The Bible does say there will be mockers in the last days... The beginning of the Book of Romans really lays out their state.
We can only pray that God gives them a repentant heart and shows them His divine grace.
I agree. It is not their fault we have now lived in a Society that has forsaken God. It was the government and the evil that now controls us that is circulating this culture. I gurantee when the truth comes out and good has triumphed over Evil that they will see the error of their ways.
Well yes it's cultural adaption, people still want to celebrate holidays after you convert them so you substitute the pagan message with a Christian one.
Same thing happening today except materialism trying to replace Christian values
Interesting to note, however, that nobody actually knows when the Resurrection occurred. Here in Greece, for example, it was celebrated last Friday. And according to the Farsight Institute of Remote Viewing, it never even happened. They state that Jesus was replaced by a drunken patsy who was crucifed in his place. So all the bs about His "dying for our sins" was simply made up as a means of controlling us. Sound familiar? And the only people who desperately need to be worshipped are the "elite".
Many records indicate that at some point there really was a guy called "J'shua" (or similar) who preached. And there's plenty of evidence that we human spirits are all part of a greater universal consciousness, which you can call "God" if you wish.
If you feel the need to build a religion around these facts so you can be part of a social gathering, that's fine. But you don't need an intermediary; you can speak directly with God in your own quiet space. He doesn't require worship or strict obedience. And you don't need anyone to tell you what's right and what's wrong. You already know.
P.s. if you don't know which groups translated, compiled and edited The Bible, you need to do more research.
To choose to believe in God or not to believe falls under free will....and yes the bible has been altered over time by man, but I put no faith in your source as my faith lies in God.
That sounds far more plausible to me. Can I ask where you heard this as it's the first time I have ever seen this theory!
One of the things I cant get behind with all this religion stuff, is the strict insistence on being worshipped.
That to me is the sign of an insidious or malevolent entity. A true benevolent God would not insist on anything, and would certainly not punish you to eternity in Hell for simply not deifying it. I mean, how arrogant and authoritarian is that? Sounds like the behaviour of Satan to me, not God.
As long as you live by your own moral code and can sleep well at night, I think you will get into whatever heavenly realm exists in the hereafter.It's all about state of vibration being what unlocks the seal to the next world.
God to me is simply Source form which we all come from and will one day return to. None of this Heaven and Hell nonsense whereby some wrathful bloke send you to hellfire for not worshipping it and because you touched yourself too much.
The Bible does say there will be mockers in the last days... The beginning of the Book of Romans really lays out their state. We can only pray that God gives them a repentant heart and shows them His divine grace.
I agree. It is not their fault we have now lived in a Society that has forsaken God. It was the government and the evil that now controls us that is circulating this culture. I gurantee when the truth comes out and good has triumphed over Evil that they will see the error of their ways.
“Forgive them father for they know not what they do.”
Let's not forget that they made an official Jedi religion in Australia.
Scoffers who deny a global flood and say everything has continued as we see it now since the dawn of time. Perfectly describes modern atheists huh
Ignorant ones at that !!! Praying they figure out the truth before they meet it’s author face to face !!
Globalists intentionally made the star wars sequels bad to piss off Americans, prove me wrong
They don't celebrate anything religious because they call it made up fairy tales, but they celebrate made up genders.
I'm not religious, but these people are mentally ill. They're mentally weak and have been bombarded by propaganda most of their lives.
A majority of holidays originated from pagan traditions
Well yes it's cultural adaption, people still want to celebrate holidays after you convert them so you substitute the pagan message with a Christian one. Same thing happening today except materialism trying to replace Christian values
Must be really low IQ to think that there isn't some kind of software behind all this hardware.
You don't even have to go with a Star Wars theme.
Just look at how many people 'celebrate' Kwanza.
If you can watch Religulous and still believe any of this... You're in denial.
I was in the fold for 25+ years and now happily atheist/agostic.
Interesting to note, however, that nobody actually knows when the Resurrection occurred. Here in Greece, for example, it was celebrated last Friday. And according to the Farsight Institute of Remote Viewing, it never even happened. They state that Jesus was replaced by a drunken patsy who was crucifed in his place. So all the bs about His "dying for our sins" was simply made up as a means of controlling us. Sound familiar? And the only people who desperately need to be worshipped are the "elite".
Many records indicate that at some point there really was a guy called "J'shua" (or similar) who preached. And there's plenty of evidence that we human spirits are all part of a greater universal consciousness, which you can call "God" if you wish.
If you feel the need to build a religion around these facts so you can be part of a social gathering, that's fine. But you don't need an intermediary; you can speak directly with God in your own quiet space. He doesn't require worship or strict obedience. And you don't need anyone to tell you what's right and what's wrong. You already know.
P.s. if you don't know which groups translated, compiled and edited The Bible, you need to do more research.
The "Farsight institute of Remote Viewing", an institute founded by the CIA as a reliable source concerning the bible??
Please allow me to add sauce on this "institution":
The Farsight Institute | Definition of Remote Viewing "The Farsight Institute | Definition of Remote Viewing"
To choose to believe in God or not to believe falls under free will....and yes the bible has been altered over time by man, but I put no faith in your source as my faith lies in God.
That sounds far more plausible to me. Can I ask where you heard this as it's the first time I have ever seen this theory!
One of the things I cant get behind with all this religion stuff, is the strict insistence on being worshipped.
That to me is the sign of an insidious or malevolent entity. A true benevolent God would not insist on anything, and would certainly not punish you to eternity in Hell for simply not deifying it. I mean, how arrogant and authoritarian is that? Sounds like the behaviour of Satan to me, not God.
As long as you live by your own moral code and can sleep well at night, I think you will get into whatever heavenly realm exists in the hereafter.It's all about state of vibration being what unlocks the seal to the next world.
God seems to desire worship of its followers, bro. So are you saying the God in the Bible is not a god?
God to me is simply Source form which we all come from and will one day return to. None of this Heaven and Hell nonsense whereby some wrathful bloke send you to hellfire for not worshipping it and because you touched yourself too much.
Classic straw man argument. Do you think anyone REALLY celebrates May 4th as if it were a religion? That is moronic.
Like 10% of people have Jedi as their religion or something,
The point is they do worship man made idols.
They worship politicans and figure heads. Corperations and trends. They consume it like its holy scripture.
Its human nature to follow something bigger than yourself.
Theyll fill their spritual void with the most flawed concept ever created. Humanity and the material world.
Theyre better off reverting back to bush people worshiping trees and monkeys.
Yes, many people do.
But thier beliefs are based on a story made up about space. Not an anciety story made up by dudes that didn't know where the sun went at night.