Reminder to all patriots: if something happens near enough to you to make a difference, and you can, get there with cameras and drones and record everything. The devil is in the details, and the devil tries to change details. Proof helps open eyes.
Also guns are sold out everywhere. High res pics of guns that show manufacturer and serial number can bD used to publicly dix where guns come from... Like when Mexican cartels use guns owned by the US mitary, or trafficked by the ATF. Get close up photos in high res of the receiver above the magazine well (clip) on both sides top priority
Yeah, in some cases they aren't even calling it 'climate change' anymore. Now it's Extreme Weather. AND I've even seen some talk starting up again about "global cooling", which hasn't been in common Doom And Gloom parlance since the 70s
I always expect one, I live in Colorado. there is a yearly "big" shooting. FBI is ussually aware of the possible shooter(s) never does anything, we also have known moslim terrorist cells living in denver that get left alone
The ship that was blocking the Suez Canal with call sign H3RC and Evergreen painted on the side.
Was also blocking a ship called the Mersk Denver and its call sign was WMDQ
Weapon of Mass Destruction aimed at Q?
Evergreen = HRC
Right from the start, I absolutely doubted the body count. The whole thing stunk and still does. CameraHogg et al were pushed forward to keep the sheeple focused on the "need" to go after our right to keep and bear arms. My doubt quickly became utter disbelief. Notwithstanding the 17 counts, the deaths and injuries are bogus. I watched a lot of videos, as I've done for the majority of the FFs. Many reside on my HD.
Not saying the left won't try and am not saying there won't be short term crap to deal with but here is the real picture of what an attempted gun grab looks like. They haven't got a fucking chance and, the arms & legs (ones tasked with executing the orders) know it -
Q Also said elections were safe....BUY THEY WEREN'T. What is disinformation and what isn't in the drops? What can still be compromised by this war? We don't really know and I take nothing at face value since we are only guessing at what 5he actual plan is..
The Constitution’s Article V requires that an amendment be proposed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it.
I assume they won't touch the 2a - just change NFA licensing to cover anything over .177 call instead of .500 cal, therefore classifying almost all firearms as 'destructive devices'.
yea,k right - just like the elections were safe in 2018....oops that was purposeful misinformation to keep the "dark side" off balance and bring out their corruption into the light. But the 2020 elections were totally safe....oops! Now we are in control and guns are safe?? How long will we play this game before something REAL happens?
So all the people who think these shootings are fake completely accept that the cabal are Satan-worshipping, child-trafficking, child-killing, child rapists who drink the blood of children (Did I miss anything?) but you draw the line at them shooting up a school?
Sounds like you're the ones who can't accept that people are evil.
Shootings ain't fake in alot of cases.. But if you dig I bet you will find they are preventable !! This guy on fbi list & were watching ? Fbi let him buy firearm? Psychologist vs Psychiatrist ? Use your shovel & dig !!!
Should we expect another FF in the next few days? 3 yr delta for this post is Sunday...
Still won't be as bad as one weekend in Chicago
Those are real. That's why they don't make national news. Only the FF get in your face air time.
Even Vegas got hushed to hide the reality
Why wouldn't they? FF's are the only way they can move the needle now
Reminder to all patriots: if something happens near enough to you to make a difference, and you can, get there with cameras and drones and record everything. The devil is in the details, and the devil tries to change details. Proof helps open eyes.
Also guns are sold out everywhere. High res pics of guns that show manufacturer and serial number can bD used to publicly dix where guns come from... Like when Mexican cartels use guns owned by the US mitary, or trafficked by the ATF. Get close up photos in high res of the receiver above the magazine well (clip) on both sides top priority
Anymore I've noticed that flags are at half-mast more often than full-mast. half-mast has really lost its meaning imo.
and bigot, and hater, and white supremacist, and global warming, etc. etc.
Yeah, in some cases they aren't even calling it 'climate change' anymore. Now it's Extreme Weather. AND I've even seen some talk starting up again about "global cooling", which hasn't been in common Doom And Gloom parlance since the 70s
Wouldn't put it past them, and likely more horrific than anything in the past.
