Richard Citizen Journalist finally reporting in his Telegram app an hour or so ago that the capital fences are finally being removed.
This ends the "belligerent occupation" of Washington DC, ending 11.3 and paving the way for 11.4. Lots of Q drops about this period. I am finally feeling a brief sense of hope after weeks of despair..
Section 11.3 defines the terms of ending a belligerent occupation, and specifically clarifies that mere continued presence of foreign agents in a territory does not represent an occupation. The fence was the condition giving rise to a hostile occupation. With its removal, we move the 11.4 stage, which defines the legal relations between the Occupying Power, the ousted sovereign authority, and the people.
Recommend you download the DOD Law of War manual and read up on section 11, Military Occupation, for a full understanding of the significance of this event.
I have, but I think the general problem is keeping the "belligerent" and "occupying" and "sovereign authority" players straight. Which side is the NG? I think most people would think of them as "occupying" in the circumstances, but Congress is not so clear. Or the ordinary citizens of DC, are they "occupying"? They aren't very belligerent, except the Mayor and BLM. The legalese needs clarifying to be a better message.
I would argue the Occupying Power is the alliance of foreign nation states that have installed their agents to illegally seize control of our government. That includes the domestic politicians that are worked with them to assist in the hostile takeover of our country. The NG are simply peacekeepers in this view, with no skin in the game. The war is being fought with electronics, not guns. Congress will thus be split between occupying forces and our own sovereign representatives who are attempting to work within the framework that the Occupying Power has established. The terms "hostile" and "belligerent" have a very specific legal meaning. It does not have to mean actual fighting, any more than a hostile takeover of a company means you need to shoot the board of directors. It simply means you are doing something in an adversarial way.
This makes sense, but it still is going to be hard to explain to those who never heard this theory why some people are all right and some are "occupying forces." Seems to me that message will have major media opposition because the media is 90% controlled by the occupiers. The media will have to be upended first.
What people need to be thinking on is "Who put THIS fence up in the first place, and why is Nazi Pelosi pushing through the money for her people to reinstall a completely newer and larger fence?".
Q posts. 11.3 and 11.4 are supposed to be the start of the public phase of the plan, and markers for us that it is indeed happening. The question was always what exactly 11.3 and 11.4 are.
Under subsection 11.4.1 in the DoD law of war manual:
11.4.1 Right of the Occupying Power to Govern the Enemy Territory Temporarily. The right to govern the territory of the enemy during its military occupation is one of the incidents of war.93 By the fact of occupation (i.e., the Occupying Power’s established power over occupied territory), the Occupying Power is conferred the authority to exercise some of the rights of sovereignty.94 The exercise of these sovereign rights also results from the necessity of maintaining law and order, indispensable both to the inhabitants and to the occupying force, and the failure or inability of the legitimate government to exercise its functions, or the undesirability of allowing it to do so.95
I wonder if this explains some elements of what we've witnessed in this faux Biden admin i.e: (fake press briefings, fake speeches, etc.) It's the most unusual "presidency" I can recall and does seem to corroborate the idea of "You are watching a movie." But I guess this assumes that the occupying power is Biden and all the corrupt individuals who helped put him there.
Thought this speaks volumes: “Because sovereignty is not vested in the Occupying Power, the fact of military occupation does not authorize the Occupying Power to take certain actions. For example, the Occupying Power is not authorized by the fact of belligerent occupation to annex occupied territory or to create a new State.98 In addition, the Occupying Power may not compel the 99 inhabitants of occupied territory to become its nationals or otherwise to swear allegiance to it. Similarly, in view of the provisional nature of belligerent occupation, the authority of the Occupying Power under occupation law has been interpreted as being subject to limitations on the ability of the Occupying Power to alter institutions of government permanently or change the constitution of a country.” 100 - end of 11.4
What about the discussion about the military removing Chinese soldiers from our soil (in tunnels in parts of US)? What about the Chinese military massing in Canada?
Richard Citizen Journalist finally reporting in his Telegram app an hour or so ago that the capital fences are finally being removed.
This ends the "belligerent occupation" of Washington DC, ending 11.3 and paving the way for 11.4. Lots of Q drops about this period. I am finally feeling a brief sense of hope after weeks of despair..
Can you talk about what 11.4 entails as it relates to the fences being taken down? Thank you.
The DoD Law of War Manual.
Section 11.3 defines the terms of ending a belligerent occupation, and specifically clarifies that mere continued presence of foreign agents in a territory does not represent an occupation. The fence was the condition giving rise to a hostile occupation. With its removal, we move the 11.4 stage, which defines the legal relations between the Occupying Power, the ousted sovereign authority, and the people.
