who’s the idiot or retard that wrote this” maybe it’s the retard that talks that way to make himself feel better when really, it makes you look like a shit head!
Now if this message and the importance of the public to re share about how they are feeling even though the GRAMMAR is “retarded” if you find that kind of analogy appealing.... Anyways my heart is to do the right thing. If someone who is like minded and respectful could let me know if this is a good thing if public shared and sending a clear message out. I seen this and wanted to share it because as patriot thats exactly how I feel. Should I not?
Not about being so damn smart, IMO. More about being respected and taken seriously when making a request or fighting for a cause. I think it's important to gauge your audience when putting anything in writing. Addressing the Military Chiefs of Staff will most certainly take on a more formal tone and grammar usage than what you might write in an open letter to say, a fantasy football league.
I understand what your saying and appreciate being respectful. As well as understanding that the general public that is watching and expressing their frustrations on social media and maybe not to be one of professional, legal type but maybe more as a meme because what the government officials, Msmnews has done is disservice to the American people and then some! Maybe it’s just as simple as a form of protesting and expressing how they feel on social media. And my comment was to those who think their “so damn smart” when they reply with “retard” or quick to jump and make comments like that, does the opposite effect! Thank you for your input
Yeh, I get that completely and don't disagree. There's a difference between making a suggestion about grammar and making someone feel inferior because of their word choice and syntax. Understood completely.
Just a suggestion, if you want to write a long info piece, put it in a word doc/note/etc. Then when you're finished you can proofread it for major spelling issues that can be fixed using "spell check". Then simply copy/paste it into your post. That may be of help. Again, just a suggestion.
Your heart is in the right place, that's what matters. And a good example of how you can be a Q supporter and not be complacent, like the MAGA lot accuse us of being.
You are correct!! Just because you cannot write with perfect spelling and grammar, does not make you less of a patriot. I am glad someone posted this either way.
There was a time in this country when men made their " mark" on papers. Because they couldn't read or write ..and they were still american citizens protected by the constitution
In southern states they tried to use not being able to read or write a reason to not allow black americans to vote ..
It's not what one can or can't do ..yet what's in thier heart
Let he who Is without sin cast the first stone
I say share it brother....
Where we go one we go all
And so your point is. Let the device make you look like a better speller ? I mean I can't stand texts that use stuff like " how r u ?" I have seen that here. So I guess they should use spell check
I believe and it's my opinion ..it's the content that's important
Now I'd he wants to correct it and start a new one ..that's great. If people want to just share it ..that's good too
Intentional spelling/grammar mistakes can be a useful tool to trick the useful idiots and shills into smug commenting on a post, thereby unintentionally helping more people to see the post and unwittingly helping a post go viral.
President Trump has used this technique in the past. Remember 'Wikileakes'?
The military oath is to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That fact is overlooked in this posting.... the author doesn't seem to know that.
How about this. Thanks fellas, we see what you have done and are doing. Brilliant Nd thank you for your virtuous service to God and in our behalf. God Bless, if you need us, you know where to find us. Those who need to be doing this job are doing it.
I didn’t mean for that to come off snooty. “That’s what I thought”, when I reread that. It’s hard to read emotion into text.
But I meant that genuinely
Although I didn’t write the post I shared, I also didn’t belittle the person who did. I am excited for and appreciative of anyone who has the courage to share truth on social platforms. I would rather fight along side a soldier that may not have the vocabulary that would impress the scholars than rely on a scholar that doesn’t have the guts to fight!!!
poor grammar by the third line (and continual poor grammar subsequently) makes the OP of this letter look ridiculous and subverts any intent it could attempt to gain traction.
Ye’s. There wa’s lot’s of mistake’s.
Lol you win, fren ❤
Yeah, couldn't someone have bothered to proofread this before sending it out?
The biggest mistake is that the military takes the oath to support and defend the Constitution, NOT the people. The police protect the people, the military protects and supports the Constitution.
The police are NOT there to protect people. They are there to protect the ds interests.
My point is that the military does NOT protect people; it protects the Constitution. "I, (name), so solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."
Police are there to to enforce policy
But the three exclamation points at the end - !!! - really brought it home to me :)
Welcome to the world of Facebook memes.
Or should I say...
Welco0mm 2 da w0rld of Facebook Meme's!!
Every time I see this stuff I just CRINGE. It never NOT looks like complete amateur hour.
What's wron'g wit'h th'e gramma'r? At least they didn't post "United State's Citizen's". /s
First thing I 'saw' when I read it was ... typed by someone with no education ...
Retired English teacher here, and yes, these are always cringe worthy.
Probably to get around machine learning and OCR of images
Soros would have been able to afford a proofreader.
