Have you ever wondered, why an 80 year old guy still works like hell?
The word Fauces is latin and means gatekeeper. He has been it since Ronald Reagan. Any Q?
Please tell me this is sarcasm. Disregard the following if it is sarcasm:
Why the heck would you get ANY of these untested experimental gene therapy injections? These are not vaccines. They have nothing in common with vaccines except for the fact that they are injected. You can inject heroin, too, but that doesn't make it a vaccine.
Why on earth would you let someone inject you with a substance that has not gone through years of testing so that we know exactly how it works and any long term issues?
Again, please disregard if your comment was sarcastic.
I am still doing my due diligence research on the J&J vaccine, but unlike the pfizer and moderna immunotherapies, it is a true vaccine. It uses a template adenovirus (called Ad26) with the replication DNA removed (it can't create more of itself). Expressed on the surface of this adenovirus is the sars-cov-2 spike protein.
I am not endorsing this. I think it is ludicrous for anyone to get the vaccine unless you are immunocompromised and even then I'm not sure, as there is not enough data. But it is a real vaccine, and there are no other ingredients in the vaccine that are harmful (I still need to do more research on one of them, but initial research suggests its ok). According to the trial reports the only side effects were mild headaches, fever, etc. No anaphylactic shock, blindness, death etc. like the others.
Only time will tell if this is a good vaccine or not, and even then only if they don't suppress the real data.
Even then, there is no way to know if any of that research is valid. They say their experimental fluid contains such and such ingredients, but they won’t actually provide you with a sample to test that yourself, if that was even something you could do, and most of us do not have the tools, education, or technology to do that. We are entirely just trusting these pedophiles that the experimental fluid they want to inject into us contains what they say it contains. But I do not trust these people. They falsified peer-reviewed studies to make it look like the cure for Covid was poisonous, then retracted the studies once the corporate media had their headlines. These are people who rigged an entire election with hacked Dominion software. They will lie about anything. I would not trust their experimental fluid no matter what they claim about it. We cannot even trust a third party to test their experimental fluid because the third parties have all been blackmailed, bribed, or threatened.
It's always important to keep in mind that not everyone is evil, especially after four years of Trump's Presidency. Regardless of that, in this case, while there is reason to be skeptical, especially given everything we have learned, there is no reason to a priori assume they are directly lying about the ingredients.
For example, thimerosal (mercury compound) used in vaccines (rarely though now) is a listed ingredient. So yes, they were poisoning people, and given what we know now it was likely on purpose, but they were also telling you they were, even if you didn't know it.
Direct lies don't seem to be the Luciferian way from what I have seen. When they do things to the population they seem to like to tell you about it. There seems to be a need to make you willingly give up your inalienable rights to them (perhaps religious based). It is for this reason that the Great Awakening is really not that hard once you get over that initial hurdle. The evidence for their crimes is literally everywhere. I think they need willing victims. I think that's the power trip, and I think its ubiquitous.
It is for this reason I am not overly concerned about hidden ingredients. I could change my mind with evidence, but everywhere I look they keep telling me what crimes they want to commit. I am much more concerned about what they keep hidden (like data) than direct lies.
Anyone else also catch the lie? He never mentions anything about adjuvants, like aluminum hydroxide. He says the body attacks the protein, not without the adjuvant.
He's had the eyebrow thing on his right eye since at least 1990's. Most pictures online are with his glasses. A few without and his eyebrow was wonky then.
The same johnson and johnson who were guilty of giving carcinogens to babies and had to pay billions in damages ? Riigghht. I hope I never come face to face with this guy. I will definitely " take one for the team " .
Have you ever wondered, why an 80 year old guy still works like hell? The word Fauces is latin and means gatekeeper. He has been it since Ronald Reagan. Any Q?
I’ve wondered the same thing. The highest paid government employee is an octogenarian.
Does he work that hard really? I don't see what he does besides go on TV and say BS
His eyebrows have always looked like that.
--What's off-kilter to me is that cartoon music playing.
Well I WAS going to get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine until I say Fauci saying to get it, now I’m like HELL NO!
Please tell me this is sarcasm. Disregard the following if it is sarcasm:
Why the heck would you get ANY of these untested experimental gene therapy injections? These are not vaccines. They have nothing in common with vaccines except for the fact that they are injected. You can inject heroin, too, but that doesn't make it a vaccine.
