Good find. That should be a stickied post on this site. Not sure if that’s why Trump isn’t on Gab though, since he isn’t using any social media at all right now.
The Bible is full of just such wisdom. Once you do dive in to it in serious study, no matter what conclusion you reach regarding your faith, you will gain much practical wisdom from its words.
Do it in God's time and pray for Him to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see. If you accept Jesus as your savior, be prepared for a wild ride which will ebb and flow just like any other relationship but in the end, it is worth it.
All of the Books the Apostle John are Bedrocks of which to build ones faith upon. But the Gospel of John truly links to the Old Testament prophecies the best but more importantly clearly shows that Jesus was the Perfect likeness of His heavenly Father and ours. His Epistles 1st, 2nd & Third John and Revelations are Love letters to Us the Bride of Christ on Earth for All generations. 1st John 1:9 is key
If you confess your sins He is Faithful & Just to Forgive your your sins and Cleanse You of All unrighteousness!
Reading the Bible is a must to get a full understanding of a LOT of things worldly and spiritually.
Genesis is tough to digest, as it is primarily a book of beginnings and lineage with a few holes/jumps that need to be bridged but can only be done after reading the whole Bible and applying a Logic Path backwards.
The Bible has Wisdom throughout, but really shines in Proverbs and Psalms.
Bible is an excellent source of calm and assurance in daily life for literally any problem that may come your way...if you know where to look. Why becoming familiar is important.
Lastly, take reading the Bible in "chunks": do NOT try reading it one sitting. The parables, teachings and wisdom needs time to digest in your mind, heart and spirit. Savor each step like a fine wine, not shotgun it like a Budweiser.
I LOVE Genesis. It's my favorite book in the Bible! I find it interesting that you think it's tough to digest. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are the toughest ones for me to get through lol
It's tough because of the glaring gaps that arent really explained either at all or very weakly as a stand-alone book. Not saying there isn't highly interesting content, but for first time readers it can be a real head scratcher until you go more into reading the rest of the Bible to connect a few dots previously missing. That's all =)
This is Why the Roman Catholic church Removed books like Enoch & Jasher that Fill in the gaps They purposely created. You can find them online, we found a book online that has all the "Apocryphal" books in it and Jasher which is referenced in both old & new testaments as well as Enoch are Key to understanding Genesis.
Do yourselves a favor and check them out.
Completely agreed but didnt mention them in my original "Pro tips" so as to not overwhelm the potential first time reader. Baby steps. Reading the basics is important to create the hunger for the advanced.
I was good with the rules and it was easy to see where our laws came from which was huge. The lineage about put me to sleep but is in there for a reason.
"I'm just in the way."
Right, his last 2 sentences mimicked a Trump quote. Not sure why this is stickied though.
And yet Trump has conspicuously avoided using the free account set aside for him on Gab. Maybe this is why.
Good find. That should be a stickied post on this site. Not sure if that’s why Trump isn’t on Gab though, since he isn’t using any social media at all right now.
So say we all.
Exactly. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
The Bible is full of just such wisdom. Once you do dive in to it in serious study, no matter what conclusion you reach regarding your faith, you will gain much practical wisdom from its words.
The amazing thing is God brought forth His chosen people not only to produce the Messiah but for their leaders to be the Messiah's murderers.
That is how God demonstrates his power and grace. 'Is the Messiah really going to come from Nazareth?' writ large.
Literally 6 people knew the exact date of his birth, John The Baptist and several folks at Qumran (Dead Sea Scroll location).
Do it in God's time and pray for Him to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see. If you accept Jesus as your savior, be prepared for a wild ride which will ebb and flow just like any other relationship but in the end, it is worth it.
All of the Books the Apostle John are Bedrocks of which to build ones faith upon. But the Gospel of John truly links to the Old Testament prophecies the best but more importantly clearly shows that Jesus was the Perfect likeness of His heavenly Father and ours. His Epistles 1st, 2nd & Third John and Revelations are Love letters to Us the Bride of Christ on Earth for All generations. 1st John 1:9 is key If you confess your sins He is Faithful & Just to Forgive your your sins and Cleanse You of All unrighteousness!
Reading the Bible is a must to get a full understanding of a LOT of things worldly and spiritually.
Genesis is tough to digest, as it is primarily a book of beginnings and lineage with a few holes/jumps that need to be bridged but can only be done after reading the whole Bible and applying a Logic Path backwards.
The Bible has Wisdom throughout, but really shines in Proverbs and Psalms.
Bible is an excellent source of calm and assurance in daily life for literally any problem that may come your way...if you know where to look. Why becoming familiar is important.
Lastly, take reading the Bible in "chunks": do NOT try reading it one sitting. The parables, teachings and wisdom needs time to digest in your mind, heart and spirit. Savor each step like a fine wine, not shotgun it like a Budweiser.
I LOVE Genesis. It's my favorite book in the Bible! I find it interesting that you think it's tough to digest. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are the toughest ones for me to get through lol
It's tough because of the glaring gaps that arent really explained either at all or very weakly as a stand-alone book. Not saying there isn't highly interesting content, but for first time readers it can be a real head scratcher until you go more into reading the rest of the Bible to connect a few dots previously missing. That's all =)
This is Why the Roman Catholic church Removed books like Enoch & Jasher that Fill in the gaps They purposely created. You can find them online, we found a book online that has all the "Apocryphal" books in it and Jasher which is referenced in both old & new testaments as well as Enoch are Key to understanding Genesis. Do yourselves a favor and check them out.
Completely agreed but didnt mention them in my original "Pro tips" so as to not overwhelm the potential first time reader. Baby steps. Reading the basics is important to create the hunger for the advanced.
I was good with the rules and it was easy to see where our laws came from which was huge. The lineage about put me to sleep but is in there for a reason.
Proverbs is an excellent place to start.
Open the door, fren, and listen :)
We’re in the way. They want our souls, we know it and they’re pissed they can’t control us.
He's right. They are threatened as long as our point of view is easily accessible to people.
Only so many attacks one can sustain before its time to fight back.
He's taking a pretty good beating for us, anons.
Let's show some support, yeah?
i try. there's just something about gab i just really don't like and tend not to use it much
Farmers Rule!
Gabaliciously true.
Someone tagged this nsfw? Lol
never joined but I liked it better when there was a meme board and they hadn't given in to fbifags and patriotactfags.