Look at all those trusting people who thought the government was actually fighting for them. And thought that the government actually wanted to 'protect' them from this man made virus. And now we see what that gets people.
awesome link. This is the post that needs to go viral.
Here is the TRULY scary part: I guarantee you we only know (publicly) about 1/5-1/8 of the ACTUAL reactions and/or deaths from the jab. Most people don't publicize their reactions for fear of being targeted by the mob.
Also, we are just AT THE BEGINNING of how these jabs are going to affect people. JUST THE BEGINNING. Wait until this summer. The shit is going to be insane.
The "vaccine" is not an actual vaccine in the truest sense. It's an experimental injection. If people don't do their due diligence then they are playing Russian roulette with their own lives. It's most unfortunate. I begged my mother not to take it. She blindly trusted because Trump. Also her neighbor is an M.D. and so obviously he knows more than me. Except I guarantee you that I researched far more regarding that damn injection than her retired doctor neighbor. There is literally no way to know what is going to happen long term. Look up pathogenic priming. It's a total gamble....A shot in the dark.
I pray your mother (and all who’ve received the shot/s) will be okay. Get her on Vitamin D3 (5k IU/day) and zinc, and the other supplements if she isn’t on them already. These are immune boosting supplements, so you can support her concern by giving her something that might help.
Thank you for your kind words. I do have her on vitamin D, but she will not take anything else. I'm always walking a tightrope with her, a balancing act between being overbearing and simply letting her live out the remainder of her life in peace. She has passed out TWICE now from the mask wearing and this last fall she broke her ankle. It's VERY frustrating.
I can't tell her what's really going on because it causes her too much stress. She's in her golden years and just wants to be happy.
I’m older, so my parents have long passed, but I have younger relatives and friends who are looking forward to getting the vaccine (or have already received their doses). I can hope that the vaccinations are all a LARP and all were replaced with saline or maybe even a flu shot. Pray always. Pray with your mother. The relatives I have my age all are on hydroxy—we are all worried about our children and nieces and nephews. The brainwashing was real—unfortunately it’s effective.
I'm truly astonished at just how effective the brainwashing has been. I gave my mom the info on hydroxy as well as the Ivermectin protocol. Unfortunately her doctor neighbor has more influence than me. Praying is all that I can do for her.
I still maintain that Ivermectin protocol is the Rosetta stone to unfuck absolutely everything. It works. Really well, from prevention to late stage cure. WE DON'T NEED A VACCINE. WE CAN CURE THIS SHIT.
a. 60% effective in late treatment,
b. 91% effective in early treatment,
c. 98% effective in pre-exposure prophylaxis, and
d. 87% effective in post-exposure prophylaxis
2021-01-19 NIH softens stance on Ivermectin. Fence sitting at present, other than outright banning it, this has been the case to date.
FLCCC Site info on Ivermectin. Lots to read and watch
For scabies, but dosage limits are the same.
That's why they're trying to bury it. It's other uses are so widespread, its risk profile so low, its efficacy so good, that it will wipe these fucks out, like THAT.
All that has to happen is the thirteenth monkey factor. They'll never help spread the word, so they need to be bypassed by all means possible.
I strongly believe direct contact one on one to those you care about means INFINITELY more than any flag waving on Cocksuckerberg or SpezDaJizzGobbla's platforms. Theyll just censor you anyways, and besides - people will shy away for fear of being pilloried themselves by other virtue signalling ignorant cockheads.
Send it viral... pun intended. One link at a time can still be exponential if the data is pure, the facts undeniable and the evidence is rock solid. It's all out there... THIS is how we can help end this bullshit.
You and I have much in common, only my mom hates Trump, yet she & her sheep friends including many doctors all got the shot.
They are unwilling to do a stock of independent research and shame you if you do. I swear it feels like the opposite of that we were taught s kids, you know, if all your friends are jumping off a bridge into a shallow river 100 ft below, are you going to follow. We were supposed to say NO, but apparently our parents just do what their friends do ... stupid, stupid, stupid!!
Good question. Still waiting for an answer that isn't wishy washy horse shit.
Also, why THE FUCK did he let the election be stolen if he knew it was going to be? He called out mail voting fraud for months, actually years... aaaaaaaand then just let it happen. This. Does. Not. Make. Sense.
