I dont get the significance with Mharkle/Oprah? It's just phone number of sucidie prevention cos Meghan spoke of it in the interview.
Q put it in a drop to euphemism for suicide prevention/turn yourself in message probably, but this is not to say it's a message form Q TO or ABOUT MM/Prince Harry??
The theory here is, white hats control the media now You literally walked through the entire scenario in your question. Now you just have to believe it. :)
Ok... my brain can't process this because I've been working the last 20 in code, and my brain is mush. Care to clarify for that ball of stupid with the consistency of pudding currently sitting in my skull?
What I am getting from this (and someone correct me if I am wrong) is Prince Harry and his family left the royal family because he knows they are associated with the cabal. They have received tons of negative press for their actions most likely orchestrated and conducted by the cabal so that they are i-legitimized and shunned in the public eye so that nobody takes them seriously if they were to rat them out (just like they did with Mel Gibson when he refused to join them).
His actions were an attempt to escape the cabal and now it sounds like he wants his family members to turn themselves in. He knows we have seen through their ruse and so do the royal family and it is simply a matter of time. I am sure he knows they are considering suicide over turning themselves in which is why the suicide prevention hot line number is there.
True. I am assuming Prince Harry knows of her involvement in the cabal. In this case, perhaps he is trying to change/save her and the rest of his family by removing them from the harmful environment in UK that he claims existed, or this is a futile attempt by Harry to appear innocent to all opponents of the cabal in hopes of recieving mercy when the time for judgement comes.
Cant be innocent growing up in these families. Just the way it is. Everyday was like Halloween at Anderson Coopers house. The royal families are the same.
I couldn't agree more. Cooper is a good comparison to use I think. Both boys raised in environments influenced by the rich and the powerful members of the cabal. Both likely often saw members of the cabal in their estates and grew close to them and likely often included them in whatever rituals were conducted containing sexual assault, bodily mutilation, and sacrifice.
The goal of the cabal is to retain total power and dominance on the world and maintain the power and influence their family has in society. These people groom their children all in an effort to keep their traditions alive and to get closer to achieving the goal stated above (because they know what they are doing works in accomplishing this. Look at their ancestors of the last millennium and look at how many of their descendants rose to such positions of power), and so that nobody veers off the course.
The word grooming doesnt entirely fit here. They are born into a cult. Most members never had an option for anything else. They are bred, raised, and schooled in the cult. Scientology on steroids because this cult uses drugs, MKultra, murder, torture and US signals intelligence to exert the cults will on its members. There are undoubtedly some who want to leave, and some who weren’t born into it who now wish they had never gotten involved.
I’m paraphrasing but i believe Q said something along the lines of “play the game suffer the consequences” meaning in my opinion that anyone who partook in the victimization of children will not be spared. There is an entire industrial scale supply and logistics chain for the production of adrenochrome from children for sale to the elite & cult members. Adrenochrome farms if you will. It is possibly the most profitable commodity in the world. It’s benefits go far beyond the high you get from it. I believe some of the things visiting in UFOs seek adrenochrome.
Do the European royal families dabble in this stuff? I think consuming the blood of tortured victims and the blood of the youth for its benefits has been a closely guarded secret of the luciferian cult that the euro families belong to for centuries already. Queen Elizabeth still drives around in her Range Rover at 93. Yeah fuckin right.
Suicide weekend?
And here at 27min Sen Graham asks Justice Kav about enemy combatants “American citizens who collaborate with the enemy are considered enemy combatants”
I dont get the significance with Mharkle/Oprah? It's just phone number of sucidie prevention cos Meghan spoke of it in the interview.
Q put it in a drop to euphemism for suicide prevention/turn yourself in message probably, but this is not to say it's a message form Q TO or ABOUT MM/Prince Harry??
The theory here is, white hats control the media now You literally walked through the entire scenario in your question. Now you just have to believe it. :)
Some schmuck puts the suicide hotline as their "signature" and it's interpreted as a sign. Ugh.
