Seeing the words "Bill Gates" and "naked" so close to each other is really disturbing.
Now I hafta look at turtles or else I'm going to be off the whole day.
HAHAHAH! Dying...and totally agree. Wonder if the scandal will be called Naked-Gate. I'd pay money to hear the douche-bag MSM say those words on TV! Then, watch the jokes that fly afterwards..."there's a reason "micro" was in the name of his company"..."his bits are byte-sized"...etc, etc. SO many possibilities, so little time.
Seeing the words "Bill Gates" and "naked" so close to each other is really disturbing. Now I hafta look at turtles or else I'm going to be off the whole day.
Naked McConnell walks in.
Hahaha. No mating TODAY, thank you
Naked Gates and Naked McConnel walks up to the pool....
Bartender goes "Hey fellas, why the -- WHAT the - eeewwww"
Did someone say pool? Signed, Joe Biden.
Damn you. ?
haha. Eye candy!
HAHAHAH! Dying...and totally agree. Wonder if the scandal will be called Naked-Gate. I'd pay money to hear the douche-bag MSM say those words on TV! Then, watch the jokes that fly afterwards..."there's a reason "micro" was in the name of his company"..."his bits are byte-sized"...etc, etc. SO many possibilities, so little time.
Gates at his naked pool parties: Microsoft
That's an interpretation I never thought of - Micro (penis) (permanently) soft
He doesn't have erectile dysfunction anymore because he upgrades his HARDware
Ugh, just ugh. Gotta spray with bleach.
I like turtles.