Where is the common ground? Where is the topic we can agree on? I love the USA and, like you, I swore to protect & defend the Constitution. This lady did the same but betrayed this oath the moment her hand left the Bible. I see no love of country in her. If there is a way to unify with people like her and her kind, I am willing to listen. If not, then this is a lady that should be paying for any crimes committed against this great republic.
I'm from Commieforia originally. Looking back I was awake on somethings in my gut, but =I didn't know how to express it. I was a libtard who hated Bush (still do) but I was unaware of how deep the programming went or that it was even there to begin with..
I was on tour with a band and ended up staying with a nice Christian family in the Midwest. When I walked into their home there was a big picture of Reagan on the fireplace. All my programming was telling me that I as supposed to hate these people.
I couldn't even figure out why I was supposed to hate them other then a nebulous rationalization that was like kind of like seeing a figure out of the corner of your eye. When you tried to look directly at it, there was just a 404 File Not Found error.
They were so kind and gracious and over the course of a few days I found that I could not bring myself to hate these nice people. Over the course of a couple days it occurred to me that we agreed on like 90% of subjects. Some of that 10% I disagreed with then, I actually came to accept as I got older and more red-pilled.
We have stayed good friends. We have met up in several countries when our path's crossed on our travels. These where the Christians that show you what it is all about. They were not judgmental, they lived the Bible through their deeds and seeing that in action brought me around 100% on Christianity and that was the beginning of a long road to coming back to Jesus.
As Q said, there are still more good people than bad people. General Flynn is putting into words what I experienced, and I agree with him 100%
I've been trying to get ANY Democrat to name one policy of Biden that is good for the U.S., and one policy of Trump that was bad for the U.S. So far, no takers.
Satan is the enemy, Flynn calls it like it is … deep stuff. A lot of Americans don’t believe there even is a devil.
There are a whole bunch of ‘Republicans’ who are in bed with the enemy. Shit, look at Pence … all talk about Christianity, but so fast to betray.
The large majority of new-ish democrats have been brainwashed. Programmed from childhood… in school…. TV/movies … Unis…. Virtue signaling workplaces. Etc.
General, how do we find unity with this?
Where is the common ground? Where is the topic we can agree on? I love the USA and, like you, I swore to protect & defend the Constitution. This lady did the same but betrayed this oath the moment her hand left the Bible. I see no love of country in her. If there is a way to unify with people like her and her kind, I am willing to listen. If not, then this is a lady that should be paying for any crimes committed against this great republic.
I'm from Commieforia originally. Looking back I was awake on somethings in my gut, but =I didn't know how to express it. I was a libtard who hated Bush (still do) but I was unaware of how deep the programming went or that it was even there to begin with..
I was on tour with a band and ended up staying with a nice Christian family in the Midwest. When I walked into their home there was a big picture of Reagan on the fireplace. All my programming was telling me that I as supposed to hate these people.
I couldn't even figure out why I was supposed to hate them other then a nebulous rationalization that was like kind of like seeing a figure out of the corner of your eye. When you tried to look directly at it, there was just a 404 File Not Found error.
They were so kind and gracious and over the course of a few days I found that I could not bring myself to hate these nice people. Over the course of a couple days it occurred to me that we agreed on like 90% of subjects. Some of that 10% I disagreed with then, I actually came to accept as I got older and more red-pilled.
We have stayed good friends. We have met up in several countries when our path's crossed on our travels. These where the Christians that show you what it is all about. They were not judgmental, they lived the Bible through their deeds and seeing that in action brought me around 100% on Christianity and that was the beginning of a long road to coming back to Jesus.
As Q said, there are still more good people than bad people. General Flynn is putting into words what I experienced, and I agree with him 100%
I've been trying to get ANY Democrat to name one policy of Biden that is good for the U.S., and one policy of Trump that was bad for the U.S. So far, no takers.
Satan is the enemy, Flynn calls it like it is … deep stuff. A lot of Americans don’t believe there even is a devil.
There are a whole bunch of ‘Republicans’ who are in bed with the enemy. Shit, look at Pence … all talk about Christianity, but so fast to betray.
The large majority of new-ish democrats have been brainwashed. Programmed from childhood… in school…. TV/movies … Unis…. Virtue signaling workplaces. Etc.
They are asleep.
Pence is a CINO. Christian in name only.
You don't have to believe in the devil existing to understand the common decency that the Bible teaches.
Even our own side picks and chooses from the Bible to suit their biases, and "love thy neighbor" is forgotten in favor of X/Y/Z thing they don't like.
dont ask that - they always say trannies in girl's sports then use it as a way to smear you when you inevitably disagree.
So it’s fine for biological boys to bully biological girls. Substitute bully for oppress if you need more marxist speech
No its not ok, what are you talking about?
100% correct