I understand this is a very touchy subject here and I really hope some kind patriots will help me instead of hate me or ban/suspend me but it is something I and I know many struggle with. Is trump a part of the masonic cabal or not? How can we truly trust him knowing how secretive of a fraternity the upper echelons of the masonic cult is? Furthermore, how do we know this plan isn't a part of the masonic plan? The great awakening and the masonic enlightenment sound awfully familiar.
Take a look at this old NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/1912/09/22/archives/solomons-temple-scheme-of-freemasons-and-opinions-of-jews-on.html
We know that in the end times the abomination of desolation must take place before Christs true return which takes place in the Jewish temple: Matthew 24: 15 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2024&version=NIV
also this: Daniel 9:27 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel%209%3A27&version=KJV
Doesn't it seem odd that trump was pushing peace in the middle east so heavily and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel
Why did Jared Kushner have such a pivotal role in all this? I would love someone to give me an answer on that one...
The main reason I am bringing all this up is because I recently watched that video by the X-factor guy, I saw Trump doing the masonic handshake, and it instantly brought back doubts I have been holding within this whole time. It also brought me back to this video right here:
Trump denying the need for Christ's forgiveness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaIiamtNdv0
Heck, at least he is honest about it, but he also brings up another red flag, the pastor of his church... Norman Vincent Peale, a 33° Scottish Rite Mason: https://www.masonrytoday.com/index.php?new_month=5&new_day=31&new_year=2020
Flame me if you want, I don't care but I really hope someone can have some compassion with me on this topic, I really am struggling with this. I think there is more merit to this than anyone here in this community is willing to acknowledge, I know many will probably accuse me of being a shill or whatever, but to instantly deny the thought of this goes against the very ideals this community stands for which is truth and critical thinking so I do hope someone can give me some answers or at least feedback and thoughts on the subject. Thank you, I really do love this community and the people here, I wouldn't be making this post if I didn't.
I will give this a thorough read thank you
I know someone that swears that Trump is Illuminati. This person has virtually zero credibility, but I rented the idea anyway, and thought it through - similarly I came to the conclusion that if he is, he’s clearly been playing a part to Ron Swanson the whole thing and destroy it from the inside out.
I don't get the ron swanson reference but I hope your right.
Ron Swanson, from Parks and Recreation - he's a staunch Libertarian, meant to be a ridiculous caricature of it, but in a way that a lot of pedes love the character (not the actor) anyway.
A recurring thing in the show is that he's in charge of the parks department, yet gets visibly giddy whenever they talk about cutting funding and reducing the size of the government, and openly advocates for it. He says he's trying to "rot the beast from the inside out", and a buddy of mine would say the same thing when he had a worthless government-funded job for a while.
Man that is so eerie. I definitely get it now.
Would the idea of there being many factions of cabal be a stretch of the imagination? Remember when this happened:
Are we really supposed to believe condoms are a part of the issue here or was a faction war taking place? Interesting that they mention myanmar in that article.
The point I'm trying to make is I don't think anything is as it seems, Just because trump seems to oppose the bankster cabal doesn't mean he isn't among another faction. Hillary Clinton seemed to know exactly what Trump represented.
There are more factions than anyone can count. Their various agendas twist, turn, overlap, align, and oppose each other in a societal spaghetti of complexity, and confusion.
Only trust God. Everyone else is flawed. I keep my ears and eyes open and observe all I can but I trust no one.
Like Trump, I've said some stupid things in my youth. Done some stupid things too. I think there comes a point where you just have to put your faith behind something and stick with it. What is the alternative? Trump has surrounded himself with good people, like General Flynn, who I truly believe would denounce him if they had any inkling that he had evil or nefarious intentions toward the American people, the world. Resolve to put your faith where you will, and then keep it there.
I agree, could it be a ruse? Sure but I look at what each side is selling, individual freedom vs. totalitarianism. People are pretty stupid, specially people that have been brainwashed so thoroughly so the cabal wouldn't need to be that sophisticated with the ruse and I doubt they are that smart as a group.
