How do you handle the situation when you tell someone that COVID is just a flu variant.... or it doesn't exist and they tell you they've had a friend or family member die of COVID. That happens to me quite a bit and it usually ends the conversation, and it's partly why I'm reluctant to even bring it up. I can't say that it just doesn't exist. Personally, I believe it is a manufactured, routine Corona Virus that is just foreign to everyone's immune system. Just like if you traveled to India and caught a simple cold there, it could wreck you pretty hard. And therefore, anyone with any type of weakened immune system or the elderly are extremely susceptible. Just curious if anyone is having the same issues.
Comments (53)
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I lost my sense of smell, and so did a couple of my kids. We had joint pain, but no fever, running nose, etc. I felt bioweaponed for sure, but it was just weird. So I think it's real.
When it comes to someone saying they know someone who died, mention medical mistakes being the third leading cause in America. What they do is let people sit at home until they get bad sick, stick them on a ventalator and blow their lungs out. Many medical people have spoken out about this issue. So ask them, oh my word, Did they get put on a ventilator?!! Lord, they'll kill 'em for sure!
It's a good approach... not being too direct, but still staying on topic. I can give that a shot.
This is what I thought of after the fact. Refer people to the Frontline Doctor website that will offer teledoc appointment and the HCQ/Ivermectin protocol as an alternative.
I saw that Frontline doctors were coming out pretty strong against the Covid nonsense..... I didn't know that they were doing the teledoc appointments.... that's good to know.
Yes, they'll get you a prescription for HCQ / Ivermectin in case your doctor cannot or will not do so. They have a network of doctors working together.
I know it's hard to convince people of anything. I'd recommend this article and then see if you can find similar data from your state:
The numbers come straight from the state health department and clearly show that almost nobody dies from COVID. They have to have some serious preexisting condition or multiple conditions to weaken the immune system enough for COVID to be lethal. Then find some articles showing how hospitals were given incentives to count deaths as COVID instead of any of the other conditions they had, and given money to put people on ventilators.
Thanks. I don't know how you can look at this and not have a least a little bit of doubt...
Pretty close, I suggest checking the total deaths to other years or periods and explain the facts that Obama and fauci sent the covid virus to the Wuhan lab to test gain of function on it when coincidentally that was the epicenter of the outbreak.
The problem is,they already know this info. As long as the tv people tell them its super deadly,theyre not gonna believe a damn thing other than what the tv people and fakebook tell them
Ask them to show the full blood work of the deceased relative. 9/10 they will say they trust the doctors. Then follow that up that the doctors don't even know when this will end, so why trust them?
I realized its not my place to educate these mask wearing brainwashed morons. Let them be stupid. I tried twice in the last 2 days. One guy Ive known for years said he couldn't wait to get the shot. There is a lot of them im gonna miss once flu season comes back around and their vaccinated bodys can't fight it.
Hahaha.... yeah man, I try and talk some sense to people if they are already willing to listen, but other than that, they need the truth to somehow slap them in the face. Sadly, lots of people around here are all excited to go get the shot also.
Yes, same issue, im a glad you brought this up. Personally I've had this issue with my sister (whos a liberal in hollywood..) but I give her credit since i know shes a critical thinker and doesnt like where "her party" is going. But on covid i get this exact response from her and idk how to reply. Ive tried the " covid is basically the flu, we always had a consistent/stable # of deaths from it over decades, until covid. Since covid..there are no flu deaths...cuz covid (same fucking symptoms)." And she just teeters me off like im ignoring a 'pandemic'...
Frankly i just feel my best approach is to "live and let learn". She's a critical thinker, so im hopeful eventually she'll hit that "oh shit" moment, and wake the F up.
I have to believe that overall people are slowly starting to have doubts and at least consider the fact that they've been fed false information, even if they don't want to admit it.... just a little too slow as far as i'm concerned.
Fair statement, and I agree 100%.
1st, I don't deny the virus, many of these people still watch the LSM.
2nd, if they say they know "people" who have died ask who, and when they tell you it was "so-and-so x" you tell them; "wow, I don't know anyone that has died from covid, but, I was just talking with _____ (fill in the blank) and they said "so-and-so y" just died too. I thought this only had a .2-.3% mortality rate, what are the odds I would know so many people who know people that have died. Maybe we should look into those death number a little more closely..."
