I work on a truck by myself, with nothing to distract my thoughts but my earbuds. What music/ podcast/ audio do you guys listen to, to keep you positive? What are some great patriotic tunes to put in a playlist, Lee Greenwood, YMCA(KEK), etc? I've been finding myself more depressed and distracted lately, hoping each day is going to be THE DAY, but the days turn into week, which turn into months, and The Plan is still just holding the line, I'm tired, I want to see action, help me stay pumped
Comments (42)
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Fresh air, non-political discussion, simple things ... take a break from anything political. That's my advice.
Easy. I don't get too wrapped up in the things I can't control. So I just keep doing what I was put in this Earth to do.
I try, I really do, I already suffered from depression and anxiety before this virus. Now a stolen election with a Chinese puppet in control of the WH, and to top it off, the [DS] has the House and the Senate too. Dont forget Supreme Court sux. I feel like I've gone completely mad. Everybody around me believes all the MSM talking points. They believe this virus is deadly They are vaccinated or are anxious to get it ASAP They don't believe there was election fraud In a dark red area of a red state, and these are people who voted for Trump
So I'm on an figurative island, standing alone believing that everything portrayed as truth is a lie, and everything portrayed as a conspiracy is truth
I hear you brother, same to all that you've shared. The christian music station I listen to plays the same songs day in day out, but it's not blaring out and helps my spirit more than anything. What might also help if you read the Psalms, great when you're down. Don't heap it on yourself too much, praying for inner peace.
For what it's worth, you are not alone. Many , many of us do not listen to the MSM. We think this whole "virus" is a farce and we will never take the jab. We KNOW there was election fraud. Some of us are not alone for the lengths of time that you are , but feel alone none the less. Some of us have been shunned by friends and family for our beliefs and some of us live alone and feel like we are an Island too. I think that if you feel down and alone there will always be someone here 24/ 7 that you can talk to. You are not a nut.
You're experiencing gaslighting and dealing with people who have fallen for it. I'm(and I'm sure I'm not the only one) dealing with the same thing with my family - mainly my wife. I feel like i'm living in the fucking twilight zone.
There is nothing you can do to change the election results. That's up to people in the Trump campaign - and i think they got it covered.
What you can do is to try and subtly red pill people. It's actually sort of fun and is good mental exercise. You feel like you're actually accomplishing something and it helps with the depression(I'm VERRRRRRRRRRY depressed about everything).
Just pick a random normie friend and start on easy mode.
Talk about gas prices and how much they've gone up since Trump left.
EVERYONE can relate to gas prices - even crazy lefties.
Once you get them thinking for a couple of days, just start bringing up other random things that make no damn sense - like the media's reaction to BLM vs January 6. Or all of the lies about Trump. Or how building 7 fell for no reason at all. That's actually another very effective red pill. Everyone reacts strongly to 9/11.
Don't jump into pedophilia. If you red pill someone properly, they'll find that shit out for themselves.
How long ago did you wake up? In the last year?
These feeling generally fade away after a while and you begin to see it as a form of entertainment (at least I do)
Each of us are on an island, just some of us are closer to other islands than others. This place is our party boat!
Enjoy the community, try not to feel too bad about everything and remember to keep the way you talk to yourself in your head positive, I think this is most probably the most important thing. How you talk to your self the words you use, positive or negative has a great effect on your mood, personality and life in general. Stay positive, lift up others and help them without involving politics.
Trust me, while it seems bad, its not. You have your health, livelihood, hopefully friends and family. There is much in the world to celebrate!
I've had the christian station on for 10 years, I know every song by the time the second note plays, I'm just getting burned out on all the usual.
I keep my spirts up By keeping my spirits up often....tonight its Makers Mark neat....
I stack silver and gold, collect other precious metals and work on other excursion materials.
Keep stackin' !
I can recommend the No Agenda podcast. Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak. They deconstruct the news twice a week every Sunday and Thursday. Funny and informative.
I have been listening to him for the past few weeks, does he have an audio only release? Reason I ask is because my phone is in my holster or pocket, and bumps the screen on occasion when the video is playing. X22 is good, way smarter than me, but it all seems to end with, just keeeeeeeep waiiiiiting....... SOOOOON........
Anything else, I need to fill 10 hours
Yes, Dave does an audio only podcast at x22report.com
I agree, but I dont have time to keep looking at my phone, looking to make a HOPIUM playlist. I've been using spotify to play a "patriotic instrumental" playlist, but ive gotten tired of the same songs on repeat.
The Lord. He is the way for true hope! Read His Word!
I go hunting, fishing, hiking, or just sit outside the house with my family and/or friends and enjoy the splendor God has created for us.
World is gonna come and go no matter what ur doing so if ur ever close to breaking might be good to remember that.
U can control the way u respond to the circus tho. U can control the amount time u spend participating. Balance is the key.
Fresh air, nature, alone time, silence should all be figured in there too. All great decompression times with little effort and no cost. Good reset. Sounds small because it is, but big results imo.
If ur breaking they're winning. U gonna let have that or not ? We Fight for Kids First. We Stay the Course For Them. What we go thru is nothing compared to the pedodemic.
I don’t have any hope or faith in the endless tedious machinations of men . The Lord is my strength and guide through the dark.
Soothing words from my darling hubby.
This answer found me, while I was searching for the same hope that you seek! I went back to a job that I loved from 15 years previously, a lot of the same old faces are still there, mixed with many new faces, the business had doubled over the years, but it lost the thing that I loved about it, the family feeling .....the connected feeling in the staff... I was not happy with the new atmosphere at all... with the help of all of the older staff (they really being unaware of my plan), and by little, day by day. With a lot of help from God.. I started sowing seeds of unity, started spreading ideas and knowledge, to the younger that where struggling with certain task, to speak to the older ones about certain little trick that they learned over the years, and at the same time convincing the older ones to share there knowledge and wisdom, as a gift..sowing seeds so to speak... well I found the old atmosphere that I missed. I learned so much in this 3 yr period and it is such a joy being there everyday, I am close to 55 yrs old, and I wil probably work into my 70s if I am able just like my old friend who taught me how this works and how to make a difference. Just feels right to know that I can and did make a difference! I am thinking that this is how we take our country back.
I drink. Usually Jameson or tax free highballs after 5:00 while I surf GA.
I listen to Pastor Charles Lawson. He belongs to God and it shows through his fruit!
I will look into him, thank you
Pray, take a walk
I am finding hope in the younger crowd as well! Check out the talent of this kid, https://youtu.be/V1LhC1zGouc
Disconnect from the information war (TV, social media, etc.) for a few days so you can heal and refresh. It is all designed to play on your emotions.
Thank goodness for spring training! That can fill a couple hours each day. Last year I was so looking forward to listening to baseball again, and they immediately cancelled spring training!
Listening to baseball on the radio is calming, it is the speed of life.
Easy answer....listen to Hank
Yacht rock radio
Highly recommend getting a VR headset (maybe the Quest 2?) and rubbing it out good to some of the new 360-degree immersive content out there.