Now you have a senile pedo Deep State puppet making a complete mockery of your country. If he and the rest of them don't end up locked up, SOON, then ALL IS LOST. And as I've seen others comment, the ammo box is getting real itchy...
Just saying. Not encouraging, just observing. Time is running out.
You can't tell people the election would be or was stolen. You have to show them by letting it happen with a plan in place to expose it so the rightful winner is placed in office. This is coming, and coming soon.
The situation we find ourselves in is super frustrating and frightening for many. Nobody said this would be easy and it has absolutely forced me to walk by faith, literally minute by minute. I guess that's a good thing. Nobody really knows which direction things will go or when, however I DO TRUST DJT when he says the best is yet to come. If, for whatever reason, that doesn't happen then society will continue to devolve, we all know this in our hearts. I hope and pray it never comes to that. Everybody's tolerance to bullsh*t is different, their breaking points will also be different. You can already see this playing out now as depression and suicide rates are skyrocketing. Shore yourself up as best you can, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.... do EVERYTHING in your power to mitigate the stress and hold the line.
This is what concerns me. The "experts" have blithely told us that at the current pace, within several decades 50% of the children will be autistic. They are destroying our species, and the kids are suffering.
The have conditioned people the last few years that people that don't vaccinate their children "Anti-vaccers" are evil
Now when anyone that shows concern over this covid vaccine are shut down there is no room for debate it is their way or the highway, listen to the words used when they report it . Hope, miracle life saver etc
TrUsT ScIeNcE, go back 100 years and look what doctors prescribed and how they treated sick people some is barbaric, 1960s lobotomy's, thalidomide even the swine flu vaccine in recent years causes narcolepsy yet people gave all their trust to these doctors pop any pill they are prescribed no questions asked
I find it equal parts interesting and sickening that any and every death within 30 days of a positive Covid test is a Covid death, but someone dying 2 days after a Covid vaccine is “undetermined and not vaccine related”. So which is it? Evil assholes subjecting the world to this insanity.
There are at least 100 unique testimonies and stories on this one image with 200 victims. How many more stories have not been told?
[NOTE: This is excluding the single 240+ mass-casualty news report from the UK, because it's an approximation and likely overlaps with some (not all) of the UK testimonies.]
Unfortunately there are thousands ? Some would say it's a small price to pay considering the sheer volume of injections given. But if you recall the masks and devastating lockdowns were supposed to be worth if all to "save just one life".
I think you misunderstand me though, I exclude the following headline at the bottom of the third column: "BREAKING: UK Gov't says over 240 people died in Britain shortly after receiving COVID jab". It's a large-scale outlier that is reported by the UK Gov't who is complicit in the vaccine roll-out. Not only that, it talks of a broad number and actually takes away from the immediacy of this compilation, which is otherwise full of individuals whom we can identify with.
These range from news reports of "2 nuns" and "2 nurses", to "in our nursing home... 18/100 patients died" and "my close friend's aunt" and "my grandparents" and "Ms. Brittany Hall Perez" and even "I". These are far harder for anyone to hand wave away, and may not necessary appear in the news reports in their numbers.
It sounds like you find a bigger wham impact from the single articles. The personification of the problem aspect. One death is a tragedy a thousand is a statistic, type of thing?
I hear ya. If I'm including the pdf compilation of personal accounts the post only needs individual accounts and the compilation pdf for max posting impact.
Does anyone know if there is a list for all of these posts? A lot of these screenshot compilations can be "explained away" by people who are asleep.. Links to archives or the pages themselves are a lot harder to memory hole.
Learning more about what is to come from these “vaccinations.” What is becoming clear is these fools aren’t merely hurting themselves (which they are free to do), they are willingly (albeit unwittingly) facilitating the execution of a plan to harm us all.
Those fools are only living through the 1st type of adverse reactions. There are more to come and they ain’t good. The vaccinated will get sick, very sick. Government will say “pandemic,” new strain, lock down, cancel July 4, everyone who isn’t vaccinated MUST BE, etc.
This is going to happen and the only reason is BECAUSE, so many mindless sheep were willing lambs to the slaughter. Many in my family are amongst them and I am FURIOUS!!!!
Sad that this is needed but I will be able to use that to get people to rethink their opinion on the shot and that the MSM tells them the truth. I am new to redpilling others and do not have data on hand to help with my efforts. TY for this...any other links for easy read red pill for beginners would be appreciated
So far I've only read a few but look at the post 3 down from the top in the middle in black. She is fully indoctrinated into being afraid to question the official narrative of anything. Sad.
