Because science.
edit: after reading so many thoughtful comments, I am changing my view on this matter. If you are sick, and go out in public, please be kind and don't spread your germs everywhere. If this means wearing a mask for you, then God bless you. If you choose for whatever reason to not wear a mask, then God bless you and you should be free to decide that. If you go out in public, you assume risks that there are germs out there. If you are not comfortable with those risks, you have the right to no go out. If you are a business, you should not be required to put up any signs or enforce any such orders. In fact, there shouldn't even be such orders. In other words, let's just go back to the way things were. This may mean imposing a BAN on requiring masks not a ban on the masks themselves. Thanks all for the lively discussion.
Actually it should be required that the crazy Mask Nazis wear the mask for a year everywhere outside their home after this bs edict is lifted. They can forgo the year with 20 lashes; their choice. They haven't been giving us a choice in blue states so I think this is generous.
I think a little "old school" would be good for the normies and mask Nazis.
Make them wear masks that have no pores and a perfect seal around the face. They'll stop their maskurbating for good.
I like the way you think
The lockdowners should never be allowed to leave their homes again
your username makes the counter-arguement
I see your point, but masks are counter to the interests of the common good, which is why laws exist. With a mask, you can more easily hide your identity making crimes easier to get away with. Not to mention human trafficking which isn’t just a crime, it is an affront to humanity. Since they have no medical value, they should not be allowed. Exemptions available for disabilities, etc, of course.
edit: point taken and I agree
So because criminals exist people shouldn't be free to wear a mask on their face? Sort of like banning guns because bad people shoot people?
Restrict freedoms for the “common good”. Geez, that sounds like a leftist argument.
All laws restrict freedoms for the common good. Are you saying there should be no laws?
There's masks for the masses, and there's masks for the medical profession. Ask any doctor about wearing masks in a hospital ... that has been going on for decades and they have never complained (and they are ... doctors ... ). This idea that masks have no value to anyone anywhere is a dangerous extension of a core idea.
Plenty of actual research shows masks are counterproductive in hospital settings. We are bio organisms designed to breathe through nose and mouth.
They're effective to keep the doctor's saliva droplets while speaking from getting inside a patient who's undergoing surgery. That's the main purpose.
No. There should be a choice. If anyone feels safer wearing a mask. Go ahead but do not attack others for not wearing a mask.
I’m going to have to disagree with you on this point, fren.
Why ban masks? The mandates on masks should stop. Maybe some consider it a fashion choice now.
Wouldn't that be funny - if people started wearing masks to avoid such detections!
In a free country, there is no reason to create laws to restrict a person's personal choice if it does no harm to anyone else. Masks do work to a limited degree if you are very sick and want to go to the grocery store while reducing the chance you'll make someone else sick. Otherwise, we all need fresh air to stay healthy.
I agree. Masks don't do anything. The left says listen to the science. Yet they show no science and why bother wasting time and money on masks for a flu with 99.8% recovery Sure an N95 will work but paper masks. Best thing to do with them is wipe your ass after dropping a deuce
Agreed about doing harm
Yep, causes bacterial pneumonia.
Laws already exists in several states where it’s illegal to wear masks in public except on Halloween. People are just stupid.
Eh to each their own. I respect personal rights even if I think people's choices are silly. It lets you see who people really are.
No, not a ban. You should be FREE to choose.
?? Mask Nazi’s should wear it forever!
You'll likely get your wish.
Not really, I mean if you WANT to wear a mask you should have the freedom to do so, but don't come to me forcing me to wear that shit when I am perfectly healthy.
What's your opinion of drunk driving laws? That analogy occurred to me the other day. You could say, if you want to get drunk and drive home, you should have the freedom to do so. But the drunk driving laws are there to protect OTHERS, not the person involved. The same logic is currently being used for masks, rightly or wrongly. So you aren't being asked to wear a mask for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others (just like you are asked to not dive drunk for the benefit of others). IF they were effective in that regard, would you then support a mask mandate?
False equivalence. Driving under the influence of alcohol can impair your motor skills making you incapable of operating the vehicle, which in turn can result in self bodily harm, harm of others, and damaging of state and city infrastructures. The Mask on the other hand tells you right on the box it doesn't protect you from Covid-19.
I understand your point, but honestly there shouldn't be a ban on anything that free people, acting completely of their own volition, choose to do for themselves.
Immoral, violent and criminal activities excepted. Obviously.
It's the act of being compelled to wear a mask that should be banned.
Used to be if you walk into a gas station with your face covered they shoot your ass
The airlines and public transportation especially should be prevented from requiring masks. All businesses serving the public should be, for that matter.
I don't won't wear a mask 'cause I've got a pair.
Im hardcore anti mask i will not put one on for any reason.
I should have been told by my governor that there was a deadly virus out there.this is what we suggest and ask you to do to help slow or stop it. Not a mandate saying i must wear it.
Nope. Individual freedom. If someone assesses that their risk makes them prefer to wear a mask, then by all means. Likewise, if someone has an active infection (not just Covid but flu or other) and needs to run into the pharmacy, that is actually a case where it *makes sense * to wear a mask. Not healthy people to protect others, not long term. But I won’t shame someone who decides it’s best for their situation.
Mask ban, I call it going back to normal!
My first thought was yeah! Bam! And then I thought, it's the same. If a mask helps people sleep at night, let them CHOOSE to wear one. If I have a mask on my face and almost have a panic attack, and don't believe in one, let me CHOOSE not to wear one. Some people steal children... I chose to see my children's faces so they are harder to take, plus the mental hardships resulting in not seeing faces is awful. Satan wants a life without choice. A life without choice and freedom is no life for me.
Exactly. If someone wants to wear a amak it's their choice. I don't want ro wear one and that's my choice.
I don't wear one now.
Wearing a mask goes against my conscience and my God given unalienable rights. As well as any logical thinking/common sense to “mandate all” a medical device without knowing medical history of each person that would be medical negligence/malpractice, civil negligence! “They’re” doing everything they can to suppress your own immune system that’s now considered a conspiracy theory to have an immune system. I asked my Dr “come on doc will you be real with me, don’t you think this is a load hogwash, are you getting sick of this”... Well I’m used to it now, and all of us here got our Covid vaccine, he says! But their still wearing that pad on their faces. It’s so sad. People are like robots. None of this makes sense and I’ve worked in the medical field and I’m no Dr this is basic medical 101 and in fact doing the complete opposite, more harm than good. So then it boils down to the social/medical/$/media pressure negligence and malpractice. This is criminal and inhumane and then the psychological part of this, game on the people and And I understand those who need their jobs and have to go along with it in order to provide for their families.
Where the hell is OSHA in all this. Some people can wear masks all day like doctors and construction workers because of the environment setup.
Hospitals have forced air systems that circulate air properly in each area of the hospital. And most respirators or n95 masks that construction workers use have a diaphragm that vents expelled air when one breathes.
Children and adults wearing masks sitting stationary in a confined space are literally being slowly poisoned to death by their own co2.
Then I can’t cover my face from big brother.
Well finally as a federal employee our work JUST implemented the mask mandate... I figure we'll finally be allowed to no longer wear them in about 13 years.
Fucking government.
Make them illegal
Masks don't work and they do more harm than you can possibly imagine.
Freedom to choose or mask ban. That's what the science says.
Forced masking is absolutely anti-science.
I do believe in most jurisdictions, you can't wear a mask if you're carrying a firearm.