Thank you. How stupid. At least now this makes sense.
Low effort posts like these need to be deleted by the mods. It's embarrassing at this point.
Not my comment, the post
I understand the Q post has the suicide hotline. Am I supposed to believe googling “the firm” returns that result? Because it does not.
In Royal ‘Firm,’ the Family Business Always Comes First........... Duck Duck Go... Research 2 minutes
anyone think this is an actual number to call to surrender?
Explains the ankle jewelery she let "accidentally" show.
White Hats are making an example out of Oprah.
Ok... my brain can't process this because I've been working the last 20 in code, and my brain is mush. Care to clarify for that ball of stupid with the consistency of pudding currently sitting in my skull?
What I am getting from this (and someone correct me if I am wrong) is Prince Harry and his family left the royal family because he knows they are associated with the cabal. They have received tons of negative press for their actions most likely orchestrated and conducted by the cabal so that they are i-legitimized and shunned in the public eye so that nobody takes them seriously if they were to rat them out (just like they did with Mel Gibson when he refused to join them). His actions were an attempt to escape the cabal and now it sounds like he wants his family members to turn themselves in. He knows we have seen through their ruse and so do the royal family and it is simply a matter of time. I am sure he knows they are considering suicide over turning themselves in which is why the suicide prevention hot line number is there.
Might be except that Megain used to date Alexander Soros. IMO, she's a Soros' asset.
True. I am assuming Prince Harry knows of her involvement in the cabal. In this case, perhaps he is trying to change/save her and the rest of his family by removing them from the harmful environment in UK that he claims existed, or this is a futile attempt by Harry to appear innocent to all opponents of the cabal in hopes of recieving mercy when the time for judgement comes.
Cant be innocent growing up in these families. Just the way it is. Everyday was like Halloween at Anderson Coopers house. The royal families are the same.
I couldn't agree more. Cooper is a good comparison to use I think. Both boys raised in environments influenced by the rich and the powerful members of the cabal. Both likely often saw members of the cabal in their estates and grew close to them and likely often included them in whatever rituals were conducted containing sexual assault, bodily mutilation, and sacrifice. The goal of the cabal is to retain total power and dominance on the world and maintain the power and influence their family has in society. These people groom their children all in an effort to keep their traditions alive and to get closer to achieving the goal stated above (because they know what they are doing works in accomplishing this. Look at their ancestors of the last millennium and look at how many of their descendants rose to such positions of power), and so that nobody veers off the course.
The word grooming doesnt entirely fit here. They are born into a cult. Most members never had an option for anything else. They are bred, raised, and schooled in the cult. Scientology on steroids because this cult uses drugs, MKultra, murder, torture and US signals intelligence to exert the cults will on its members. There are undoubtedly some who want to leave, and some who weren’t born into it who now wish they had never gotten involved.
I’m paraphrasing but i believe Q said something along the lines of “play the game suffer the consequences” meaning in my opinion that anyone who partook in the victimization of children will not be spared. There is an entire industrial scale supply and logistics chain for the production of adrenochrome from children for sale to the elite & cult members. Adrenochrome farms if you will. It is possibly the most profitable commodity in the world. It’s benefits go far beyond the high you get from it. I believe some of the things visiting in UFOs seek adrenochrome.
Do the European royal families dabble in this stuff? I think consuming the blood of tortured victims and the blood of the youth for its benefits has been a closely guarded secret of the luciferian cult that the euro families belong to for centuries already. Queen Elizabeth still drives around in her Range Rover at 93. Yeah fuckin right.
Possible that if he left without strings, he would've been found hanging from a doorknob. Meghan is an escape plan, insurance, and leash all at once.
I like the way you think ?
I believe so, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if it was an internally arranged marriage (can't confirm this, just speculating).
Who is? Markle? She is American...is she not?
She’s American. Lived in Toronto for a while.