I know depopulation, control, money, yearly boosters....
All of the above are reasons. But why the urgency? That is easy to answer. If they get the vax levels to 70% or more, they can say we were saved from covid by the vax.
However, if 30 to 40% take the vax. We fully open, masks are finally kicked aside and covid is just gone, the sheeple will finally know the entire virus was a psy op, a hoax. There would be no other viable conclusion.
and yes depopulation, but that is likely down the road once they get the population groomed to take injections of untested "science".
The urgency is needed because they need to reap the benefits asap before a vast majority of people start showing health problems/die off.
I am pasting the response I gave to another anon on that topic....
that could be, the only thing that makes me think maybe not, is the fact that Trump promotes the vax. If the side effects will be terrible I don't think he would promote it. And if he doesn't know that they are dangerous, but they are then he isn't Q+. And if that is the case we are fucked.
I think he pushed it because otherwise we'd be locked down until 2022-2023. That would be devastating to our country and our psyches. I think he also knew that most of us would refuse to take it, and it being experimental means no company or government can force us to take it. So it was the lesser of two evils. IMO.
I have heard that thought, it makes sense. Unless the vax is deadly dangerous long term, then the awakening should have been pushed earlier. To knowingly let the slaughter of millions happen, even if most are your opposition would be truly evil.
I think he had two choices:
Tell the people that the virus was bs and the vax are dangerous, or
Push them through so fast that they did NOT get full approval and therefore could not be mandated.
Both options suck.
But the first would have resulted in him being scorned and ridiculed. No one would wake up. The plan would get derailed. Lockdowns would NEVER end. Massive civil unrest likely. Massive casualties.
The second option meant allowing the DS to put out dangerous vax. There are always casualties in war. Regrettable but unavoidable. He spoke in comms for those with ears to hear. He touted therapeutics. He said everything but “DONT GET THE VAX” and has continued to emphasize that it is a matter of individual choice.
The second option was simply the lesser of two evils, and allowed states to open back up and get the economy going again before we all simply starved to death.
And Q says question everything.
Are you a sheep? Are you going to take the vaccine because trump said so? Or will you apply critical thinking to the situation. Optics are for the sheep’s. We know better.
I believe the rush to "vaccinate" is because the horrible side effects of the mRNA vaccine will be apparent in about 3 to 4 months. When that happens, nobody will take the vaccine and it was will be easily seen that the "vaccine" was responsible for the health problems.
I totally agree with you, but when that happens, they will blame it on a variant strain and/or the non-vaxers who didn't comply with their bullshit.
Uh, it's going to be pretty near impossible to blame it on the non-vax people if the vaxxed people are the ones dropping dead.
Very true, but they will try. Plausible deniability is their MO.
I’ve been hearing lately that people hanging out in close proximity to the vaccinated people have also been experiencing symptoms that have affected those with the vaccine - blood clots, irregular periods, headaches, etc... even though they didn’t get the vaccine . Whatever is in this thing - I have a feeling it may affect both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated alike.
I read that the vaccinated are shedding spike proteins that transfer via exhalation to others around them.
I dont know if this is true, or if there is a finite window of shedding.
Either way, maybe its a good thing the vaxxed sheep are still masking up!
that could be, the only thing that makes me think maybe not, is the fact that Trump promotes the vax. If the side effects will be terrible I don't think he would promote it. And if he doesn't know that they are dangerous, but they are then he isn't Q+. And if that is the case we are fucked.
Bro dumb people aint gonna figure it out using logic , they just go along with what MSM tells them.
I remember when I thought if Trump wins the election in 2016 it will obviously prove that the polls are cooked and the media is full of lies. I figured if Trump wins, there will be no other conclusion. They said he had a 1% chance. They said he was literally Hitler. If he wins, they will have to admit they had been lying to us all for a year and a half.
And then Trump won! Egg on their face! Now people will see!