I could be wrong, this could be the beginnings of bad times but at the center of it all is faith in God and Jesus. I'm where and when He wants me and hopefully I'll make the correct choices as the balance of my life unfolds.
This is encouraging! We know them by their fruits.
good point sir
You know I really appreciate your kind words. A lot of my doubts are biblical in nature, do I support the plan? Yes. Do I believe they are doing Gods work? Yes. Do I believe the people behind Q are for God? In the end, No. And that's where my doubts come in because the bible specifically teaches to be on the lookout of the one who will come to be a replacement for Christ.
Don't forget the casual genocides and routine violent anarchy in Africa, SE Asia, Haiti etc., and inhuman treatment of everyone in China with the Uighers being just the sharpest point of the lance... Not that you're lacking for material...
You raise a good point and that is trusting in god more than putting my trust in other people, just thought it would be thought provoking to see other peoples responses and feelings and I'm glad I did.
I have 1 Atom of hope. Really not enjoying watching this "movie" of crap day after day and more people dying. I'm exhausted. Just finish the damn movie.
Helps me to pray that good will win over evil. It has to.
Go to FreedomForce.Live and start watching Melissa's videos. It will help you with all those fears. I 100% believe Trump is God's man because I have studied the Bible thoroughly since discovering Q. The takedown of the cabal is all in the Bible. It's just been hidden from you.
This is where Im at, thank you for articulating it well.
I watched the whole thing and your spot on, the comparisons he makes are unsettling. What I know from the bible is that the whore of babylon must first fall before the beast system can come into place and the whore of babylon describes the cabal to a T. Its hard to see just how something bad can come out of something good, but who am I to question how God works. The whole enlightenment thing raises a big red flag for me, this is masonic as all hell.
2 Corinthians 11:14 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
I just feel there should be no problem with thinking cautiously here with blindly following a supposed savior to our world, If people truly believed in God than that would be ok here.
THAT is where my doubts come into play, I don't mistrust the plan, I mistrust what is to come. And the thing is a LOT of people here claim to be all about God, but if they look at what the bible really teaches they will see that first the whore of Babylon falls and then the beast comes in followed by the Anti-Christ, which in all honesty would make no sense to anyone who takes this Q thing at face value, after all how can something so bad come out of something good. If we don't trust that Jesus saves us because of his death, then we succumb to the great delusion which takes place during the Anti-Christs reign. A love for this truth is what helps us from this delusion, and everyone here should love truth right?
This is a very good reply you have made me think of some things in ways I haven't thought of thanks for taking the time to write such a beautiful post.
yeah very good point I think we'd blatantly see if it were mandatory vaccines and marks just to buy/sell. I guess I'll keep watching this crazy movie unfold.
If Q is a high level military operation, with cabal running the government and always surrounding trump, maybe it would be prudent of Q to sound as though they ARE Freemasons playing us for fools.
People were critical that Q was a deep state operation to pacify patriots into inaction. Maybe Q fulfils multiple purposes. Lull us to inaction so that the plan against the Freemasons goes uninterrupted. Trick the Freemasons by using their words to pacify them into inaction as well.
Stay strong and keep faith fellow patriot the path is going to be shaky but we will win. The Lord bring people into our lives and takes them out of our lives. Everything has a purpose and a reason
thank you! I appreciate the kind words.
i told my wife this and will die by these words but its not Geotus the military or even the bible i put my faith and trust in but it's the Lord and only the Lord and that is why i trust Geotus because i have all my faith in the Lord
At the end of the day, you or anyone's trust in the plan is irrelevant. I don't mean to be rude, but who cares if you have doubts? What impact does that have on anything other than sowing doubt in others? If you can't see all that has happened, then maybe this ain't for you? I don't mean to belittle your concerns, but you come across like a guy who would be in Washington's army saying to the troops you doubt General Washington's ability to win the war. I mean really, what do you want? A hand written note from the President saying he pinky swears he's a good guy? Seriously have you seen the last 5 years?
