Why haven't we made any improvements to stop lights in my 40 year lifetime? Surely technology is out there to help inner city traffic flow better than it currently does....
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If climate change was such a big deal, the people claiming it's such a big deal would personally act like it's a big deal.
Climate change is just communism
Climate Change will be the headline story for MSM... while tens of Millions die from the Covid "vaccine" later this year.
That's the distraction story.
And why do we pay a plastic bag tax versus require manufacturing of biodegradable plastic?
Whats messed up is that there is an organism that they have found that eats plastic. Not sure why we're not looking harder into that...
Unless it does something to denature plastic, I’d be very weary.
Micro plastics are a huge problem, and if this organism just “eats” plastic by breaking it into smaller pieces, I think it would cause more problems than it solves.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottcarpenter/2021/03/10/the-race-to-develop-plastic-eating-bacteria/?sh=5d39ece27406 Still making headway, but seems like this would be an area for development....instead of the bullshit they spend money on (or steal)
Thanks for the article. It seems they have the same concerns I do.
Not supposed to notice that.
Remember making a left turn before left turn arrows? And of course LEDs. And traffic sensors, including bicycle sensors. C'mon, Sgt!
Ha. I was gonna post this. Self driving cars are a thing as well and could potentially end the need for lights. Imagine everyone going sixty through an intersection. From every direction. At the same time. Perfectly timed. Gonna be scary as shit to anyone around my age or older. But it’s coming.
And the 420 teenagers be throwing glow-in-the-dark superballs to watch all the cars' automatic sensors go crazy.
By that time, everything you do and say will be recorded. Good luck posting political memes, let alone messing with traffic. Unless the powers that be want you to. Then Antifa won’t need to be bailed out. Their involvement will just be erased.
You're simply asking the wrong question.
Correct question;
"How can improving our current traffic lights fill the pockets of corrupt republicrat politicians and their families?"
Very good point. Maybe we can add a blacklight to the mix and throw Labron some coin too!
Lol. Well, this is the actual truth.
Climate change has become the biggest scam of the 20th and 21st century.
If climate change was such a big deal, those claiming there is climate change would be calling out the real enemy of climate change and it isn’t humans. It’s Mother Nature. The worlds most dangerous, prolific, deadly terrorist the human race has ever faced. Anyone claiming humans are the cause of climate change are working with Mother Nature to divide and conquer.
Green New Deal = Greedy Deal for china. That’s who will benefit the most. By design.
Why do the Globalists own mansions next to the seaside?
The weather has major changes at least 3-4 times a year, it’s called seasons, some are warmer, wetter and/or colder than the previous year...since when did that become “a thing”. Go hug it out with a tree...
It's been squirreled away, that's why.
We gonna stop volcanoes? I mean...thats a lot of warming.
A.O.C .will come out and say plug all volcanos ??
They time the lights in and around Chicago so that it turns red 5 seconds before you reach it