I signed up to be a volunteer observer during the audit in Maricopa Arizona! I hope I get picked!
I signed up to be a volunteer observer during the audit in Maricopa Arizona! I hope I get picked!
You anons in Arizona if not picked to audit, should surround the place to prevent any ffs. Protect your vote
Well done!
Good for you! That's very cool?
Video everything!
I will Wink wink, nod nod
This is the spark to set off the BOOM!
Good for you! Praying all goes well!
Thank you patriot.
We just had an April election. It was the lowest turnout in history for an April election, less than 10 percent overall. You think people are disgusted by our election fraud in November? I do. Why vote when they can just flip votes any which way.
When is the audit?
April 22 through May 22 I think it’s a month-long
I saw Apr. 25 once, not since.
22nd but will it actually be held? DS will stop at nothing to stop this. But we know ... nothing can stop what is coming.
That makes better sense. Then they have the weekend.
Good for you. Stay safe out there.
nice job!
Go ninja go ninja go ninja Go!
Yes - me and my best friend are going to have T-shirts made, let’s see the following. Of course I won’t be wearing them to the audit though LOL!
Misogynist ✅ Bigot ✅ Racist ✅ White Nationalist ✅ White Supremacist ✅ Fascist ✅ Nazi ✅ Insurrectionist ✅ Terrorist ✅ Ninja ✅
Yeah not there lol. If I get called, I am thinking of disguising my self as a lib. (I am registered as Independent)
Yes, yes,
Well if you are elected - I hope you have the courage to shut the entire thing down, if you experience any anomalies. And you guys need an “authority” you can immediately radio in - and request a freeze if you see any funny bussiness.
YES I DO - I am Very out spoken, and will bring attention to any issues that arise. I cannot be intimidated, will be armed - legally - and REFUSE to back down! I have already been down to several Stop the Steal Rally’s AND was in DC Jan 6th - Peacefully Protesting! My flag flies upside down until our country is back - AND - after the inauguration - I wrote on my two back windows of my vehicle the following!
Right back window: Joe Biden is a Pedophile!
Left Back window Kamala Harris is a Whore!
I had so many people honk and wave and roll their windows down to say thanks, and lots of thumbs up. I left it on my car for one month!
Way to step up! God bless you.
Stay strapped, Pede.
Wink wink nod nod
Great job!
I live in AZ too, if i didnt work i would be there. Guarding if nothing else
Seriously, the hero we need. We can sit around bitching about stuff online, but to make a difference we need to mobilize and get involved on the ground.
God's will be done.
Your user name sure checks out! :)
Good luck, hope you make it. May you inspire others to have some get-up-and-go!
Atta patriot, fren!
Way to go!
Hoping you get picked!! Make us proud, pede.
Wonderful, I wish I could be there also, didn't get picked, maybe because I just moved to AZ from CO in March of this year.
Probably. You probably need to be registered in the state during the election, to be a pole watcher. Or an audit watcher! Thanks for your efforts though! Greatly appreciated!
Will do. Still trying to get settled in but am looking into Pinal County for where I can start getting involved.
Praying you get in... we need good eyes on .... ?
I saw April 22nd and it supposed to be televised. Does anyone know it might be broadcasting it?
Yes I agree… I am sure there will be plenty of intimidation just to try to get into the building. But I will not back down, I will never give in, I will never raise a first and I will never bend a knee! Whatever it takes, if I am chosen I will be there!
Thank you Patriot!! God Bless and wear the full 'armour of God', love another patriot!
Better be carrying.
How did you sign up?? Link??
Maybe this will get you to the right place. The left is fighting this hard. Took down Google doc and wufoo.
Yea they fighting it tooth and nail because they know that when this audit happens, they probably fucked... but my prediction is that the audit will happen but they’ll be fighting to not release the results, push out major diversions, dismiss the results on some technicalities, or claim it was done incorrectly or with major bias or something... they will definitely have tricks up their sleeves and this is what we need to prepare for
It doesn't quite matter either way though. If it shows the same result, it would be said that there was tampering.
Aaaaannnd the shills are back... scared as usual regarding the AZ audit.
What’s wrong with transparency?? Why is everyone fighting so hard to NOT proceed with this audit?? If there’s nothing to hide, why you so scared??