Can anyone tell me where all of these stories and cases are gathered in one place in a version that I can read ? I magnified but can only read 1/2 of the page. Thank you.
its funny the globalist who push the life saving vaccines talk about population control in the same breath... Go figure. being retarded can get you killed.
You should keep this growing as the death rate creeps up IMO. We have wins of the day, why not have Tools of the Week to dick slap the vax larper set with? It's a great format... even a few nooks and crannies for some Pepes, huh?
A family friend lost their 30 year old daughter after she had a "reaction" to the Covid vaccine. She leaves behind four young children. Had a massive seizure and was dead two days after the vaccine.
This makes me smile and sad at the same time. I smile because Demon-crats are mostly the ones taking and dying from the Vaccine, Im sad because these people are to stupid and trusting to not research anything about the vaccines or Bill Bitchass Gates and his tranny looking wife's history.
Look at all those trusting people who thought the government was actually fighting for them. And thought that the government actually wanted to 'protect' them from this man made virus. And now we see what that gets people.
This same mistrust should be pointed at Trump and his "Warpspeed" endorsement.
awesome link. This is the post that needs to go viral.
Here is the TRULY scary part: I guarantee you we only know (publicly) about 1/5-1/8 of the ACTUAL reactions and/or deaths from the jab. Most people don't publicize their reactions for fear of being targeted by the mob.
Also, we are just AT THE BEGINNING of how these jabs are going to affect people. JUST THE BEGINNING. Wait until this summer. The shit is going to be insane.
The "vaccine" is not an actual vaccine in the truest sense. It's an experimental injection. If people don't do their due diligence then they are playing Russian roulette with their own lives. It's most unfortunate. I begged my mother not to take it. She blindly trusted because Trump. Also her neighbor is an M.D. and so obviously he knows more than me. Except I guarantee you that I researched far more regarding that damn injection than her retired doctor neighbor. There is literally no way to know what is going to happen long term. Look up pathogenic priming. It's a total gamble....A shot in the dark.
I pray your mother (and all who’ve received the shot/s) will be okay. Get her on Vitamin D3 (5k IU/day) and zinc, and the other supplements if she isn’t on them already. These are immune boosting supplements, so you can support her concern by giving her something that might help.
Thank you for your kind words. I do have her on vitamin D, but she will not take anything else. I'm always walking a tightrope with her, a balancing act between being overbearing and simply letting her live out the remainder of her life in peace. She has passed out TWICE now from the mask wearing and this last fall she broke her ankle. It's VERY frustrating. I can't tell her what's really going on because it causes her too much stress. She's in her golden years and just wants to be happy.
Letting go and letting God is not easy.
I’m older, so my parents have long passed, but I have younger relatives and friends who are looking forward to getting the vaccine (or have already received their doses). I can hope that the vaccinations are all a LARP and all were replaced with saline or maybe even a flu shot. Pray always. Pray with your mother. The relatives I have my age all are on hydroxy—we are all worried about our children and nieces and nephews. The brainwashing was real—unfortunately it’s effective.
I'm truly astonished at just how effective the brainwashing has been. I gave my mom the info on hydroxy as well as the Ivermectin protocol. Unfortunately her doctor neighbor has more influence than me. Praying is all that I can do for her.
I still maintain that Ivermectin protocol is the Rosetta stone to unfuck absolutely everything. It works. Really well, from prevention to late stage cure. WE DON'T NEED A VACCINE. WE CAN CURE THIS SHIT.
https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf ESSENTIAL READING. Ivermectin / Doxycycline / Zinc - works both as preventative and therapeutic.
https://youtu.be/9R7IBAnFLV4 2021-01-19 NIH softens stance on Ivermectin. Fence sitting at present, other than outright banning it, this has been the case to date.
FLCCC Site info on Ivermectin. Lots to read and watch
You and I have much in common, only my mom hates Trump, yet she & her sheep friends including many doctors all got the shot.
They are unwilling to do a stock of independent research and shame you if you do. I swear it feels like the opposite of that we were taught s kids, you know, if all your friends are jumping off a bridge into a shallow river 100 ft below, are you going to follow. We were supposed to say NO, but apparently our parents just do what their friends do ... stupid, stupid, stupid!!
