The irony. And a good response from this guy, that pretty much states that!
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I begin to wonder if these idiots actually believe when they are being peddled, or if they are the ones knowingly peddling bullshit. Its pretty obvious most politicians and famous people know very little about anything, but people cannot be just ignorantly spewing out shit fauci is telling them, can they?
I'm sure Hancock knows what he is doing! He wants maximum vulnerability and illness of the population.
He's not a nice person!
Hancock is a fucking arsehole.
the syntax is classic psychological control
100% aware of what they are doing
I believe it is a mix, some are useful idiots (actually believe the bullshit), some know it is useful bullshit for their agenda (propagandists).
They are 100% getting paid to spew this shit and keep people sick. Any idiot knows Vit D and fresh air is good for you.
I love to see "blue checks" go after one another! WE ARE WINNING!
We have come so far? were in the exact same spot on this EXACT date and time as last year, with even more added b.s vax,passports,etc.. who the fuck does this guy think he’s kidding
That slimy cunt was caught on live tv laughing at us. Fuck Boris and fuck Hancock. Fuck our woke globalist wanker government. We'll do what we please dickheads.
Hand-on-cock knows best?!!
Mind your fucking business tool. This isn't a company any more. We dont work for you.
And worst of all you have assumed a role you do not actually possess. Nobody gives two fucks about your opinion.
Fuck the ministers, they are all lost causes.
Almost all of this argument is good. But there's no need to muddy it up by saying it's hard to breathe through a thin piece of paper.
For a good long while, I thought anti-maskers were crazy because they kept bringing this up. I've learned a lot since then, but seriously, it isn't worth throwing in the mix.
If you can breathe through a scarf, you can breathe through a mask. But if that mask does no good, you have good reason to question the need to wear it, without bringing up some weak whiner argument like "I can't breathe." (Saying this as someone who's had to call 911 multiple times because I couldn't breathe anymore due to asthma.)
Hook yourself to an O2 monitor and see what your readings are with and without a mask. Unless your mask is made out of a screen, or VERY thin material (which makes it virtually useless even for catching sneezes), you will see a drop in your oxygen levels when breathing with a mask on. I was in the hospital for a kidney stone (didn't know it was a stone at the time) and they made me wear a mask in the ER. While hooked up to all the monitoring equipment, I checked the change in oxygen levels with and w/o the mask, because I had read that it decreased your oxygen, but I thought "there is such a small amount of volume inside the mask, how could it significantly drop oxygen levels in your blood?", but sure enough, 5 or 6 points of change occurred.
If I ever get the chance, I'm actually gonna give that a try. I still find the masks to be far worse in itch factor than air quality though, and the constantly fogging sunglasses are a pain.
They sell the fingertip oxygen sensors for a pretty low price now, that work with a smart phone.