Comments (37)
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Well, OK then, get your thumbs out of your keesters and get on with it.
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc., should not be participating in discussions." Q.
Exactly. What I see happening now is the dismantling of the central banking system worldwide that supports the DS. Take down in process now with Russia booting the CB, Myanmar to follow, and the Vatican suddenly begging for donations...because what happened to all their gold? Oh yeah, WE FRIGGIN SEIZED IT. (IMHO of course.)
So frustrating to see folks on this site whining about “nothing is happening, we need action now!”
Geez. If they would just look at all the insanity happening and connect the dots they’d realize we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg that is the mil op.
The plan is operational. Duh.
r/wallstreetsilver is a step ahead. Exchange that worthless inflated fiat currency for timeless precious metals. Demand is through the roof and minters have backorders of days/weeks/months.
Hold a stack of silver rounds/bars in your hand and it literally looks and feels like inflation-proof wealth.
Sauce for referenced #725:
This is what I was looking fo!
#1909 discusses NK also. How is #725 referenced?
#725 is where the quote came from, I just cited it for easier access.
If only people understood just how powerful and essential optics are to the grand scheme of things. Military intervention without media support is a death sentence for freedom.
Q originally said about 20% would be revealed and 80% hidden. After feedback from anons, Q switched it to 40% revealed / 60% remain hidden.
Case in point, bitching about the plan has a minute chance of having them alter the plan.
So Q, if you're listening, get your thumbs out of your keesters and get on with it.
Q also said...
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc., should not be participating in discussions." Q
this message was specifically aimed at people like you.
What a simpleton point of view you have. That must be why so many people downvoted you.
You're not allowed to complain about COVID, because COVID exists only so long as Q and Trump allows it to happen and complaining that it has lasted too long doesn't fit the plan?
Are you nannying all the anti-COVID threads?
Did it never occur to you that the plan requires impatience of the population to reach a precipice?
But that will never happen because you allow no impatience to be voiced.
BTW your copypasta is a strawman argument. Requesting the plan to move forward quicker does not mean I don't understand the reasons why it isn't moving forward quicker.
who said anything about covid?
i sure didnt.
No shit.
I know right !!
Talk is cheap.
Nobody Trusts the NSA.
yup, he's a clown
CIA spook used to discredit the NSA which had more oversight than the CIA.
This is the conclusion I've come to after reading these boards. This place is beyond informative.
If I remember correctly too, he’s a “farm kid”. You know, C I A farm. Born and raised just for the task.
They are literally stealing your money so that they can spend it on fucking you harder and harder.
Buy silver.
Buy gold
Then what's the hold up?
Are you gonna kiss me or not ~~~ are we gonna do this or what???? (A great country song)
These self promoting shills nowadays.....
I was surprised to see Bannon, Pence,Putin, and Vince McMhanon on their list. Who didn’t I see? Trump.
What do are you saying this group actually does?