Earning a perfect score on a job training or promotion test in the military is orders of magnitude more plausible, but s implausible enough that you'll be investigated by the Department of Defense's FBI if you come close to doing it. You'd think it would turn a few heads if there were any trustworthy heads to be found.
Waste of time. Relies on logic.
"Math is hard!"
Pull String Barbie.
Now that the results of the 2020 census are out, let's compare the population of those counties to the votes in those counties.
That's Raycist!
That's exactly what their response will be.
That's literally what they say.
Why would I ask the sheep ANYTHING? they are void of judgement.
You said the "F" word, now they will start tuning out.
Dude the math is racist.
Earning a perfect score on a job training or promotion test in the military is orders of magnitude more plausible, but s implausible enough that you'll be investigated by the Department of Defense's FBI if you come close to doing it. You'd think it would turn a few heads if there were any trustworthy heads to be found.
Possible would require a pretty astronomical trick shot...