also the picture of him posing, touching his nose is textbook masonic symbolism.
welp, there goes watching caddyshack and fully enjoying myself.
I love that all these hollyweirdo satanists are coming to light, making it pretty much unbearable to watch their catalog the same way ever again.
bands too. Im a musician but as soon as i looked into MOST ALL of the big names of 60s/70s i couldnt go back to just blasting them as normal. Hasnt felt right to play Beatles, Stones, Bowie, Zeppelin, Who, Grateful Dead, and more since discovering their nefarious intentions.
Be sure to check out David McGowan's astonishing book " Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon ' The very strange, but nevertheless true story of the dark underbelly of a 1960s hippie utopia, in which Laurel Canyon's colorful characters - rock stars, hippies, murderers and politicos - happily coexisted alongside a covert military installation.)
Yeah I highly doubt Chevy Chase is involved he's one of the actually gifted actors I've seen.
I suspect he left Community because he was pissed at the TDS radiating from the shows creator, Dan Harmon. One of the endcards for an episode was a giant wall of text of him ranting at Trump.
I was searching for the vanity card online and I can't seem to find it. I own the entire series of community in DVD so I'll probably have to go through the DVDs to find it... in case anyone wanted to read what I'm talking about...
Chase is super left wing himself. You should check out his interviews where he admits SNL’s purpose was to manipulate viewers and push leftist dogshit.
Yep, they can't help but advertise. There is no reason what so ever for that to be in there with the golf theme other than the perverts want to tell the world their secret. They think the world is stupid, and most were for a long time. The Great Awakening took care of that for a whole lot of people.
I agree with what you're saying, but I wouldn't say the world was "stupid" for not suspecting that a cabal of Luciferian pedophiles, murderers, cannibals, and their minions ran the world, and signaled to each other over our heads using codes, symbols, signs, colors, number, fashion, animals, and more, while imagining they had gained our consent to abuse us because they had "told" us of their plans and we didn't stop them.
Someone in the live chat asked Robert to do that. You could see him read the request, think about it momentarily and then he did it. So not Masonic, just pure hopium confirmation. I sure hope that's true!!
I was thinking about the 'free will' thing this morning, God honors it. Satan's revealing himself being required, is so that people clearly use their discernment to make a choice-- exercise their free will. Even The Garden of Eden illustrates this. God showed the loveliness of life possible when He is listened to and followed, but gave them the option of choosing to disobey. And to learn about Lucifer's lies that mislead humanity. Poor serpent, just a scapegoat
Ok, am I the only one that thinks that not every single instance of a symbol that I’m willing to bet most of us probably doodled in class at one time means that person is a pedo? serious question, how much input does a person “designing” a line of clothes with a company have? Could it be possible that someone else made that print and he just glossed through a catologue and picked random ones that he liked for his stuff?
I used to think like that, so I get where you’re coming from. However, think about how much money and fame most fashion designers have nowadays. They are propped up by Hollywood, so it’s not a stretch to think that they are one in the same. Also, sure, some people may have doodled something similar in their life by random chance. However, when the same people making/promoting the doodles also rode the Lolita Express to pedo island...I’m gonna say it goes beyond a random chance at that point.
That’s fair and no worries, fren. I think most of us found our way here because we have a healthy dose of skepticism in us. I think it’s always good to maintain some.
Are you new to this? Once you get more familiar with their codes and who they are, how they are connected, what other codes you've seen and heard from them, what used to seem like, "Oh, it could be innocent" will start to seem glaring.
What a big club it is, with a pricey cost for belonging. I envision a very long scroll of names and the bottom of it being set on fire and with all its defenses at work the flame moves slowly but it moves up, up, up that evil list, and none of them can stop what is coming for them
Rushmore was an entertaining movie but looking back it was clear the story had clear pedo themes. Eg what’s a super rich middle aged prick doing hanging out with a 15yr old HS boy (Max Fischer).
not that this is any proof of anything, but just speaking coincidentally, Murray played in that movie ("The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou") in which his character was basically a parody of Jacques Cousteau. You know who grew up "enamored" with Jacques Cousteau?