Patriots ain't fags. If your looking for risk free you won't find it here. You think Lynn Wood hasn't taken any risks? What about Gen. Mike Flynn? Donald Trump took the biggest risk of all. In the time of his life where he could kick back and enjoy the fruits of his labor, he takes on Satan? And lets keep this real, that's exactly who he is taking on whether he realizes this or not. When Q says these people are sick, they are not joking. Evil beyond ...we are talking little innocent children here.
There is NO TIME for doubters. We need EVERYONE onboard. What do you think this whole Q business is about? The Great Awakening ... And you post this whole someone please hold my hand I'm scared and have doubts? You are not ready for battle. You either get onboard with the plan, follow orders to get the job done. This war continues with or without you. Be a part of history or step aside. But please, p l e a s e think before you post and ask yourself does this help my brothers and sisters?
Nothing can stop what is coming because this war is active. Some will win and some will lose. Pick a side and be done with it. Are you with the evil pedo satanists or are you with the Patriots who want to stop this from ever happening again? Just the fact that this is now a topic of discussion should be all the proof you need of what is happening today. And what if we're wrong? There ain't nothing wrong fighting for the little children. Nothing!
I think you are being unrealistic here.
I think why some people are doubting it.
Let's talk Germany for example. They are now relaxing restrictions of those who are vac vs those who are not.
Trump never talks about how bad this is. He stays quiet on this. The critcal race theory that is happening. He never says anything about this as well.
Trump's biggest power right now is his VOICE! There is tons he could just speak up on.
That would be enough to give people the idea he is really fighting for them.
His silence on a lot of things is making people wonder.
Humans are intellectual beings; to think about and reflect around one's concern in a forum of like minded people is a wise way of utilizing this intellect. You're asking the fellow fren to conform to an almost robotic and blind loyalty.
In my opinion this is contradictory to the essence of the critically thinking man, whom by questioning and exploring everything in his surroundings has created great development and prosperity throughout history.
1 John 2: 18 Children, it is the last hour [the end of this age]; and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming [the one who will oppose Christ and attempt to replace Him], even now many antichrists (false teachers) have appeared, which confirms our belief that it is the last hour.
Excuse me if I have doubts, I do consider myself a Christian, I am therefore allowed to doubt someone who comes in the name of God. If Q says this is biblical than I have full right to compare any events that take place here to the bible, and don't even tell me it was just a quote from a movie because Q often quotes biblical things. I never once said I was scared and needed my hand held, furthermore how would this not help my brothers and sisters if it steered them away from the anit-christ?
Just because I have doubts does not mean I am not against destroying evil, you are assuming far too much here. I fully believe God is at work here after all there is this verse from Revelation 17: 16-18
16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled. 18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”
It literally says here God puts it into the hearts of the beast and the nations to destroy the whore of babylon. So yes I do rejoice in the fact that we are destroying evil, but more evil is still to come and a replacement to Christ is the endgoal here. Yes clearly I pick the side of good, but we can just as easily be deceived in what we believe to be good, the road to hell was paved with good intentions. There is nothing wrong with approaching this with caution if anything it prepares our hearts for what is to come.
Doubts fly up for me daily! His support of the vaccine program really makes me nervous. However, when this happens I remind myself that doubt is the devil's tool. Trust in God and his goodness.
When I was confronted with similar doubts, I prayed about it. I was led to the prophecies of Kim Clement and later to a few others concerning Trump, prophecies which were given beginning over 10 years ago and some a few decades ago. This comforted me greatly, even though the knowledge was not reasoned or derived from tangible reality. Kim Clement's prophecies in particular had credibility for me because he had already died so I was certain he was not click-baiting in 2020. I encourage you to pray, whether that is already a resource for you or not. I also found the decoding-symbols guy and agree with the comments here by u/theQstrategy and u/rooftoptendie. At one point in my prayers and search for confirmation, God gave me a message that I had all I needed to know and it would work out, and to not stress about it. Hope this helps.