That was when they launched Russian Collusion. Does anyone remember Russian Collusion? It was a daily corporate media hysteria that was the number one news story on all media outlets for about two years straight (2017 - 2019). Does anyone remember this at all? If you ever turned on the TV or a radio or opened a newspaper, that would be the first thing you would hear. “Breaking News on Russian Collusion”. There was never any actual evidence for this thing called Russian Collusion but people were convinced it was real. It was practically the only thing anyone cared about. The country was in a state of crisis, or at least we were told it was every day. Does anyone remember this at all? It was a super big deal at the time.
Eventually Russian Collusion had to come to an end and the truth of Russian Collusion would have to be revealed to the public one way or the other. That was the job of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. His Mueller Report would fully investigate everything and tell us if Russian Collusion was true or false. Then we would know if the polls were cooked in 2016 and the media lied or if all their reporting was accurate and it was merely the Russian Collusion that screwed it all up.
Finally after two years Mueller revealed his conclusion. No Collusion!
Except suddenly what Mueller said didn’t matter any more because BREAKING NEWS: Scandal! Chaos in The White House erupts! Trump made a phone call and it is Ukraine Collusion! The Democrats had no choice but to impeach. It was urgent! There was no time to worry about the 2016 Election or the accuracy of the polls or the quality of the corporate media’s journalistic standards anymore, come on man! This was too important. This was Ukraine Collusion! The President must be removed from office. Nothing else mattered. There was no time to waste re-litigating Mueller OR 2016. Let’s just agree to disagree: Hillary won and Mueller found Russian Collusion but no, that is not relevant any more that is why we are dropping it. Ukraine Collusion is the real scandal. This is the one that warrants an Impeachment. You will see the Democrats were right all along when the verdict on Impeachment comes back and Trump is dragged from The White House in handcuffs and his stupid orange -
What? Trump was exonerated? Like OMG I can’t believe you even think this matters when there is literally a deadly pandemic in the room with us right now and quick shut it down SHUT IT DOWN you cannot congregate you cannot say that censored censored banned you are wrong lockdown see why you are wrong, click here to see why you are wrong, you are wrong wear a mask shut up don’t speak don’t leave your house no you cannot visit your friends there is a deadly pandemic no you cannot question this no this is not the same stupid hoax being used as a perpetual distraction what would ever make you think that?!
Yup, nothing else needs to be said, you nailed it 100%!! ?? The pathetic thing is that there are STILL people that don’t see the last 4+ years realistically. They’re still living in clown world!
Absolute best description of the propaganda MSM hysteria I’ve ever seen.
The sheep will never see it ... will the corporate media ever be forced to speak the truth?
Long story short, any attempt to get Trump back into office must also completely shut down, destroy and prosecute the MSM.
Shared this to fakebook.
you may be right, but the more people that turn away from msm the better. While this wouldn't bring everyone over, if it brought another 10% that is a good step.
Well, the manufacturers state that the experimental vax does NOT provide immunity and it does NOT stop you from infecting others. It MIGHT reduce the symptoms (not guaranteed).
Everytime I think North Carolina sucks, I hear about other states that are worse. Of course Govna shitbag says if we hit 70% vax we can get rid of masks. He knows we will never hit 70% so he isn't really planning to take down the mandate. The problem isn't even him or the deep state it is the people. If the majority ignored the mandates they would end. It's the compliance that causes our problems. So it seems we truly have to wait until they wake up. It is hard to imagine them waking up.
I will say I popped by my liberal neighbors yesterday to do some paperwork. I hadn't been in their house in over a year. I didn't know what to expect. I try to be respectful and give people distance, but don't wear a mask. I knocked on the door she answered, opened the door wide open let the dog greet me. Invited me in, she made sure I was not nervous and said come in, if your comfortable or don't give a shit. The don't give a shit line stuck out. Like they are getting fatigue from all this. Nobody in the house put on a mask. Maybe the tide is turning. These people wore masks for tv delivery guys.
Anyway, I hope people wake up soon.
I would add conditioning as well. If they can force us all to mask/lockdown for greater good, then we can force vax for greater good, so we can use vaccine passports for greater good. Oh wait we have a chip, if you wear it we can catch a disease before it can spread, we save mankind...don’t worry we won’t track you.
totally agree, that is what I meant by grooming, conditioning is a better term for it. They are also trying to get the population to turn against people like us.
