As hard as it is to get a leftist to explain what they hate about Trump, the main complaint I’ve seen is that Trump supposedly is a compulsive liar. Doesn’t matter to them that Biden is a confirmed compulsive liar.
Him and heels up are in competition with each other for the most insane lies. I still think heels up has the edge, but not for lack of trying on Brain Dead Biden's part.
If someone can track down corn pop, maybe he can shed some light on what's going on here.
Voting against marriage equality was not being homophobic. The government has no business regulating a religious ceremony. The contract part can be between any two or more adults. The religious ceremony should be controlled by the religion. The sensible thing to do is to separate marriage into the two pieces: religious ceremony and contract law.
But then again, we're talking about stupid government assholes.
Because all of his lies are so obviously lies, and so obviously ... just .... poorly-formed lies... that my ego takes offense. Feeling offended, that Biden thinks I am that stupid that I would believe these lies.
They were just exercising their fweedom!
I don't know that anything in his life is true or honest, actually.
When will the credits be rolling to the bad movie? I'm ready for it to be over.
You and me both!
As hard as it is to get a leftist to explain what they hate about Trump, the main complaint I’ve seen is that Trump supposedly is a compulsive liar. Doesn’t matter to them that Biden is a confirmed compulsive liar.
Yeah, and what's bad is they can't come up with a single thing he's "lied" about.
They can't use any of their "fact" checkers because it's been proven to be biased and filled with lies.
Haha @ #3
He was senile already in his twenties.
Well judging from the perversion in their family, perhaps old cornpop used to cornhole.
That is for certain another bullshit BIDEN moment. Most people are frequent fliers while Biden is a frequent LIER
It's a slippery slope as lies beget more lies. A liar gets buried under more and more farciful lies. The best policy is an honest one.
Him and heels up are in competition with each other for the most insane lies. I still think heels up has the edge, but not for lack of trying on Brain Dead Biden's part.
If someone can track down corn pop, maybe he can shed some light on what's going on here.
Corn Pop's dead.
So, Joe probably plagiarized and slandered a man's name he found in some obit all for some "I relate to your kind" points.
I just had to post that on FB. Maybe someone will get it to Biden.
Who's dumber, Biden with his lie, or the idiot fact checking his lie, calling everyone against redefining marriage a homophobe?
Bring back Corn Pop!
Voting against marriage equality was not being homophobic. The government has no business regulating a religious ceremony. The contract part can be between any two or more adults. The religious ceremony should be controlled by the religion. The sensible thing to do is to separate marriage into the two pieces: religious ceremony and contract law.
But then again, we're talking about stupid government assholes.
Maybe this happened to the little robot Joey Xiden.
Please assume that all Biden "stories" are the worst sort of fiction.
OK, it's a lie. I "get it". But can you at least suspend disbelief and make entertaining?
Evidently, no.
P.S. My most obnoxious issue with this?
My ego, of course.
Because all of his lies are so obviously lies, and so obviously ... just .... poorly-formed lies... that my ego takes offense. Feeling offended, that Biden thinks I am that stupid that I would believe these lies.
But then I remember the truth.
Typical craptastic pandering politician. Truth and history no longer matter in crazy world we find ourselves in today...
It seems even Biden's lies are on a teleprompter for him.
I'm still waiting on the hairy leg proof.
35% of statistics are just made up.
Such a bullshitter
The big guy is homophobic but his son Hunter is def a switch hitter. Cum on man!