Recommend you download the DOD Law of War manual and read up on section 11, Military Occupation, for a full understanding of the significance of this event.
I have, but I think the general problem is keeping the "belligerent" and "occupying" and "sovereign authority" players straight. Which side is the NG? I think most people would think of them as "occupying" in the circumstances, but Congress is not so clear. Or the ordinary citizens of DC, are they "occupying"? They aren't very belligerent, except the Mayor and BLM. The legalese needs clarifying to be a better message.
I would argue the Occupying Power is the alliance of foreign nation states that have installed their agents to illegally seize control of our government. That includes the domestic politicians that are worked with them to assist in the hostile takeover of our country. The NG are simply peacekeepers in this view, with no skin in the game. The war is being fought with electronics, not guns. Congress will thus be split between occupying forces and our own sovereign representatives who are attempting to work within the framework that the Occupying Power has established. The terms "hostile" and "belligerent" have a very specific legal meaning. It does not have to mean actual fighting, any more than a hostile takeover of a company means you need to shoot the board of directors. It simply means you are doing something in an adversarial way.
This makes sense, but it still is going to be hard to explain to those who never heard this theory why some people are all right and some are "occupying forces." Seems to me that message will have major media opposition because the media is 90% controlled by the occupiers. The media will have to be upended first.
Yes. The DOD law includes ability to shut down the media (suspend 1st amendment rights) If they are complicit with a foreign occupation.
Duh.. who owns the media? It aint Russia.
Think mirror: 11.4 = 4/11.
It's an important day historically.
Also interesting:
Post 4587:
C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.
For those who do not yet have the Law of War manual, it is at
Interdasting reading. Section 11 is, of course, of vital interest to us. :D
Thank you downloaded good to have
Pedosta arrest when?
What people need to be thinking on is "Who put THIS fence up in the first place, and why is Nazi Pelosi pushing through the money for her people to reinstall a completely newer and larger fence?".
Yep Mustang Medic reported this last night also. 11.4 incoming
Why 11.4?
Acutally it should be 11.3, or?
Alternate theory from my side:
An interesting perspective worth further consideration. I have a feeling this is all going to be made clear to us over the next few weeks.
where does 11.4 originate? I've got so much data in my brain that I forget. thanks
Q posts. 11.3 and 11.4 are supposed to be the start of the public phase of the plan, and markers for us that it is indeed happening. The question was always what exactly 11.3 and 11.4 are.
Section 11 of the DoD Law of War manual.
Thank you!
No prob! Also think Geneva Convention when it comes to 11.3:
The GC abbreviation in the manual refers to Geneva Convention. There is an abbreviation sheet to help.
Under subsection 11.4.1 in the DoD law of war manual:
11.4.1 Right of the Occupying Power to Govern the Enemy Territory Temporarily. The right to govern the territory of the enemy during its military occupation is one of the incidents of war.93 By the fact of occupation (i.e., the Occupying Power’s established power over occupied territory), the Occupying Power is conferred the authority to exercise some of the rights of sovereignty.94 The exercise of these sovereign rights also results from the necessity of maintaining law and order, indispensable both to the inhabitants and to the occupying force, and the failure or inability of the legitimate government to exercise its functions, or the undesirability of allowing it to do so.95
I wonder if this explains some elements of what we've witnessed in this faux Biden admin i.e: (fake press briefings, fake speeches, etc.) It's the most unusual "presidency" I can recall and does seem to corroborate the idea of "You are watching a movie." But I guess this assumes that the occupying power is Biden and all the corrupt individuals who helped put him there.
Thought this speaks volumes: “Because sovereignty is not vested in the Occupying Power, the fact of military occupation does not authorize the Occupying Power to take certain actions. For example, the Occupying Power is not authorized by the fact of belligerent occupation to annex occupied territory or to create a new State.98 In addition, the Occupying Power may not compel the 99 inhabitants of occupied territory to become its nationals or otherwise to swear allegiance to it. Similarly, in view of the provisional nature of belligerent occupation, the authority of the Occupying Power under occupation law has been interpreted as being subject to limitations on the ability of the Occupying Power to alter institutions of government permanently or change the constitution of a country.” 100 - end of 11.4
No need for them to be up. They have already removed the children from under the White House.
What about the discussion about the military removing Chinese soldiers from our soil (in tunnels in parts of US)? What about the Chinese military massing in Canada?
But I never got my pay per view tribunals ☹
save it for executions, those will be strung out and randomized soo more people will watch longer hoping for their pick to kick the bucket.
bookies in vegas will have a heyday with live exe vs taped confessions with firesquad
Concurs with what I've heard various places that outer is coming down while fence around WH and some others will remain.