5:5 Mr. President! Have vote; will vote RINOs out at all costs. Even if I fail, I will make sure that my vote cost my enemies TWO votes to replace mine. No sacrifice to great to be rid of traitors.
Yes we do. Dave Joyce has steadily fallen off the Trump Train the past four years. Started off pretty in line now he is worthless. We see you little Davey. You'll be voted out in favor of MAGA. You'll also be hearing from me. Again. Worthless turd. All 35 of them. Michigan's got alot of house cleaning to do as well. But to think, there used to be alot more than 35 so we've come a long way. Hopefully elections are secured and matter again and we can finally have a full MAGA congress.
They fear the truth coming out more than they fear the voter coming out...
One and the same.
Give it to Durham to investigate. He's not doing anything anyway
Where is Durham?
Who is Durham?
What is Durham?
Why is Durham?
When is Durham?
How is Durham?
Que es Durham?
Which is Durham?
Yup that was a big dud, just like Huber. Remember a the Q hopum (why do people spell it Hopium (Hope E Um)) on Huber.
Smoking on that Hopium as in Opium.
Got cha.
5:5 Mr. President! Have vote; will vote RINOs out at all costs. Even if I fail, I will make sure that my vote cost my enemies TWO votes to replace mine. No sacrifice to great to be rid of traitors.
No more the better of two evils. I want vote for a Rino republican to keep a democrat out of office.
35 pedos and thieves.
Yes we do. Dave Joyce has steadily fallen off the Trump Train the past four years. Started off pretty in line now he is worthless. We see you little Davey. You'll be voted out in favor of MAGA. You'll also be hearing from me. Again. Worthless turd. All 35 of them. Michigan's got alot of house cleaning to do as well. But to think, there used to be alot more than 35 so we've come a long way. Hopefully elections are secured and matter again and we can finally have a full MAGA congress.
35 = JFK
Thank you I came here to say the same thing
If only our votes mattered....
I really hate when he says "the voters" when we witnessed insane fraud that still has had zero consequences.
I was wondering that too com's are not always for us.
I wish I knew more about understanding so far all I figured out is that JFK was the 35th president.
And then Q post 35 that POTUS is insulated. Another thing I would like to figure out is the com of hospital holding a severed foot in court.
See 35: https://qalerts.app/?n=35 No matter what happens in the next days and weeks know that Trump is protected.
Would be great, if voting was worth a damn. :p When Dominion fools are hung and buried, we can clean house.
See how they run is the way I picture him reciting this
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