The DNC flew in the professional cheaters. They were smug on the inbound flight, because they didn't know what awaited them. They did not know that there would be layered supervision, point of service (POS) CCTV, UV inspection, and a confidential methodology designed by Jovan Pulitzer. I'd like to be a fly on the bulkhead on the return trip home.
I'm not getting cocky, just saying this is the first time a forensic audit has ever been performed on a sample of this size. The methodology was unknown. These may be good cheaters, but they can only do so much without outside threats (carnival, pipe burst, etc.) in a properly administered environment.
I'd hate to be on the cleanup crew when these professional cheaters see the airport style x ray scanners that detect paper in your pocket upon entrance and exit causing them to literally shit their pants.
There's almost no way for them to cheat or coordinate with each other once they get there. The teams are split into color coded sections with full CCTV monitoring.
since the audit is being performed for the arizona senate, are the employees required to sign some form of witnessed affidavit that binds them in some way? will they then be prosecuted if they cheat, or perjure themselves in some way? would this then render them unfit for employment in any for of election monitoring, etc?
The DNC flew in the professional cheaters. They were smug on the inbound flight, because they didn't know what awaited them. They did not know that there would be layered supervision, point of service (POS) CCTV, UV inspection, and a confidential methodology designed by Jovan Pulitzer. I'd like to be a fly on the bulkhead on the return trip home.
I'm not getting cocky, just saying this is the first time a forensic audit has ever been performed on a sample of this size. The methodology was unknown. These may be good cheaters, but they can only do so much without outside threats (carnival, pipe burst, etc.) in a properly administered environment.
if it aint MIL run and secured, I dont trust any of it
Could the MIL really be trusted with this?
I'd hate to be on the cleanup crew when these professional cheaters see the airport style x ray scanners that detect paper in your pocket upon entrance and exit causing them to literally shit their pants.
You are correct. Tjeybwont have the help in AZ they got in other places.
Listen to the general...
Remember,..... this is a movie. Already known outcome.
Lawyers: Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to
Politicians: Never put to the floor a bill that you don't have the votes to pass
Generals: Never (avoid) sending men into a battle you don't know you've already won
Politicians do that all the time though? Especially when they’re in the minority and want to pretend they’re doing something.
Put a space between the link and the rest of your comment.
yeah that accidental truth bomb is hopefully peppering shrapnel in their asses
MSM, aka propaganda arm of the CIA
In other words...
The cheating and the lying.
There's almost no way for them to cheat or coordinate with each other once they get there. The teams are split into color coded sections with full CCTV monitoring.
But the DO know the new judge is in their pocket.
Luke 8:17.
Loving the show fren
since the audit is being performed for the arizona senate, are the employees required to sign some form of witnessed affidavit that binds them in some way? will they then be prosecuted if they cheat, or perjure themselves in some way? would this then render them unfit for employment in any for of election monitoring, etc?
All good questions. At a minimum they can't have their phones with them.
Good point.