Zuckerberg will enjoy the notoriety. All publicity is good. He’d rather have a reputation as a badass punk than a creep who resembles “Data” from Star Trek.
I'm still waiting for someone to take the clip from Star Trek where Data tells the woman he is programmed to please, then doing a 30 years later, and showing MZ. Wait... Star Trek happened in the future... Does that mean Zuck is actually Data's great great great great grandfather? Man, now I am confused.
Why was Racine the head of what they called the “Famous Wisconsin Five”?
Racine, Wisconsin was the “root” and model pivot district used by Zuckerberg, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners to rig Wisconsin and the swing states.
His key advisor Brad Smith grew up in Racine and is the President of Microsoft.
His key censorship attorney is Anna Makanju who advised Bidens on their Ukraine deals and led key community organizing efforts for Soros, Obama and Clintons in... Racine, Wisconsin.
The daughter of the Knight Foundation founder also lives in... Racine, Wisconsin.
Testimony from Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine
Wisconsin was where the spike happened first. Racine was the model pivot district that determined what Milwaukee and the other key districts did.
Wisconsin was the model and test state for Brad Smith’s ElectionGuard.
Brad grew up in Racine.
Racine is the historic Bellwether district of America.
Caron Butler plays a bigger role than most realize. He was the main partner and mentor to LeBron James for “More than a Vote” and Rock(efeller) the Vote programs. Pro sports are a main part of their agenda for control and manipulation along with music and entertainment. What made COVID “real” and started the cancellations and lockdowns? Who pushed the BLM movement into the spotlight? Who partnered with China to hide crimes against humanity?
We cannot allow elections to be stolen. We cannot allow their agenda to continue.
Expose the “root” (Racine). Reveal the Agenda (Global and Eternal Enslavement). Deny The Mark of the Beast. Sustainability is the great deception to forge the agenda.
They will never stop until the root is exposed and the people realize what their true agenda is. The Parousia begins in Racine.
Zuckerberg will enjoy the notoriety. All publicity is good. He’d rather have a reputation as a badass punk than a creep who resembles “Data” from Star Trek.
Zuck will never have the reputation of a badass. He is a satanic eunuch coward.
Ha! He does look like he could be a eunuch!
Yep. Ken doll crotch
Data has consistent, benign moral principles.
Data is a character on a TV show.
And Zuckerberg is a character in social media movie...
Don’t forget Suckerberg also has a commie handler.
always think of zoidberg from futureama when I see his name
I know that. STNG. He has yellow eyes and is "fully functional." He also has a moral code, literally.
I'm still waiting for someone to take the clip from Star Trek where Data tells the woman he is programmed to please, then doing a 30 years later, and showing MZ. Wait... Star Trek happened in the future... Does that mean Zuck is actually Data's great great great great grandfather? Man, now I am confused.
Correct. MZ is more like Lore.
Zuckerberg is a droid. Next time take a look. No human looks like that, talks like that or acts like that. He is like 5 feet tall. He is a droid.
Why did Zuckerberg choose Racine?
Why was Racine the head of what they called the “Famous Wisconsin Five”?
Racine, Wisconsin was the “root” and model pivot district used by Zuckerberg, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners to rig Wisconsin and the swing states.
His key advisor Brad Smith grew up in Racine and is the President of Microsoft.
His key censorship attorney is Anna Makanju who advised Bidens on their Ukraine deals and led key community organizing efforts for Soros, Obama and Clintons in... Racine, Wisconsin.
The daughter of the Knight Foundation founder also lives in... Racine, Wisconsin.
Testimony from Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine
Election scandal “roots” in Racine
Did WI-5 mayors break the law?
Why did Zuckerberg illegally sacrifice baby goats in a private ritual event the year he pledged he would only eat what he killed himself?
What is Zuckerberg’s “wife” working on?
These people are sick.
Expose the Root. Reveal the Agenda. Deny the “Mark” of the Beast.
Wisconsin was where the spike happened first. Racine was the model pivot district that determined what Milwaukee and the other key districts did.
Wisconsin was the model and test state for Brad Smith’s ElectionGuard.
Brad grew up in Racine.
Racine is the historic Bellwether district of America.
Caron Butler plays a bigger role than most realize. He was the main partner and mentor to LeBron James for “More than a Vote” and Rock(efeller) the Vote programs. Pro sports are a main part of their agenda for control and manipulation along with music and entertainment. What made COVID “real” and started the cancellations and lockdowns? Who pushed the BLM movement into the spotlight? Who partnered with China to hide crimes against humanity?
We cannot allow elections to be stolen. We cannot allow their agenda to continue.
Expose the “root” (Racine). Reveal the Agenda (Global and Eternal Enslavement). Deny The Mark of the Beast. Sustainability is the great deception to forge the agenda.
They will never stop until the root is exposed and the people realize what their true agenda is. The Parousia begins in Racine.
Well spoken.
Zuckerborg's wife is asshoe.
Link to his Telegram post
Did this ever happen yet?
Someone needs to make a JOKer meme.
So. The promised bombshell, did it drop yet?
Post is dated May 23rd. O'Keefe states 'Tomorrow: Multiple whistleblowers..' = May 24th.
Its 24th here and I am getting antsy ... but yeah I will wait for the rest of the world to catch up to 24th ;)
What the hell is beyond what we don't already know?
Everytime someone says sometime in the future they will leak something, nothing happens. Just leak it, why the warning?
Project Veritas leaks stuff all the time.