We're living in an upside down world, truly.
Why did Trump promote these vaccines?
Good question. Still waiting for an answer that isn't wishy washy horse shit.
Also, why THE FUCK did he let the election be stolen if he knew it was going to be? He called out mail voting fraud for months, actually years... aaaaaaaand then just let it happen. This. Does. Not. Make. Sense.
Now you have a senile pedo Deep State puppet making a complete mockery of your country. If he and the rest of them don't end up locked up, SOON, then ALL IS LOST. And as I've seen others comment, the ammo box is getting real itchy...
Just saying. Not encouraging, just observing. Time is running out.
You can't tell people the election would be or was stolen. You have to show them by letting it happen with a plan in place to expose it so the rightful winner is placed in office. This is coming, and coming soon.
The situation we find ourselves in is super frustrating and frightening for many. Nobody said this would be easy and it has absolutely forced me to walk by faith, literally minute by minute. I guess that's a good thing. Nobody really knows which direction things will go or when, however I DO TRUST DJT when he says the best is yet to come. If, for whatever reason, that doesn't happen then society will continue to devolve, we all know this in our hearts. I hope and pray it never comes to that. Everybody's tolerance to bullsh*t is different, their breaking points will also be different. You can already see this playing out now as depression and suicide rates are skyrocketing. Shore yourself up as best you can, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.... do EVERYTHING in your power to mitigate the stress and hold the line.
There are multiple lines of reasoning.
"Operation Warp Speed"
Even my daughter, who was indoctrinated by the UC university system, has noticed and refuses to get the vaccine.
War crimes and crimes against humanity.
This is what concerns me. The "experts" have blithely told us that at the current pace, within several decades 50% of the children will be autistic. They are destroying our species, and the kids are suffering.
The have conditioned people the last few years that people that don't vaccinate their children "Anti-vaccers" are evil
Now when anyone that shows concern over this covid vaccine are shut down there is no room for debate it is their way or the highway, listen to the words used when they report it . Hope, miracle life saver etc
TrUsT ScIeNcE, go back 100 years and look what doctors prescribed and how they treated sick people some is barbaric, 1960s lobotomy's, thalidomide even the swine flu vaccine in recent years causes narcolepsy yet people gave all their trust to these doctors pop any pill they are prescribed no questions asked
Which glowfag downvoted this?
Same one who downvoted you then logged into his alt
They probably have multiple computers and a swivel chair :)
This is heartbreaking. Thank you to chump4usa and/or whoever put this together. This needs to end now.
I find it equal parts interesting and sickening that any and every death within 30 days of a positive Covid test is a Covid death, but someone dying 2 days after a Covid vaccine is “undetermined and not vaccine related”. So which is it? Evil assholes subjecting the world to this insanity.
There are at least 100 unique testimonies and stories on this one image with 200 victims. How many more stories have not been told?
[NOTE: This is excluding the single 240+ mass-casualty news report from the UK, because it's an approximation and likely overlaps with some (not all) of the UK testimonies.]
Unfortunately there are thousands ? Some would say it's a small price to pay considering the sheer volume of injections given. But if you recall the masks and devastating lockdowns were supposed to be worth if all to "save just one life".
So much hypocrisy and lies.
I find this meme applicable to those who think this is somehow gonna be "worth it" or small price to pay bs. https://i.maga.host/tA4jDzD.png
mass casualty news report? Ya got the sauce on that one?
200mgb of Social media posts 124 pages: https://files.catbox.moe/vkazdp.pdf
Ooh very nice. Downloaded immediately.
I think you misunderstand me though, I exclude the following headline at the bottom of the third column: "BREAKING: UK Gov't says over 240 people died in Britain shortly after receiving COVID jab". It's a large-scale outlier that is reported by the UK Gov't who is complicit in the vaccine roll-out. Not only that, it talks of a broad number and actually takes away from the immediacy of this compilation, which is otherwise full of individuals whom we can identify with.
These range from news reports of "2 nuns" and "2 nurses", to "in our nursing home... 18/100 patients died" and "my close friend's aunt" and "my grandparents" and "Ms. Brittany Hall Perez" and even "I". These are far harder for anyone to hand wave away, and may not necessary appear in the news reports in their numbers.