OH YEAH!!! there it is.
also the picture of him posing, touching his nose is textbook masonic symbolism.
welp, there goes watching caddyshack and fully enjoying myself.
I love that all these hollyweirdo satanists are coming to light, making it pretty much unbearable to watch their catalog the same way ever again.
bands too. Im a musician but as soon as i looked into MOST ALL of the big names of 60s/70s i couldnt go back to just blasting them as normal. Hasnt felt right to play Beatles, Stones, Bowie, Zeppelin, Who, Grateful Dead, and more since discovering their nefarious intentions.
Be sure to check out David McGowan's astonishing book " Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon ' The very strange, but nevertheless true story of the dark underbelly of a 1960s hippie utopia, in which Laurel Canyon's colorful characters - rock stars, hippies, murderers and politicos - happily coexisted alongside a covert military installation.)
total amazing. that book propelled me on this journey!
My husband talks about McGowan's work a lot. Its a point of reference in a lot of conversations. Great suggestion.
Rap as well. CIA sponsored.
i watched 2 of his vids on same topic. what an eye opener. also docudrama-Echo in the Canyon, interviews n clips from many bands from that time
I wonder about Chevy chase now. Since he dropped out fame basically and was made out to be such a dick.
No, I believe he's actually just a huge dick
Yeah I highly doubt Chevy Chase is involved he's one of the actually gifted actors I've seen.
I suspect he left Community because he was pissed at the TDS radiating from the shows creator, Dan Harmon. One of the endcards for an episode was a giant wall of text of him ranting at Trump.
I was searching for the vanity card online and I can't seem to find it. I own the entire series of community in DVD so I'll probably have to go through the DVDs to find it... in case anyone wanted to read what I'm talking about...
Chase is super left wing himself. You should check out his interviews where he admits SNL’s purpose was to manipulate viewers and push leftist dogshit.
Great comment.
At least he admitted it I guess.
Dan Harmon, the guy on video having sex with a baby doll?
Yeah, that nutcase.
i didn't say he was a pedo, just an insufferable dick
Yeah I was agreeing with you.
Idiots. They’re all involved. Especially chase
He’s also from a family that dates back to when Manhattan was occupied by Indians.
I’ve always been wary of those types of families. He’s not some average Joe like they make him out to be.
he's overrated anyway, and that whole "no one will ever believe you" meme is just cringe boomer-tier shit
Not the dead, not garcia. =(
Yep, they can't help but advertise. There is no reason what so ever for that to be in there with the golf theme other than the perverts want to tell the world their secret. They think the world is stupid, and most were for a long time. The Great Awakening took care of that for a whole lot of people.
The article name of the shirt 'Between the Lines'. Can it be more obvious? They don't even try to hide their sin.
Note that he's touching his nose, as if to say, "Yep, you got it."
I agree with what you're saying, but I wouldn't say the world was "stupid" for not suspecting that a cabal of Luciferian pedophiles, murderers, cannibals, and their minions ran the world, and signaled to each other over our heads using codes, symbols, signs, colors, number, fashion, animals, and more, while imagining they had gained our consent to abuse us because they had "told" us of their plans and we didn't stop them.
Hint: look at the design in the big photo carefully
And headless corpses...
At this point I think the quesiton is who ISN'T a degenerate? Seems like the majority of government and celebutards are in this filthy club.
Thats a shame, I liked Murray.
When Robert Kennedy Jr. was asked if JFK Jr was alive he did the same thing- pointed to his nose. Weird. Saying that we’re right?
Someone in the live chat asked Robert to do that. You could see him read the request, think about it momentarily and then he did it. So not Masonic, just pure hopium confirmation. I sure hope that's true!!
Same my dog is named Murray for a couple reasons and 13 years later I’m like ugh Bill Murray Murray from Sesame Street
There is no reason to think he knows what it means
That symbol has been used a ton since the 90s at least
It's been a NAMBLA symbol forever. Elites are very much up on their symbolism. Fame does not come by accident.
