"'For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time.
“'So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.'" Matthew 24:24-27
I don't believe he is the second coming of Christ. I do however believe that he could be the King David Kim Clement talks about in one of his prophecy's.
NO!!! He is annointed by God...protected by His armour, sword and was given the key of David. Many over biblical history have been annointed. Think David....
Keep reading the bible fren but be humble while doing so.
No. You went too far out. We only worship one God. Trump is the best president in this country's history, and one of the prime figures in God's side. But he's still just a man, sinner like any of us, longing for the grace of salvation like any of us.
The second coming is not a physical Jesus descending from the clouds in a robe and sandals to come and save us, I'm afraid.
The second coming occurs when a sufficient number of us realize that we; ourselves, are directly connected to GOD, with abundant resources to 'save' ourselves instead of leaning on others telling us how to think and behave.
We've been distracted and fooled for centuries, and it's time we ended that now.
On the Trump lineage I could only get as far back as the father of Hans Trump [1551-1619], who was named Michel for whom no birth/death dates are given.
However on Donald Trump's mothers side, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, I could take her genealogy all the way back to Adam and Eve. Here are some of her ancestors:
Trump is definitely chosen. As we all are. But for Trump you can see his purpose on a grand stage. Now what mistakes or accomplishments he has done with his time are in his own shoulders, even though the entire world felt them. Like Mike Pence. I heard many religious people voted for him over Trump during the election. Did Pence make the right decisions God would have expected of him? Only God gave him his position. Even if he had ill intentions, he could’ve changed for the better, did he? I don’t know. I do know Trump also gave him chances to “make the hard decisions”, once for sure. When Jesus Christ returns, don’t worry, you’ll know. The Storm.
You need to turn "Community Styling" off in your settings and the down-vote buttons will become visible.
"'For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time.
“'So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.'" Matthew 24:24-27
I don't believe he is the second coming of Christ. I do however believe that he could be the King David Kim Clement talks about in one of his prophecy's.
NO DJT has been chosen and anointed by GOD to carry the sword into this battle...
NO!!! He is annointed by God...protected by His armour, sword and was given the key of David. Many over biblical history have been annointed. Think David....
Keep reading the bible fren but be humble while doing so.
In my own interpretation of Bible, Moses fought the first "Cabal", Christ fought the second "Cabal" and Trump is fighting the current day Cabal.
Yep sorry this is more my interpretation. Not that Trump IS Jesus, but he's doing his work
No. You went too far out. We only worship one God. Trump is the best president in this country's history, and one of the prime figures in God's side. But he's still just a man, sinner like any of us, longing for the grace of salvation like any of us.
The second coming is not a physical Jesus descending from the clouds in a robe and sandals to come and save us, I'm afraid.
The second coming occurs when a sufficient number of us realize that we; ourselves, are directly connected to GOD, with abundant resources to 'save' ourselves instead of leaning on others telling us how to think and behave.
We've been distracted and fooled for centuries, and it's time we ended that now.
Exactly my beliefs. Probably didn't articulate it properly, got a bit creeped out when I found out his whole family had Christ in their names
No...but through his mother's bloodline he goes back to Adam:
Ready for some interesting information? Chasing the Trump family lineage on the most comprehensive genealogy site in the world:
On the Trump lineage I could only get as far back as the father of Hans Trump [1551-1619], who was named Michel for whom no birth/death dates are given.
However on Donald Trump's mothers side, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, I could take her genealogy all the way back to Adam and Eve. Here are some of her ancestors:
Edward the Elder King of the Anglo-Saxons https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LCDM-N61
morgan La fey https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHJQ-QJN
Thor or Tror the Thracian, King of Thrace https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHVS-BZ1
Judah, King of Goshen https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHVS-KR5
Abraham 2046 BC – 1872 BC https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHVS-X1N
Enoch (Henoch/Akhnukh) 3378 BC – 2948 BC https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHVS-P38
Adam (Adama/Adapa/Atab) 4004 BC – 3070 BC https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHV3-Q6K
Eve (Hawah, Ava, Nin-Khawa) Deceased https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GHVS-Y15
That's impressive.
Only Sons of Satan would need to ask such questions because Christians would be able to recognize Christ for who He is.
Who is he?
Jesus told us who he is.
Fairdinkum galah.
hahahaha...had to look it up!
Please stop. Read the Bible. No.
Mother’s name was Mary . . .
I dont like this comparison. President Trump is more like you and me than Jesus Christ.
I do not feel like my entire existence is being called into question when someone disagrees with me so I can handle you not agreeing with me.
Trump is definitely chosen. As we all are. But for Trump you can see his purpose on a grand stage. Now what mistakes or accomplishments he has done with his time are in his own shoulders, even though the entire world felt them. Like Mike Pence. I heard many religious people voted for him over Trump during the election. Did Pence make the right decisions God would have expected of him? Only God gave him his position. Even if he had ill intentions, he could’ve changed for the better, did he? I don’t know. I do know Trump also gave him chances to “make the hard decisions”, once for sure. When Jesus Christ returns, don’t worry, you’ll know. The Storm.