I don't see where the logic fails. He's being investigated for allegations made against him, allegations that aren't being shared at this time. Where's the issue here?
Not all. They were infiltrated. The Alta Vendita is a manifesto of their plans to infiltrate and destroy. They have done just that. The original Jesuits and the good guys left within are anti-Communist and most certainly pro Q.
There's no such thing as a moral or good Jesuit. They're Vatican violent criminal militia spread through the world to dominate it in the name of Satan.
I think that the final event before the military takeover will be a DEFCON 1 scare event, possibly with fake nuclear missiles being launched by Iran/North Korea with no warheads in them.
Rev. Kevin O'Brien allegedly “exhibited behaviors in adult settings, consisting primarily of conversations, which may be inconsistent with established Jesuit protocols and boundaries,” according to the statement by John M. Sobrato, the board chairman.
The above statement has key words/phrases that shout out, pedo, without saying it outright.
I started to think that this guy must have heard a lot of wicked confessions from the Biden crime family over the years but then I realized who I was thinking about and that they literally have zero conscience that might compel them to confess anything. Just hoping anything sticks at this point
The smartest guy Hunter's ever known.
Could it be... Alter boy molestation?
Wtf is an unspecified allegation?
"He allegedly did something, no one knows what, but something."
if it was shoplifting, they would say. if it was murder, they would say. if he robbed a bank, they would say.
if it was a laptop full of kiddy pics, that would be unspecified
Isn't this what D's always investigate R's for?
I don't see where the logic fails. He's being investigated for allegations made against him, allegations that aren't being shared at this time. Where's the issue here?
Kiddy diddling, any bets?
I find the timing odd too with Ghislaine Maxwel's story being suppressed yesterday.
Wait, what happened with Ghislaine yesterday? I’m out of the loop.
Cant let the cat out of the bag juat yet. Were close, but got a few million more souls still to save boys and girls.
Funny how the news mentions pedophelia and CP allegations with many of the other lower level Dems.
But since he has a DIRECT connection to Bi-dan, it becomes “unspecified allegations” or “improper actions”
Jesuit. I'm shocked.
All commie pedos.
Not all. They were infiltrated. The Alta Vendita is a manifesto of their plans to infiltrate and destroy. They have done just that. The original Jesuits and the good guys left within are anti-Communist and most certainly pro Q.
The Jesuits are part of the LEADERS of this
There's no such thing as a moral or good Jesuit. They're Vatican violent criminal militia spread through the world to dominate it in the name of Satan.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOtKxMklQeXbXpwe4_Xk9vru9WGQJvXHK
One of the many videos about Jesuits told without Freemasonic bias:
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Robert Spitzer, Fr. Ronald Tacelli, and Fr. Paul Mankowski...
You are dead wrong.
The Vatican and Jesuits were infiltrated. There are many books on this, mostly written by NON-CATHOLICS.
Just stop it you fucking moron.
They're the SWORN SHOCK TROOPS of the Vatican.
Don't you try to TELL me the CHILD MOLESTER CHURCH's OPERATIVES are the GOOD guys in all this.
Bet its for fucking kids that's the Joe Biden supporter way, Either doing it or allowing it as long as he doesn't post mean tweets.
Q's post about March Madness is starting to make sense now. This week has been sooo spicy! LOL
I think that the final event before the military takeover will be a DEFCON 1 scare event, possibly with fake nuclear missiles being launched by Iran/North Korea with no warheads in them.
Q said this would be required!
Boys and girls, today’s word is “inconsistent “... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-inauguration-priest-under-investigation-in-california/ar-BB1eK1hT?ocid=uxbndlbing
From the article:
Rev. Kevin O'Brien allegedly “exhibited behaviors in adult settings, consisting primarily of conversations, which may be inconsistent with established Jesuit protocols and boundaries,” according to the statement by John M. Sobrato, the board chairman.
The above statement has key words/phrases that shout out, pedo, without saying it outright.
Good catch!
Pedo-party priest.
Hardly a surprise. Anyone that showed up in that scam inauguration is hardly of respectable character.
cough Noem cough
This is the fun part.
A priest. You can guess the rest
I think its something about him being pro abortion
There’s a surprise.
Santa Clara University, Newsolini's alma mater.
I started to think that this guy must have heard a lot of wicked confessions from the Biden crime family over the years but then I realized who I was thinking about and that they literally have zero conscience that might compel them to confess anything. Just hoping anything sticks at this point
Telling when “your Priest” is under investigation!
Was there ever any word on the crazy-ass "Bible" he used to swear in?
Drip Drip Drip
Are we going to be Waterboarded into freedom? Hot Damn! Trying to hold the wine...