That slogan sounds so stupid that I honestly think the thought process behind it was this:
"Ok now that we've successfully destroyed most of the west, we need a slogan about rebuilding that has 666 in it, any ideas?"
"How about Road to Recovery on Route 666?"
"That's way too obvious and makes no sense in any context, what else?"
"Well the letter 'b' looks like a 6, how about we start there?"
"Build Back Better!"
"Oh my satan, that's perfect! Let's celebrate!"
"I'll bring the pizza, you bring the walnut sauce!"
"The research funded by the National Institutes of Health spanned the country. It was most widespread in the 1990s as foster care agencies sought treatments for their HIV-infected children that weren’t yet available in the marketplace."
Fauci and the NIH .....And is now doing the same thing with COVID and vaccines on kids....
Lisa Martino Taylor wrote a thesis on the military spraying radiation in the middle fifties and the middle sixties in the Pruitt-Igoe housing project. Cancers and other illnesses show up decades later.
I joined the military in 1975 and served through 2001. During at least the first 10 years of that time there was a solid focus on Chemical, Biological and Radiological attack defense where we learned to don and wear protective equipment (of varying levels of protection - depending on our jobs in the Damage Control organization), decontaminate personnel (alive, wounded, or dead), and to decontaminate equipment from CBR agents. Although the posture of the US Armed Forces was in the Cold War perspective between the US and Soviets at the time, I have to wonder now why such a heavy emphasis on these skills when I think about everything I've learned since then.
Goes with the saying, "Anything and everything you think government won't do, will do. As it will be such an unquestionable doubt that people will respond with doubt to the very idea, so they can continue unabated."
We are from the government we are here to help. LOL ?
“More help is on the way.” Biden
"Build Back Better!"- Schwab, Biden, World Bank
That slogan sounds so stupid that I honestly think the thought process behind it was this: "Ok now that we've successfully destroyed most of the west, we need a slogan about rebuilding that has 666 in it, any ideas?" "How about Road to Recovery on Route 666?" "That's way too obvious and makes no sense in any context, what else?" "Well the letter 'b' looks like a 6, how about we start there?" "Build Back Better!" "Oh my satan, that's perfect! Let's celebrate!" "I'll bring the pizza, you bring the walnut sauce!"
Slogan of the Great Reset crowd.
We gotta… anyway
Intel you say? Educated, based, patriot. You've succeeded
I pray she is a white hat, but she can never tell me what she is working on. Every now and then I get a "dad, you are over the target!"
Care to mention what things you were over the target on??
A quick duck duck go search will bring you many articles on it. I chose this one for ya:
"Buxton then leaked the story to a reporter friend, who passed it on to a fellow reporter, Jean Heller of the Associated Press."
This is when the news reporters weren't tainted. So far from grace.
It's saving black Americans now. Some of them know about it and don't trust the gov on vaccines.
What is poisoning foster children???!!!!!
AIDS testing on foster children.... see here:
These people are so evil. There is always a new depth of evil.
"The research funded by the National Institutes of Health spanned the country. It was most widespread in the 1990s as foster care agencies sought treatments for their HIV-infected children that weren’t yet available in the marketplace."
Fauci and the NIH .....And is now doing the same thing with COVID and vaccines on kids....
Not sure, was wondering about the St.Louis poisoning.
A quick duck duck go search took me here:
Thank you
Me too. Also didn't know about MK Naomi. Just looked it up... dang
Lisa Martino Taylor wrote a thesis on the military spraying radiation in the middle fifties and the middle sixties in the Pruitt-Igoe housing project. Cancers and other illnesses show up decades later.
Is there an expanded list of all the atrocities?
I joined the military in 1975 and served through 2001. During at least the first 10 years of that time there was a solid focus on Chemical, Biological and Radiological attack defense where we learned to don and wear protective equipment (of varying levels of protection - depending on our jobs in the Damage Control organization), decontaminate personnel (alive, wounded, or dead), and to decontaminate equipment from CBR agents. Although the posture of the US Armed Forces was in the Cold War perspective between the US and Soviets at the time, I have to wonder now why such a heavy emphasis on these skills when I think about everything I've learned since then.
If Satan was not over every government in the world, he could not have offered them to Jesus when He was being tempted in the wilderness! Jus sayin!
Lol and that's what they allow to be known because they know most won't believe it.
I see that watermark. Just sayin.
That meme is joining my desktop backgrounds!
Goes with the saying, "Anything and everything you think government won't do, will do. As it will be such an unquestionable doubt that people will respond with doubt to the very idea, so they can continue unabated."