Q cleared this up long time. Snowden was a CIA operative sent to NSA to out the surveillance that white hats were using to keep tabs fo CIA and deep state.
Even back when it happened, I was scratching my head in suspicion over the fact that Snowden somehow managed to sneak out of the country on a public airplane and fly to China - and then Russia - and the whole time Obama was up there just kind of throwing up his hands and saying, "Oopsie, he got away!"
Consider why Snowden criticizing Trump is unbelievable, compared to him criticizing Bush. Consider why he refrains from doing so for Obama (who was in charge at the time).
The way these [DS] assets are deployed is fascinating. A lot of them who are are pawn-level assets themselves believe in some grand utopia they think they are building and have been trained not to have qualms in breaking moral, ethical and legal boundaries in pursuit of that goal. I wont be surprised if Snowden, at least initially, started off like that.
But whatever it was, I am sure they have him owned in a vice grip and he cannot so much as flick a fly at Hussein
Everytime they expose something like this, its to burn some assets being used by the white hats (or white hats doing the same to the black hats). Remember the whole Windows exploits that got exposed last year and M$ was forced to push fixes for them? These were intentional exploits that was being used by a CIA toolset to control machines. By exposing the exploit and getting it fixed, they burned those CIA tools.
Every news headline we see has a backstory to tell, if only we knew where to look. Thanks to Q, we are able to see even a fraction of that backstory
Ye, i used to believe that all of them were corrupt, CIA, NSA, etc. Until i started researching Q. I was a conspiracy theorist in 2013, but i still fell for the MSM pretending to be on our side "exposing the NSA mass surveillance".
Also the 200 generals. I couldn't figure out why the media hated him and wanted to destroy him from the beginning. It was years into his presidency when I watched his speech on the night he announced he was running for the presidency. He said, "I have 200 generals behind me" I'm sure all of the media, DS and corrupt politicians pooped their pants that night. They knew between the 200 generals and the NSA they were f___ed. They knew even back then if he won, he would have it all.
Basically that it is U.S. military and U.S. military is the one branch of power that hasn’t been fully taken over by the cabal of Satanic pedophile communists.
I’m not even sure the claim is being made that the military is good, exactly, just that they aren’t fully that. At this point anyone who opposes these psychopaths would make a better ruler. Honestly the CCP would even be better than the Satanic pedophiles.
Sometimes I forget how sophisticated MSM is. For instance, I was trying to prove to someone that MSM has started talking about UFOs and found a clip from CNN/MSNBC about this. When I started watching that clip, I realised how easily they can paint themselves as the exposers of the truth forcing the big bad govt to kneel to them and open up their secrets. Its been a while I have watched any MSM videos, so it was glaringly obvious.
If I had watched it a year ago, I would have completely believed that this show and this anchor are staunchly there for the people but now I can see the propaganda behind it.
Q cleared this up long time. Snowden was a CIA operative sent to NSA to out the surveillance that white hats were using to keep tabs fo CIA and deep state.
Watch Snowden’s interview with Joe Rogan, he has no issues criticizing Bush or Trump, but never once criticizes Hussein.
Even back when it happened, I was scratching my head in suspicion over the fact that Snowden somehow managed to sneak out of the country on a public airplane and fly to China - and then Russia - and the whole time Obama was up there just kind of throwing up his hands and saying, "Oopsie, he got away!"
Did you watch Citizenfour?
Clear case of Gell-mann Amnesia.
Consider why Snowden criticizing Trump is unbelievable, compared to him criticizing Bush. Consider why he refrains from doing so for Obama (who was in charge at the time).
Bush is a lot more nuanced than what most people think.
The way these [DS] assets are deployed is fascinating. A lot of them who are are pawn-level assets themselves believe in some grand utopia they think they are building and have been trained not to have qualms in breaking moral, ethical and legal boundaries in pursuit of that goal. I wont be surprised if Snowden, at least initially, started off like that.
But whatever it was, I am sure they have him owned in a vice grip and he cannot so much as flick a fly at Hussein
I always assumed they WANTED us to know they were watching us, so that was Snowden’s role.
But this makes more sense, that NSA are the whitehats watching the blackhats.
Everytime they expose something like this, its to burn some assets being used by the white hats (or white hats doing the same to the black hats). Remember the whole Windows exploits that got exposed last year and M$ was forced to push fixes for them? These were intentional exploits that was being used by a CIA toolset to control machines. By exposing the exploit and getting it fixed, they burned those CIA tools.
Every news headline we see has a backstory to tell, if only we knew where to look. Thanks to Q, we are able to see even a fraction of that backstory
Ye, i used to believe that all of them were corrupt, CIA, NSA, etc. Until i started researching Q. I was a conspiracy theorist in 2013, but i still fell for the MSM pretending to be on our side "exposing the NSA mass surveillance".
That was the part that raised an eyebrow on the NSA thing. MSM talked about it, and it got its own movie...
Two things that clearly don’t happen to actual threats against the American public
White hats’ territory.
But it wasn't always that way, correct?
If there are white hats really. It begins to be too long "film"...
Also the 200 generals. I couldn't figure out why the media hated him and wanted to destroy him from the beginning. It was years into his presidency when I watched his speech on the night he announced he was running for the presidency. He said, "I have 200 generals behind me" I'm sure all of the media, DS and corrupt politicians pooped their pants that night. They knew between the 200 generals and the NSA they were f___ed. They knew even back then if he won, he would have it all.
Basically that it is U.S. military and U.S. military is the one branch of power that hasn’t been fully taken over by the cabal of Satanic pedophile communists.
I’m not even sure the claim is being made that the military is good, exactly, just that they aren’t fully that. At this point anyone who opposes these psychopaths would make a better ruler. Honestly the CCP would even be better than the Satanic pedophiles.
the ccp are in full cooperation with the satanic pedophiles...so no
They are military not civilian agency.
Sometimes I forget how sophisticated MSM is. For instance, I was trying to prove to someone that MSM has started talking about UFOs and found a clip from CNN/MSNBC about this. When I started watching that clip, I realised how easily they can paint themselves as the exposers of the truth forcing the big bad govt to kneel to them and open up their secrets. Its been a while I have watched any MSM videos, so it was glaringly obvious.
The clip in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBtMbBPzqHY
If I had watched it a year ago, I would have completely believed that this show and this anchor are staunchly there for the people but now I can see the propaganda behind it.