this is fucking great news. they have been caught flat footed, you can just smell the panic in this memo.
this most likely means they have not been able to cover up the fraud for whatever reason. incompetency, or arrogance, or a combination of these.
these people are stupid. they are no better than the fools that hop into those bait cars on reality TV. they committed capital punishment crimes for hundreds or thousands of dollars. smart people cost far more to corrupt, hence all the fucking videos and evidence left behind.
I work in IT security and have over 20 years of experience. It isn't easy to cover your tracks, especially to do so in such a way as to not expose the fact you have covered your tracks.
There's no way these fuckwits have done a proper job of covering up.
You know not all of them are going to risk going to Federal Prison.... there will be Rats looking for a way out....Boy it really sound like we finally might see justice served.... Praise Jesus,,, my fingernails are completely fukkin gone,, this Movie is a Thrill Ride.
Terrified. They know they're about to be found out and exposed.
Only, they think this is the only evidence there is. Don't realize Trump/Space Force/white hats have all the data already. ?
this is fucking great news. they have been caught flat footed, you can just smell the panic in this memo.
this most likely means they have not been able to cover up the fraud for whatever reason. incompetency, or arrogance, or a combination of these.
these people are stupid. they are no better than the fools that hop into those bait cars on reality TV. they committed capital punishment crimes for hundreds or thousands of dollars. smart people cost far more to corrupt, hence all the fucking videos and evidence left behind.
I work in IT security and have over 20 years of experience. It isn't easy to cover your tracks, especially to do so in such a way as to not expose the fact you have covered your tracks.
There's no way these fuckwits have done a proper job of covering up.
Yep and mutiply that times 2.1 million. They are fucked to the power of 17.
Its nearly impossible, totally agree with you.
Like someone here said, they voted for Biden but not the down ballots for the other Democrats?
"That's some lazy ass cheating."
The country/world has been watching them squirm in their corruption like bacteria in a petri dish since November 4.
Exposure (and, HOPEFULLY, justice) for these treasonous, egotistical b-stards is long (years, even decades) past due.
They just assumed we would be like, "darn! Maybe next time. Trump 2024!" But no, the obvious, widespread election fraud is unable to be ignored.
you can say it, "bastards." They deserve every name in the book.
Spirochetes = Demochetes
No wonder they heavily built up Gitmo under the Trump (still President) administration. Gonna be a few more inmates coming soon ?
Which means if they don't come clean they may be arrested. Weeeeeeee
You know not all of them are going to risk going to Federal Prison.... there will be Rats looking for a way out....Boy it really sound like we finally might see justice served.... Praise Jesus,,, my fingernails are completely fukkin gone,, this Movie is a Thrill Ride.
Man I hope so. Praying ?