"Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have reportedly sold $19 billion worth of shares in Chinese tech and US media companies. Traders are now wondering what caused the unusually massive move and whether it will continue next week. "
“I’ve never seen something of this magnitude in my 25-year career,” portfolio manager at Swiss-based Bellevue Asset Management AG, Michel Keusch, told Bloomberg.
They probably understand that the U.S. government will seize all media companies that were complicit in the election fraud and cover-up. Seized assets = 0 stock value.
It should include their necks, from which they will be suspended for a while.
I think EO 13818 means everything. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13818-blocking-the-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-or
That is a possibility. Anyone here who is invested in the market may want to consider that and move a few things around while you still can. If the assets of a company are seized or take an Enron, you are screwed.
will you be fooled again?
will you also sell everything?
and then the market will go down.....
and then they will buy it back up when everyone is fearing for their lives
don't be a retard, never invest more then you are willing to lose, and NEVER TAKE YOUR MONEY OUT.
Could it be related to GME?
Short answer: yes
Buying Bitcoin?
Always follow the money. You can still get a loan for beach front property, "rising sea levels" isn't a threat either.
Robbing the piggy bank before the bill is due. They are getting ready to run. I assume most of their money is going to Bitcoin. They will collapse that to buy the next thing. People in bit are going to feel this when it shifts.