No wonder why people don’t want open up sometimes. Critiqued by people think they’re so damn smart. I don’t even care anymore I suck at writing ✍️ with punctuation, grammar. But I’m still going to share even with degrading comments “like who’s the idiot or retard that wrote this” maybe it’s the retard that talks that way to make himself feel better when really, it makes you look like a shit head! Now if this message and the importance of the public to re share about how they are feeling even though the GRAMMAR is “retarded” if you find that kind of analogy appealing.... Anyways my heart is to do the right thing. If someone who is like minded and respectful could let me know if this is a good thing if public shared and sending a clear message out. I seen this and wanted to share it because as patriot thats exactly how I feel. Should I not?
Not about being so damn smart, IMO. More about being respected and taken seriously when making a request or fighting for a cause. I think it's important to gauge your audience when putting anything in writing. Addressing the Military Chiefs of Staff will most certainly take on a more formal tone and grammar usage than what you might write in an open letter to say, a fantasy football league.
I understand what your saying and appreciate being respectful. As well as understanding that the general public that is watching and expressing their frustrations on social media and maybe not to be one of professional, legal type but maybe more as a meme because what the government officials, Msmnews has done is disservice to the American people and then some! Maybe it’s just as simple as a form of protesting and expressing how they feel on social media. And my comment was to those who think their “so damn smart” when they reply with “retard” or quick to jump and make comments like that, does the opposite effect! Thank you for your input
Yeh, I get that completely and don't disagree. There's a difference between making a suggestion about grammar and making someone feel inferior because of their word choice and syntax. Understood completely.
Just a suggestion, if you want to write a long info piece, put it in a word doc/note/etc. Then when you're finished you can proofread it for major spelling issues that can be fixed using "spell check". Then simply copy/paste it into your post. That may be of help. Again, just a suggestion.
Your heart is in the right place, that's what matters. And a good example of how you can be a Q supporter and not be complacent, like the MAGA lot accuse us of being.
You are correct!! Just because you cannot write with perfect spelling and grammar, does not make you less of a patriot. I am glad someone posted this either way.
There was a time in this country when men made their " mark" on papers. Because they couldn't read or write ..and they were still american citizens protected by the constitution
In southern states they tried to use not being able to read or write a reason to not allow black americans to vote ..
It's not what one can or can't do ..yet what's in thier heart
Let he who Is without sin cast the first stone
I say share it brother.... Where we go one we go all
I love this thank you.
Thank you patriot
That time was before SPELLCHECK existed on every single device.
And so your point is. Let the device make you look like a better speller ? I mean I can't stand texts that use stuff like " how r u ?" I have seen that here. So I guess they should use spell check I believe and it's my opinion ..it's the content that's important Now I'd he wants to correct it and start a new one ..that's great. If people want to just share it ..that's good too
Intentional spelling/grammar mistakes can be a useful tool to trick the useful idiots and shills into smug commenting on a post, thereby unintentionally helping more people to see the post and unwittingly helping a post go viral.
President Trump has used this technique in the past. Remember 'Wikileakes'?
The military oath is to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That fact is overlooked in this posting.... the author doesn't seem to know that.
Did a retard write that?
Who cares. Maybe citizens are waking up. The point of the message is important
"What's this? Sounds like an order!" -- Master ("Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome")
You know its Sad, but true.
Looks like Chinese grammar.
"The people will demand change."
They’re starting to notice.... Trump and the Patriots....
I'm sure the Pentagon scowers FB daily for advice.
The worst thing is that our politicians base their knowledge on privatized 'news' organizations
How about this. Thanks fellas, we see what you have done and are doing. Brilliant Nd thank you for your virtuous service to God and in our behalf. God Bless, if you need us, you know where to find us. Those who need to be doing this job are doing it.
A link to Hunters laptop files from one of the warroom members. Please see all new tweets by him. If you are twitter banned open in incognito window. Serious. https://twitter.com/JackMaxey1/status/1364777220561129475
Geez, people, I'm a grammar fanatic and I don't care about the way this is written. It's the message that's important.
Yes the message is important.
And, in an important sense, the way it's written is the message.
Thank you that’s what I thought
I didn’t mean for that to come off snooty. “That’s what I thought”, when I reread that. It’s hard to read emotion into text. But I meant that genuinely
i get it but this shit looks silly
Although I didn’t write the post I shared, I also didn’t belittle the person who did. I am excited for and appreciative of anyone who has the courage to share truth on social platforms. I would rather fight along side a soldier that may not have the vocabulary that would impress the scholars than rely on a scholar that doesn’t have the guts to fight!!!
While there are grammar mistakes, it doesn't take away from the message the writer is trying to send.
I the turtle Mitch does that the best