Once again the military did not give the wreath to Biden to place at the tomb of the unknown soldier. They even moved the tripod up so it was nowhere near the tomb. It says it all doesn't it,. NCSWIC.
Comments (39)
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Low-effort retarded post. People should know by now that you have to provide the sauce or GTFO...
I thought this site was for all patriots. I don't go on Youtube, Facebook or Twitter. I also do not know how to save those types of things. I guess I'm to old for this place. Maybe I should GTFO. Thanks for being an asswhole.
This is a research board where assertions and theories are backed up with sources.
This is way more than a research board. All of us here have specific talents. While I am not tech savy, I can always count on my frens to help me out with clips. Mine is a specific political talent I have engaged in for 50 years. I have taught thousands of citizens how to gather and fight. We have fought some of the largest corrupt corporations in the world and won. One of my fights took 5 1/2 years of my life. Not a paid position either. Just a citizen fighting for what was right. I hope you have more talent than just copying someone elses work to put here on this site.
I was actually composing a very thoughtful response to your comment when I re-read your last sentence... and now, not so much.
I would be more than happy to help guide you to learn how to archive pertinent articles or to hunt for relevant data, but not when you make unnecessary statements such as the above, which only highlight how butthurt you actually are with someone pointing out the obvious: that this is a research board where sources are required when making claims of fact.
You made a claim of fact. You did not back it up with a source.
Got downvoted for speaking the truth. Sad.
There are a lot of flaming fucktards on this site that think their downvotes matter, for whatever reason. It sucks to be them. Don't worry about it.
I guess OP is just butthurt that her post didn't get pinned and that we are instead being critical...
OP could help her case out by ASKING QUESTIONS on how to "save those types of things" instead of pouting like a child.
Well... Bye!
Or go find it yourself. Too lazy to do a websearch so you have to insult someone. Cool flex bro.
The people that create a post are the ones that need to provide links to their sources. Such a simple rule, yet you can't understand it. So sad.
Here is one, around 13:00 in.
Thanks for the link. I don’t see anything weird about it. It looks like he touches it similar to what Trump did.
Yw. If you watch it from the beginning, you will see the soldier place the wreath on the stand. For all other recent presidents, the soldier walks it back with the current president's hand on it and then places it on the stand, like this. This wasn't done for the potato either today or on Jan 20.
They were afraid Biden would drop it.
You’re the real MVP
Ha ha
Thanks for the help fren. I do not watch youtube or go to facebook or twitter. I can always count on one of you to help me out. My talent is a specific political talent that I have engaged in for 50 years. I have taught many thousands of people how to have a voice and how to use their talents in politcal fights against some of the largest corporations in the world. However, I am not very tech savy. I do hope this platform is large enough for all talents toward the better good of patriotism. If your only talent is copying someone's reporting or videos, your work load has been thousands of hours simpler than mine.
My goodness. Are you always this full of yourself?
Do you see everyone in the thread asking for a SOURCE?? You obviously saw this happen somewhere.. and can't even be assed to share. And that, Fren, is the definition of LAZY.
Your multifarious talents would best be served on patriots.win.
Actually not better than you. I'm in awe of all of the talent on this board. You guys have saved me. There is so much talent in people who don't even know they have a part to play. I do see people asking for source.
I will try to tell you where I read it or saw it on the news. I do not know how to copy it. However, you little snot nose in your basement attachers of youtube videos do not know the first thing about how to fight this corruption.
Why do you always need to throw in an insult at the end?? Why?
Yeah. You are right. I will try not to do that. I'm sorry. It's the fight in me.
It's ok, Fren! We all get heated. We just need to remember that we're all on the same team.
There is so much nuance to communication that gets lost when it's just in type. Makes for lots of misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
No one can know everything - it is like the fable of the lion and the mouse - a little humility goes a long way fren.
I am not on FB or Twitter any more, but YT is hard to quit. I have always been conservative, but my eyes have been open for a little less than a year now.
biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSt-mjOJibw
Pres Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kgbv_EI8Bw
Thanks for both links. Very interesting to compare them. Things that I noticed in Joe's was the fact that the Military had no medals on their uniforms. Also, Joe had a back up group of past Presidents. The women, or 2 women and one man, are all dressed in Purple. The best President, DJTrump brought next level respect. The comparison is no contest. Respect was lacking in Bidens
yvw i noticed the lack of medals too.
Looks similar to when I saw Trump go up and touch the wreath.
I don’t see a difference either?
Yeah no source no upvote
Can't snub him enough for me!!
Once again?
They did it on Inauguration Day too. Past presidents all have laid the wreath themselves on Inauguration Day. They did not let Biden lay the wreath. Symbolism means everything in the military.