It sounds like you find a bigger wham impact from the single articles. The personification of the problem aspect. One death is a tragedy a thousand is a statistic, type of thing?
I hear ya. If I'm including the pdf compilation of personal accounts the post only needs individual accounts and the compilation pdf for max posting impact.
Does anyone know if there is a list for all of these posts? A lot of these screenshot compilations can be "explained away" by people who are asleep.. Links to archives or the pages themselves are a lot harder to memory hole.
Pdf of Social media posts 124 pages: https://files.catbox.moe/vkazdp.pdf
confirmation articles: “Once you’ve chosen hope, anything is possible.” https://archive.ph/7WbAs https://archive.ph/Spp67
This weeks “vaccine” update post: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkrFFIw6/ in pdf form: https://files.catbox.moe/v8wsy8.pdf
Most up to date PDF Compilation of vaccine articles. “Mar 13 2021” https://files.catbox.moe/n19awv.pdf
PDF Links Sorted: https://pastelink.net/vaccinedeaths
Website also collecting similar information: https://vaccineimpact.com/
Thank you
My husband had a copy of a PDF that says it came from this site, but enter at your own risk. I have no idea how legit it is: https://vaxpain.us/
Edit to add: that website says it pulls it's data from here: https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html
Many thanks.
There was a pol thread, but it's been taken down.
Learning more about what is to come from these “vaccinations.” What is becoming clear is these fools aren’t merely hurting themselves (which they are free to do), they are willingly (albeit unwittingly) facilitating the execution of a plan to harm us all.
Those fools are only living through the 1st type of adverse reactions. There are more to come and they ain’t good. The vaccinated will get sick, very sick. Government will say “pandemic,” new strain, lock down, cancel July 4, everyone who isn’t vaccinated MUST BE, etc.
This is going to happen and the only reason is BECAUSE, so many mindless sheep were willing lambs to the slaughter. Many in my family are amongst them and I am FURIOUS!!!!
Here’s some resources explaining what’s to come https://www.bitchute.com/video/XKkLs0IYlGWf/
Sad that this is needed but I will be able to use that to get people to rethink their opinion on the shot and that the MSM tells them the truth. I am new to redpilling others and do not have data on hand to help with my efforts. TY for this...any other links for easy read red pill for beginners would be appreciated
For your efforts: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkrFFIw6/
So far I've only read a few but look at the post 3 down from the top in the middle in black. She is fully indoctrinated into being afraid to question the official narrative of anything. Sad.
Dang, I’m trying to share this but it copies at a lower resolution so you can’t zoom in and read it.
200mgb of Social media posts 124 pages: https://files.catbox.moe/vkazdp.pdf large file but sharable and more visible than the image here.
Maybe just share a link to the image ?
Googled Isaac Daniels (pic near top left) to see if i could find the video but instead get this -.- https://www.biospace.com/article/releases/covid-vaccine-verification-electronic-and-secure-through-first-ever-patented-vax-passbook-and-passcard-technology/
Can anyone tell me where all of these stories and cases are gathered in one place in a version that I can read ? I magnified but can only read 1/2 of the page. Thank you.
200mgb of Social media posts 124 pages: https://files.catbox.moe/vkazdp.pdf
Thank you for the link.
How many have died so far from gene therapy?
Any new info on Tiffany Dover? Been months now, figured something would pop up.
There's a meme here... Something about never-Trumpers taking themselves out by getting vaccinated, like that was the actual plan all along..
Can a memer make that happen?
its funny the globalist who push the life saving vaccines talk about population control in the same breath... Go figure. being retarded can get you killed.
Brilliant Collage, Anon.
You should keep this growing as the death rate creeps up IMO. We have wins of the day, why not have Tools of the Week to dick slap the vax larper set with? It's a great format... even a few nooks and crannies for some Pepes, huh?
A family friend lost their 30 year old daughter after she had a "reaction" to the Covid vaccine. She leaves behind four young children. Had a massive seizure and was dead two days after the vaccine.
This makes me smile and sad at the same time. I smile because Demon-crats are mostly the ones taking and dying from the Vaccine, Im sad because these people are to stupid and trusting to not research anything about the vaccines or Bill Bitchass Gates and his tranny looking wife's history.
Hello fellow wack job conspiracy theorists
This needs to be stickied
Remember, there very few adverse reactions.
You have to cull some sheep from time to time.