Red pill delivered... Especially when you mention how everyone you know that got the vax is acting weird or seem to be sick
Not bad.... I like it. Solid input.
Agree! Bump. I literally have and family members die, he was actually the first death for W.KY. It's hard when my grandpa had his brother die from rona and he and my Nana both tested positive real early on. They ended up being fine, but they put him on a respirator and then determined that a progressively stronger morphine drip was the best option just to "ease his pain". I suggested that this was a negative thing because opioids slow respiration, which would make it harder to breathe? He got pretty upset when I asked him that. :/ Anyway I hope you guys like my story. This is a good suggestion and this comment is just a very elaborate bump.
Tell them to look at total death numbers for 2020 as compared to total deaths in 2018 and 2019. From what I read, total deaths in 2020 were actually a little bit less, but the usual killers like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and the flu were strangely down significantly. They had to make up those numbers somehow. Also, as an example one doctor recently( I think he was also a virologist) tested 1,500 samples of what were supposed to be positive covid 19 results. He found no virus in any of them and many were positive for influenza A and B. When he went to the CDC to get a sample from them, he was told they don’t have any and couldn’t get him any. No virus has been isolated and the vaccine isn’t an anti body producer for any virus. There’s plenty to learn online to have as instant ammo you can provide when people question your position.
Exactly.... Just based on the objective information like this it should make people at least have an open mind to a different narrative than the one fed to them by main stream.
We had a family friend die WITH "Covid" on Board...We don't really bring it up to anyone, we also do not mention the fact that he was 150 + pounds overweight, and Diabetic. AND those are only what WE were aware of. I agree with you "manufactured", those that Disagree, will regurgitate whatever they saw on MSM. Simple fact is, IF you have multiple comorbidities, anything you catch bad enough, will kill you.
I think that's exactly it right there.... it's absolutely tragic.
Yes it is. I steer clear of anyone that believes COVID is a Pandemic. Just smile politely...and Walk away...! There are at least 10 to 20 % that can not be reached another 10 to 20% are just to stupid/lazy to research, or do not care.
I'm starting to think that there are at least 20% that just won't wake up until they get hit with the truth, hard.
Sadly Yes..Like beaten about the Head and shoulders HARD!
I say that I am sorry for their loss, but are they sure that the person died of covid? Unless they were with the person at time of death, they cannot be sure. Did the person die with covid or from covid? Did the person die from the wrong treatment or from lack of treatment? If the death was prior to Xiden's inauguration, I sincerely doubt that the correct treatment was provided. Also, there was a report out of Croatia in which a hospital worker admitted to killing patients and said nurses and doctors killed patients also to get numbers up. I have no doubt that some deaths were murders, in this country and others. Sadly, there will be lots of suffering and mental health issues due to the way patients and loved ones were kept separated, especially at the time of death.
Really good comment. If it happens again and I can keep the conversation going, these are some good ways to get the person thinking.
There is a flu virus that goes around every year. People get the flu, pneumonia, and common cold. A few people die from it -- mostly older people in nursing homes.
The only thing different in 2019/2020 is they blamed the flu/pnuemonia/cold on "Covid 19." They lied about the numbers, lied about the cause of death, and pretended that thousands of people died of Covid, when they really died of something else. That something else was mostly the flu and pneumonia (same as every year), but some people who died of heart attacks, cancer, stroke, and even car accidents where falsely labeled as Covid victims, as well.
The TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE died in 2020 WAS THE SAME as in each of the past 5-10 years, within a few thousand. THE SAME NUMBER DIED. This is how we know it was a scam.
They lied about it so they could gain control over the people by forcing businesses to shut down and people to lose their jobs.
They want to destroy the middle class, then America, so they can rule the world ("One World Government" -- where they are the masters and everyone else is a slave).
It's an ugly truth. It's a hard-to-believe truth. But it is the truth.
This is pretty much what confirmed it for me..... this clear and objective data. Once that happened for me, I started questioning pretty much everything I saw and heard. I think this is the stuff that I am going to keep pushing. I don't know how people can disregard this info unless they are subconsciously WANTING to stay asleep.
