359 Yohan Blake: Jamaican sprinter would ‘rather miss Tokyo Olympics than have Covid-19 vaccine’ (www.standard.co.uk) posted 4 years ago by wolfy 4 years ago by wolfy +359 / -0 20 comments share 20 comments share save hide report block hide replies
No Olympic gold would be better than in the ground cold.
There is still the nagging doubts about Fukushima and the venues in that district-sucking in atomics can't be good for your health...
Top young athletes shouldn't need a vaccine for a cold with a 99.8 survival rate. Insanity.
It's 99.98 in the age range including people up to 49 and regardless of how healthy they are.
It really is. Yohan Blake is 100x healthier than Bill Gates or Fauci
Clear positions must be encouraged and made known.
God Bless this young man. It takes balls the size of boulders to walk away from a lifetime's work to stand up for your freedom.
We should all think of this the next time we're afraid to go maskless at a grocery store.
Thankfully even the sheep athletes probably have someone in their corner telling him how unbelievably stupid it is for them to get the vaccines.
These are some of the healthiest and most in shape people in the world. It's comical how they'd even try pushing it on them.
More Olympic Athletes need to be speaking out like this guy.
Covid is essentially no risk to any athlete. Can the same be said about the vaccine? Hell, no!
Keeping his temple healthy.
He's awake!
yup. just like young folk changing their mind over going into the military rather than be positioned into being experimented on.
Great job Yohan.
Here’s the real trophy-life!
I'm always surprised to see healthy young men coming out of the grocery store with masks on.
That is just sad to make him choose!
Are they going to require all the athletes to be vaccinated? What a total waste of good health.
Tokyo 2021 - yes I will watch Beijing 2022? - that’s a no from me you genocidal communists (redundant?)