Sounds logical and likely.
It is indeed a race to see which happens first. But my feeling is that the country wants to fully open up by Memorial Day. Momentum is growing.
yes, I think people are about done with this covid larp. I don't know if they believe what we believe about it, but they have fatigue and deep down they know they haven't seen any real danger around them.
good points.
if your scenario plays out people will not go along with the variant BS. No great reset or new normal
we were already groomed to take injections. before covid antivaxx was a fringe thing - who would have ever thought we'd see so much resistance?
true, I volunteer at a local hospital, or used to. They required flu shots every year so I got them, this past Fall was the first time I didn't get the flu shot in several years. I won't be getting it again. This covid bullshit has opened my eyes to the medical science and how little the doctors seem to understand about it.
it's a little terrifying to think that if I get sick or injured my life will be in the hands of people that don't understand that masks don't stop viruses
very true. With respect to trauma, I think the trauma surgeons and doctors know how to handle those situations. When it comes to drugs and pharma, they have no clue.
Have you ever had a showdown with your kid. Do x? Kid—not now, later. You—now. Kid—later. You then have to decide how bad you want x done. If you’re the DS, in order to maintain authority, you’re willing to require x is done now or somebody’s going to loose a privilege. Same idea.
great analogy!
The US is under 30% fully vaxed. I don't see 50%. No way. No how.
I agree, they set goals at 70% b/c they know it will never happen, they will blame not opening up on the people that don't take the jab. They will attempt to turn those that did against us. The problem with that is, those that took the jab are old and/or very weak people. They have no power to push anything on the strong.
They literally had to split the shot into 2 shots because 100% of their study was having severe side effects... probably few months/years down the line when the mid to long range effects kick in it will be super obvious that its only affecting vaccinated with 30-40% vaxxed... if its 70 to 80+% they can just act like its something else. I mean people already pretend its not the vaccine hurting them... e.g. I have an acquaintance who got his shot yesterday this is what he told me exactly
It is funny how people that take the vax defend it so vehemently. Unfortunately, my Dad took it, he knows how I feel about it, while he doesn't think it should pushed on younger people, he thinks all people his age should take it. The fear porn has really worked on the older crowd. I told him I wasn't convinced covid was an actual virus, told him there are no flu deaths anymore. It's funny he believes all the stuff I say about the virus, but he cannot get over the fact that the conspiracy would have to be as big as it is. He actually said he couldn't believe all the corporations would do this. He trusts in corporations, because he worked at one at a high level. TGP had a great article the other day about corps and social credit scores. The article stated that funds like blackrock own all the corps, b/c they control the voting rights through the investor funds. When we put our money into a fund we get no voting rights, but the fund owner does.
pushing the mrna vaccine narrative has people thinking that this is a bad vaccine as opposed to good ones which just promotes the idea that all other vaccines are not just bio weapons
I havent done enough research on other vaccines. The covid "vaccine" is so obviously bad. I have not allowed the hpv vaccine for my kids. I see our school system mandates menigitis vax. prior to senior year. that is new. my oldest is a freshman. I need to get to more resrearch.
Do you know anything about the meningitis vax?
Not really. Read this !! https://miepbos.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/email-prik-2019.pdf
What about Trump pushing the vaccine?
that is a different topic altogether. I am not sure of his purpose. It makes me think this particular vax isn't necessarily more dangerous than others. Trump never pushed it like it is being pushed, he promoted it, but no coercion to get it.
That is why I think it is likely not as dangerous as some here think. It is being promoted as a way to end covid, which wasn't a real medical problem to begin with.
I think it is also a test of what they can get people to do. Boosters and future vax could be the depopulation event.
If he's certain that it's no worse than the flu vax then that might make sense to him. (Not saying he's right.)
Alternatively, if he pushes is hard, the Trump haters will think twice about taking it and the Trump lovers use their discernment anyway.