Where did you see the total number of people who died in 2020? Last I checked those were still being counted. Not saying you're wrong, just would really like to have a credible source for this for my discussions.
Don't tell them. Who cares if covid is flu, cold, or something else? Focus on what you do care about: medical tyranny, mask mandate laws, loss of freedoms, etc. Compare TN, a state that never had any mask mandates, to NY, and ask why they had the same disease (whatever it is) pass by, but had entirely different results?
For the record, I'm a firm believer in covid being something different and new. And dangerous because it's new, but mostly dangerous because it's been totally and evilly mismanaged, and used as a tool of tyranny.
I tell them i have not worn a mask once. I do not excessively wash my hands.i hug people.i share joints and pipes with people. IM STILL WAITING TO CATCH IT!
Far too many people are simply lazy fucks now days. Many of them will be at high risk from dying of not just covid-19 but many other things in life.
People will take their car to go 1 or 2 blocks away to a store instead of walking.
People will skip on going to parks to walk and enjoy nature plus fresh air.
People will eat anything and everything regardless of what it can do to their bodies.
One of the best things anyone can do is to get fresh air and walk a few miles. Most of us are guilty of eating junk food and foods not good for us but it's up to each individual person to give a shit about being healthy and living longer.
I'm outside every day and often walk several miles each day. I only drive if it's more than a couple of miles away. I choose this because I enjoy having a really good immune system.
I enjoy never getting sick, year after year staying healthy and feeling good. I'm for sure not person and not into fitness but I am into trying to keep my body healthy.
The only problem I've had during this stupid joke of a pandemic was some mild allergies from pollen but that happens every year a little bit. A lot of times I'll get off my computer and sit outside using my tablet because fresh air is a wonderful thing.
Agree 100%. Maybe that's why I never really had any fear of this pandemic crap. I went through a short period in the beginning where I was a little worried.... but I still never wore a mask, and I mentally got over it really quickly. People are fucking lazy, you're right. The DS knew this pandemic would work so well on a majority of the population....
Some people may not want to hear it but it's true. 25 years ago there wasn't like a thousand TV channels to watch and many streaming services. Back then people were far more active. Now days there's far too many people that fit the couch potato stereo type.
Most covid deaths were not from covid they were just listed as covid because they happened to have it. The same amount of people die every year from the flu as they do from covid. Chances are their friend or relative did not die of covid at all. I have asked tons of people and no one knows anyone who died of covid. Good chance they are lying to you.
Actually, a person does not need to actually "have Covid" in order for "Covid" to be listed as the cause of death. Amazing, huh?
Any person who tested positive for Covid ... OR WAS PRESUMED TO HAVE COVID (due to living with someone who may have had it, etc.), can have Covid listed as cause of death -- and doctor/hospital gets paid more money.
I remember in the very early days (late 2019), a woman in China was tested 18 times -- 18 TIMES -- and all negative. She was "diagnosed" as positive for Covid, though. Why? Because she lived with a man who was one of the first who supposedly had it.
This is the kind of propaganda world we are dealing with.
I tend to think that in the back of my mind... I don't say it though.
Ask them if they know someone who died of rona. Then ask them if they read the medical records of they person they knew that died. They always say no. They never know what they actually die from. Covid isnt real
Why can’t you say it doesn’t exist? There’s no proof of its isolation from a human, CDC admits it doesn’t even have a sample. No isolation, no proof of existence.
I can't tell someone that had a close relative die from Covid that it doesn't exist... I can't think of anyone that would want to hear that.
You will ruin their future narrative when they tell their grandchildren....”my father died in the pandemic of 2019”
More drama.. More sympathy..
Karens love this shit
It’s not a question of telling the truth then, you just don’t want to offend. Most likely the flu, though.
It’s true, I don’t want to offend in cases like that. I’m beyond furious at the evil players behind this plandemic... I can’t even imagine how people that have lost loved ones will feel when they find out.
Dying WITH covid is different than dying FROM covid
Sadly... it seems to be correct. It makes me wondering where this great awakening is headed...
Honestly, this alone should be enough to make people at least take a step back and start taking a closer look. I feel like i'm the asshole when I start telling them that their grandma died of the flu though.... I feel like those people are going to have a tougher time waking up to this.