Look into trump's family history and it will tell you a lot. The big one though is read into how Barron was raised
I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday. Certain things just don't seem right with trump. Plus, I think it is a grave mistake to put complete trust in a mere man. You're definitely not the only one, thank God, who is skeptical about this whole plan.
If he was part of their club they would have never attacked him for 5 years.
No, they would have let him be. Just like with Bush, he wasn't loved by the democrats but he wasn't really attacked by them, just regular people who were idiots.
Now think about this. I hopped into a friends discord to try and convince him of voting correctly before the 2020 election. I had done this quite a few times with different groups of friends so it was getting easier to redpill. He brought up a Trump retweet as proof that he was racist. He for some unknown reason retweeted a guy going into some racist rant and it started like 4 seconds into the video. This was the first and only time I'd heard of this retweet. Most of the MSM mud slinging is either outright lies from 'anon sources' or actual quotes/actions that are pushed and twisted to their most extreme unflattering interpretations possible with coordinated media pushes. Yet here I am multiple redpilling sessions deep with acquaintances before somebody finally had a good answer to "Why do you think he's racist?" An actual racist retweet that had a few articles written about but never used again after it left the news cycle that week? These anomalies really stick out to me when I'm constantly rolling my eyes at the dumbass shit they try and push to keep their narrative of orange man bad alive and well.
You are to be commended for being a critical thinker, not despised for daring to ask for evidence you may have overlooked. You aren't looking for some cheerleader to con you into the next deception. We have all been deceived time and time again and yet some blindly still are attracted to the flavor of the day. Those are the people who can't logically lead someone else to the TRUTH as you will. Keep thinking, and testing the evidence before they become beliefs.
All the secret societies. So,...what's the BIG secret? Go
This is my take on my beloved President - our TRUE President - President Trump - God brought him to us 5 years ago - out of the blue - and both (God and DJT) worked hard to get the people to SEE - I'm just putting all my faith in God - He will never lead us astray - and neither will President Trump! God Bless America and God bless President Trump!
thanks tracybean, you can't lose if you put your faith in God.
I've shared these concerns with you although I'm not convinced on Trump either way. I've always loved and supported him but there are a few things here and there that make you wonder. The elite are tricky. We all pride ourselves on being free thinkers and connecting the dots. That's what you are doing here.
I had the same reaction when I saw Trump in the video. Then I had an epiphany. I can’t remember who or where, but I have tried to shake another man’s hand and they did it wrong and I would pull my hand away from them, re-extend it, and shake their hand appropriately. It happened maybe 8 times in my adult life. I believe they were testing me to see if I “was in the know”. It always struck my as very strange. So, if someone snapped a picture while that happened, how would that be interpreted?
I would not rule out that maybe Trump was involved at an earlier age in the lesser rungs and is not fully in it or understood it’s ties. He knows the handshake and doesn’t really care, or actually uses the hand shake to manipulate the other person.
But I will say that because Trump is an Alpha male, he certainly would pull his hand away and demand a proper handshake like I did. Handshakes to men are symbolic and are male postering. No way he would partake in a handshake where he wasn’t in control, unless it was with a child or a disabled person.
Hehe. I've always done the same thing, pulling back my hand for a second go, and also have had the same thoughts as you; -maybe I was 'tested'..
In this day and age with no shaking hands I haven't been able to pursue this puzzle further.
Two things though:
Trump once stated he thought perhaps we should stop shaking hands altogether. This was at the beginning of the 'rona, when the guidelines began to appear. When I heard it, I immediately thought of these occult people, and how this would make it harder for them to identify one another.
Trump has also stated that he was once one of the ultimate insiders, but went from there to be an outsider hated by everyone (in the 'elites'). The IMMENSE hatred towards Trump may be related to not only the fact that he's working against these people, but also that he broke their oh so sacred oath to do so.
Just thoughts tho'. Have a great day fren!