Why on earth would you let someone inject you with a substance that has not gone through years of testing so that we know exactly how it works and any long term issues?
Again, please disregard if your comment was sarcastic.
I’m kidding.
Forgot to add that it's "72%" effective while your immune system has a better chance of defeating the "virus" than a 72% effective vaccine.
I am still doing my due diligence research on the J&J vaccine, but unlike the pfizer and moderna immunotherapies, it is a true vaccine. It uses a template adenovirus (called Ad26) with the replication DNA removed (it can't create more of itself). Expressed on the surface of this adenovirus is the sars-cov-2 spike protein.
I am not endorsing this. I think it is ludicrous for anyone to get the vaccine unless you are immunocompromised and even then I'm not sure, as there is not enough data. But it is a real vaccine, and there are no other ingredients in the vaccine that are harmful (I still need to do more research on one of them, but initial research suggests its ok). According to the trial reports the only side effects were mild headaches, fever, etc. No anaphylactic shock, blindness, death etc. like the others.
Only time will tell if this is a good vaccine or not, and even then only if they don't suppress the real data.
Yeah, the best thing to do if you are immuno-compromised is inject yourself with anitfreeze. Doesn't sound too smart to me.
Even then, there is no way to know if any of that research is valid. They say their experimental fluid contains such and such ingredients, but they won’t actually provide you with a sample to test that yourself, if that was even something you could do, and most of us do not have the tools, education, or technology to do that. We are entirely just trusting these pedophiles that the experimental fluid they want to inject into us contains what they say it contains. But I do not trust these people. They falsified peer-reviewed studies to make it look like the cure for Covid was poisonous, then retracted the studies once the corporate media had their headlines. These are people who rigged an entire election with hacked Dominion software. They will lie about anything. I would not trust their experimental fluid no matter what they claim about it. We cannot even trust a third party to test their experimental fluid because the third parties have all been blackmailed, bribed, or threatened.
It's always important to keep in mind that not everyone is evil, especially after four years of Trump's Presidency. Regardless of that, in this case, while there is reason to be skeptical, especially given everything we have learned, there is no reason to a priori assume they are directly lying about the ingredients.
For example, thimerosal (mercury compound) used in vaccines (rarely though now) is a listed ingredient. So yes, they were poisoning people, and given what we know now it was likely on purpose, but they were also telling you they were, even if you didn't know it.
Direct lies don't seem to be the Luciferian way from what I have seen. When they do things to the population they seem to like to tell you about it. There seems to be a need to make you willingly give up your inalienable rights to them (perhaps religious based). It is for this reason that the Great Awakening is really not that hard once you get over that initial hurdle. The evidence for their crimes is literally everywhere. I think they need willing victims. I think that's the power trip, and I think its ubiquitous.
It is for this reason I am not overly concerned about hidden ingredients. I could change my mind with evidence, but everywhere I look they keep telling me what crimes they want to commit. I am much more concerned about what they keep hidden (like data) than direct lies.
Didnt Trudeau also have an eyebrow mishap?
Indeed. Pepperidge Farm members that....
Did he get Bells Palsy from getting the jab lol.
Bell's Palsy won't do that to an eyebrow. Nor will a stroke (the next thing people might think makes sense). That's just bizarre
Anyone else also catch the lie? He never mentions anything about adjuvants, like aluminum hydroxide. He says the body attacks the protein, not without the adjuvant. Vaccines KILL. STAY FAR AWAY. IF THERE ARE THERAPEUTICS, WHY DO YOU NEED A VACCINE? WAKE UP SHEOPLE
WTF IS up with that eyebrow? So wierd....
?.....he's......melting?? That's a messed up eye brow.
He's had the eyebrow thing on his right eye since at least 1990's. Most pictures online are with his glasses. A few without and his eyebrow was wonky then.
Maybe he borrowed them from Justin Trudeau.
Just like Trudeau a coupla years ago. And side note: as of 4:20pm ET - 434 UpVotes, 3300 DownVotes, nearly an 8:1 ratio.
The same johnson and johnson who were guilty of giving carcinogens to babies and had to pay billions in damages ? Riigghht. I hope I never come face to face with this guy. I will definitely " take one for the team " .
It cuts him off at the end mid-sentence...
"...vitrually 100% effective against hospitalizations and death as proven by this trial that was done..."
Done on who?
Look at images on a search engine. You can see this is pretty normal for him
I think he got switched out after his "vocal cord" surgery.