I always expect one, I live in Colorado. there is a yearly "big" shooting. FBI is ussually aware of the possible shooter(s) never does anything, we also have known moslim terrorist cells living in denver that get left alone
The ship that was blocking the Suez Canal with call sign H3RC and Evergreen painted on the side.
Was also blocking a ship called the Mersk Denver and its call sign was WMDQ Weapon of Mass Destruction aimed at Q? Evergreen = HRC
False Flag?
Watch the water Q.
I dunno if I would call aiding and abetting nothing.
I just went off to do some research on the Parkland shooting. There were 17 people injured and 17 people killed.
Here's an interesting hit piece on 4chan/pol/ regarding the shooting:
Here are 10 reasons why it was staged:
Right from the start, I absolutely doubted the body count. The whole thing stunk and still does. CameraHogg et al were pushed forward to keep the sheeple focused on the "need" to go after our right to keep and bear arms. My doubt quickly became utter disbelief. Notwithstanding the 17 counts, the deaths and injuries are bogus. I watched a lot of videos, as I've done for the majority of the FFs. Many reside on my HD.
I think Dems are poking the bear in a bid to work gun owners up into committing violence of some kind.
Or that might be how the FF looks...
Guns are safe. No worries
Not saying the left won't try and am not saying there won't be short term crap to deal with but here is the real picture of what an attempted gun grab looks like. They haven't got a fucking chance and, the arms & legs (ones tasked with executing the orders) know it -
Pop Quiz:
Above from 2018. Are there more or fewer guns in private hands 2.5 years later?
OK, guns are now banned. Are you magically disarmed?
Q Also said elections were safe....BUY THEY WEREN'T. What is disinformation and what isn't in the drops? What can still be compromised by this war? We don't really know and I take nothing at face value since we are only guessing at what 5he actual plan is..
They said it would only be for 2020+, not the elections in 2020.
Said 2018 was safe.
That that was just interpretation. No one had a date.
I wonder. We all know guns are safe if used properly. Did he mean that our guns are safe in our possession? As in, no great gun confiscation?
Maybe guns are safe means 2nd Amendment won’t be overturned or degraded.
Civics 101, never going to happen -
The Constitution’s Article V requires that an amendment be proposed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it.
Here's the state's layout right now -
I assume they won't touch the 2a - just change NFA licensing to cover anything over .177 call instead of .500 cal, therefore classifying almost all firearms as 'destructive devices'.
Guns were always safe in my house.
Mine haven’t injured a single person or caused destruction of property.
Lil' Hogg gon' squeeeal.
Q or no Q. Guns are never safe. Our bill of rights are always under assault from within and abroad. NEVER let your guard down.
yea,k right - just like the elections were safe in 2018....oops that was purposeful misinformation to keep the "dark side" off balance and bring out their corruption into the light. But the 2020 elections were totally safe....oops! Now we are in control and guns are safe?? How long will we play this game before something REAL happens?
Still built a few ARs with my brother, mother, and sister in law.
Enjoying these 3 year deltas
I trust the plan a lot. But in this specific aspect I'm a little bit afraid I must admit.
Pretty good analysis of the narrative push:
Yeah the election and the country was supposedly "safe" too. This one is too important to be complacent.
We still need to tread carefully and expect the unexpected.
Start movements in your cities/towns and try to create second amendment sanctuaries.
You have no idea if anyone died, they fake shit like this all the time.
People still are unable to open up to the possibility that people are evil & sick !
So all the people who think these shootings are fake completely accept that the cabal are Satan-worshipping, child-trafficking, child-killing, child rapists who drink the blood of children (Did I miss anything?) but you draw the line at them shooting up a school?
Sounds like you're the ones who can't accept that people are evil.
Shootings ain't fake in alot of cases.. But if you dig I bet you will find they are preventable !! This guy on fbi list & were watching ? Fbi let him buy firearm? Psychologist vs Psychiatrist ? Use your shovel & dig !!!