What an ugly shirt. With pedo symbols to boot.
NAMBLA sign on the main picture.
“Mums the word polo”??
telling his hollywood friends to stfu and not talk
Cant clearly see the design on mums the word shirt but looks like maybe a reasonable facsimile of wuflu spike protein.
Could be comet ping pong?
Evil has to put itself on display no option... deal Satan made with god...
I was thinking about the 'free will' thing this morning, God honors it. Satan's revealing himself being required, is so that people clearly use their discernment to make a choice-- exercise their free will. Even The Garden of Eden illustrates this. God showed the loveliness of life possible when He is listened to and followed, but gave them the option of choosing to disobey. And to learn about Lucifer's lies that mislead humanity. Poor serpent, just a scapegoat
the shirt is called "between the lines" too. wow. they just make it so obvious
Yes and also, didn’t Hunter S Thompson say, “Buy the ticket, take the ride”?
Murray played him in Where The Buffalo Roam. This was long before Depp did.
There’s the connection. I forgot about that movie, thanks for reminding me.
I really wanted him to be one of the good guys.
He's on the flight log... clear as day.
I didn't catch that one. Haven't more than skimmed the list itself.
I was hoping it wasn't true, but this photo confirms it.
touching his nose too. He "knows"?
Ok, am I the only one that thinks that not every single instance of a symbol that I’m willing to bet most of us probably doodled in class at one time means that person is a pedo? serious question, how much input does a person “designing” a line of clothes with a company have? Could it be possible that someone else made that print and he just glossed through a catologue and picked random ones that he liked for his stuff?
I used to think like that, so I get where you’re coming from. However, think about how much money and fame most fashion designers have nowadays. They are propped up by Hollywood, so it’s not a stretch to think that they are one in the same. Also, sure, some people may have doodled something similar in their life by random chance. However, when the same people making/promoting the doodles also rode the Lolita Express to pedo island...I’m gonna say it goes beyond a random chance at that point.
Those are some good points, thank you. I’m still skeptical about this particular one, idk.
That’s fair and no worries, fren. I think most of us found our way here because we have a healthy dose of skepticism in us. I think it’s always good to maintain some.
Are you new to this? Once you get more familiar with their codes and who they are, how they are connected, what other codes you've seen and heard from them, what used to seem like, "Oh, it could be innocent" will start to seem glaring.
Fear the Walking dead show, the main character Alicia has the pedo spirangle tattooed on her arm.
He's on the flight log folks.
Here's one I caught a few years back: [Geico commercial]
Dual meanings, Bill.
Noooo, not Bill Murray!!
Bye, Bill.
He was the one name listed on the flight logs that I was sad about.
If the same rules apply for this whole symbol thing, can people still order cheese pizzas or hotdogs without automatically being a pedo?
As long as you're not spending 10k+.
and flying the "pizza" and "hot dogs" in on a jetliner. No one does that! The food would be cold if it was actual food!
What a big club it is, with a pricey cost for belonging. I envision a very long scroll of names and the bottom of it being set on fire and with all its defenses at work the flame moves slowly but it moves up, up, up that evil list, and none of them can stop what is coming for them
Another epstein island guy... hard truths.
They will ALL go down
I always say none of these fucks have anymore talent than you would find at a highschool play or talent show.
So how did they get there?
He's picking his nose! ??????????
Now i don't feel bad for laughing at him being killed in Zombieland
correction. i never felt bad, now justified that i get to tell my wife i'm not totally psycho lol
Spoiler! Seriously though, that was damn funny?
Rushmore was an entertaining movie but looking back it was clear the story had clear pedo themes. Eg what’s a super rich middle aged prick doing hanging out with a 15yr old HS boy (Max Fischer).
not that this is any proof of anything, but just speaking coincidentally, Murray played in that movie ("The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou") in which his character was basically a parody of Jacques Cousteau. You know who grew up "enamored" with Jacques Cousteau?
Great way to get mailing lists to check up on, but CIA & FBI have zero credibility/vigilance/jurisprudence and probably never has
Bill "flight logs" Murray is a pedo.